Monday, April 9, 2012

Heading for Spain!

Well I never been to Spain
But I kinda like the music
Say the ladies are insane there
And they sure know how to use it........   
This weekend during our Easter Celebration at my Mom's the words to this old Three Dog Night song entered into the conversation.  I'll tell you why in a minute!
That handsome young man in the photo up there with his ol' Auntie Cathy is my nephew Adam. 
He turned 20 years old on April 1st.  There has to be something special about a kid when they're born on April fools day wouldn't you agree?
Let me tell you a little about Adam.  
He is currently attending Concordia University in Moorhead MN.  He is studying nursing and carries a double major in that and Spanish. He speaks fluent Spanish. He just returned from his second trip to Costa Rica. In a couple of weeks he will be traveling to Spain to live for over a month to earn credits for the Spanish major. While there he will only be speaking Spanish so I hope he doesn't forget how to speak English!  LOL!
His Dad( my brother) and I were singing the words to I Never Been to Spain and Adam said he had never heard that song!  So there are parts to his journey in life that need to be filled in I guess! 
Any way Adam is the recipient of the Spiral hooked mat. I think the spiral is very fitting for him as he journeys through life and experiences all the colorful and exciting things along the way. 
He seemed very pleased to have something handmade and loved all the colors in the mat.  I have to tell you that Adam is also an accomplished musician and sings in the choir and performed in show choir when he was in high school. 

I think it's wonderful that he is going into the medical field and he has told us that he possibly might go into the Peace Corp.  What ever you do Adam may all the positive and good energies in the Universe continue to guide your path! 
Right after our Easter Dinner Adam hopped right up and did the dishes for Grandma and all of us!  Didn't I tell you he is one sweet kid!
( one word of advice for you Adam..... watch out for those insane ladies over in Spain.... they might not be rug hookers!!

Aunt Cathy G


  1. Well...Adam sounds like a perfect catch for anyone !! What a guy !! And, oh your last little pun !!!
    Here's hoping Adam's travels are sucessful and safe !!

  2. What a delightful post Cathy. I think that you chose the recipient of your spiral rug very well. Good luck to Adam on his continuing journey. I can tell how proud you are of him. Hugs. JB

  3. It's young people like Adam that prove that there's hope for our future.
    I wish him all the success the world has to offer. I know you and your family can't help but be proud of hium.
    A deserving recipient of a loving gift!

  4. What a precious Ant you are!!!!! I hope Adam does really well over in Spain! Nice to see a clean cut kid with alot of vim, viger and drive!!!!! Good for him
    Godspeed Adam!
    Vaya con Dios!

  5. What a great gift for a very deserving young man. Hope enjoys every minute of Spain!

  6. What a wonderful, talented young man. I wish him much success along with safe travels. Your pile of worms is dwindling, the spiral mat came out nicely, very bright and cheery. Belated Easter greetings from Maine, Julie.

  7. Nursing and Spanish...what a perfect combination! Your nephew is one amazing guy...the prefect recipient for your spiral mat...

  8. Adam sounds like a very deserving recipient of your beautiful mat. I am sure he will enjoy his time in Spain. He sounds like a wonderful person and will surely make a difference in the world, no matter where life takes him.

  9. What a fine young man!!! I am so jealous that he is going to Spain! I've been there (a long, LONG time ago!) and I absolutely loved it.
    Hugs :)

  10. Congratulations to Adam and all his accomplishments!!! You can tell your very proud of him.
    Good Luck to Adam in his travels may the journey be a safe one!!
    Such a wonderful gift you gave him ~ I'm sure he is very proud to have something made by you!
    Prim Blessings

  11. cathy, what a great nephew you have! and im sure he will cherish the spiril mat. his life is so full of promise and hope! just like the mat his life is going round and round til he decides its time to sit still! glad you had bonding time with family! enjoy your day!!

  12. What an amazing young man he is. So smart and accomplished and interesting...he has a wonderful life ahead of him, to be sure. Lucky you to be his aunt!

  13. Cathy, what a handsome man!! APril fools... that was my due date with Steven... but he came on the 5th instead.... Sending safe travels! OLM

  14. very cute. I am sure he loved his auntie's art work.

  15. Cathy..... this is such a happy and exciting post. Your must be so proud of your amazing nephew! Also, I'm starting that spiral pad today. For such a simple project, it's just the best looking piece! (well, maybe it's not that simple). I can't think of what to hook right now, or where to put anything, but that just seems the perfect piece to use up some worms.... and it looks fabulous wherever it lands!


  16. Hi Cathy,
    Doing some "catching up" and know you must be so very proud of your well you should be!!! How very exciting for him to be able to travel at his age!! My daughter went to Europe for her major in english and it was such a great experience for her!!
    Love your mat and I am sure he does too!!
    Warm Blessings~~

  17. this post just warms my heart! love, karen


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