Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Day Spent Antiquing..... Come Along!!

I needed a day away with a friend so badly!  After being sick all last week and trying to play catch up I was jumping for joy when my friend Sue called and said she could take the day and go bumming!  We love spending a day in a town about a half hour drive north of here called Spooner, WI. There are about five shops in that area filled with treasures but one in particular I will tell you is fantastic!  I am going to take you on a tour of Prock's Crocks and Antiques in a minute and introduce you to Bill Prock the shops owner.  But first lets stop at a quaint little coffee shop for a grilled chicken and pesto paninni sandwhich and caramel latte'coffee.

The coffee shop is called the Alley Cat and has the neatest artist painted sign on the wall!
Sue never wants her photo taken but when you travel with a friend who has a blog you know sooner or later you're going to end up on there!  She's a cutie and I feel bad the photo is of poor quality. Shooting with a window behind a person without using a flash is always a bad idea! ( our lunch was delish btw and the chips were awesome like home made).

Soon we were at our destination and caught  Bill the owner outside in front of the old brick school house that houses the shop.  It is a huge shop and Bill is in the process of building another building along side the school to house his ever growing inventory of top of the line antiques.  Let's go in and take a look!

Winnebago baskets of all sizes and beautiful!!  How about a few of these for your wool worm storage!!

This is the most unusual old metal pantry I've ever seen. I Didn't ask Bill the story behind it but I bet there is a good one!

Neat little model log cabin..... look at the old detailed little door.... 

This piece caught our attention immediately!!  What an awesome old advertising lantern! Those are the original old glass panels that are hand painted with advertising and light up when the lantern is on! The red metal is original paint also.   I want!!!!

Just a smidgeon of the blue and white enamel ware in the shop.

FABULOUS old Burl bowl with repair dated 1768....   

Loved this old chest with eight drawers.....

more crocks and an old flying geese quilt caught my eye.....

take a closer look....mmmmm fabrics to drool over..... 

This little early herb or candle drying rack with original pumpkin paint really caught my eye...think it was priced at 195.00  ( not bad  I didn't think)  

.... had to go back and take another look at that quilt..... loved the blue calico backing.... 795.00 

Another adorable small  probably walnut chest of drawers.

Early bowls with original paint.

My BIG purchase today..... a tiny basket.  It was under 10 dollars and I thought it would work in a craft project down the road.  I had to pretty much window shop today as the budget is pretty tight these days.  So hard when you see so many wonderful treasures. 

So here is Bill Prock the man behind the counter and the guy who makes it all happen at Prock's Crocks and Antiques!   He's married to a sweetheart of a gal named Joyce who had the day off today! Bill is known through out the nation for his knowledge of stoneware and has some of the rarest and finest antiques  you will ever find anywhere!  Please check his website  and you will see what I mean!  

It is really great to have a shop of this caliber in our neck of the woods!  Bill and Joyce are long time friends of ours and will treat you right should you ever decide to come visit. Feel free to give Bill a call at 715-635-3655 if you saw something in the photos you love!  I believe he ships items upon request.
Hope you enjoyed coming along with Sue and I today!  

Cathy G


  1. Oh Cathy, I spotted some wonderful items ~ I'm drooling here. Love the wooden chests and that lantern ~ oh my!!!
    Sounds like a wonderful day spent with a friend!!!
    Thanks for taking us along!
    Prim Blessings

  2. Thanks for sharing! I've had the pleasure of window shopping and dreaming at Procks and Crocks after a day of canoeing at Jack's on our annual trek to Hayward. So many treasures to see! This summer I think we need to stop in Spooner, too!
    Blessings, Patti

  3. What a wonderful day!...thanks for sharing...glad you are feeling better!..Blessings,~Ronda

  4. Loved this post. My very early ancestors settled in Wisconsin and it was a treat to see antiques from that era. Glad you had such a fun day and thank you for sharing!

  5. Ooooooooh wowie! I love the advertising lantern and the quilt!!!! Now I'm going to be thinking about them ALL day! lol! Thank you for taking us along on your trip! It's always good to get out of the house and dream!

  6. That lantern is wonderful! What a field trip for you and your friend...and all of us as well. Thanks for taking us along!

  7. Wow ...Im drooling already and its not even noon ...thanks for taking us a long !Looks like a fun time! Now Im off to visit Bills site! Have a great day ! hugs lil raggedy angie

  8. so glad you are feeling better! How nice you had a friend who was able to join you for some window shopping. Sometimes that's the best way to shop :). Great pieces, thank you for sharing with us!

  9. Cathy,
    So glad to hear you are feeling better and had a fun day away with a dear friend. I've been to Spooner several years ago. That looks like an awesome shop and one I would enjoy! Might have to take a road trip this summer. If I do I'll let you know. Hugs, Lori

  10. What a great antique shop! I looked at his site and in awe! You are so lucky to have such a shop near you. Hope all is well with you and your class is going well.

  11. well i am glad you are feeling better and got out for a bit yesterday! it was nice to meet your friend and those sandwhiches looked great! my family knows if we go out it needs to involve food! i love the shop you went too. oh my what fun things to see! today i am hitting the back yard even tho the weather isnt the best but, its calling me! enjoy your day!!

  12. OMG, the thought of spending time in an antique shop like Bill's makes my heart go pitty-pat, big time. You're so lucky to have such great stores nearby! PS Love the sign at the Alley Cat. XXX

  13. OMG!!! Cathy, I want that lantern too...LOVE!!! Do I dare even ask how much it was??? I am sure it was LOTS!!! thanks for sharing! OLM

  14. A wonderful shop and a great day. Glad you got out with a friend.

  15. We don't have any shops with good early primitives anymore & I so miss it. I think I have a little primitive envy. Jan

  16. Cathy ~
    Glad to hear you are feeling better!
    What a wonderful shop. I was able to enlarge a couple pics and see the prices. OUCH!!! Much too rich for my blood though absolutely fantastic pieces. Maybe in my next lifetime...sigh!
    Hugs :)

  17. What a great shop to visit! Thanks for taking us along and so glad your feeling better :)

  18. Oh my HECK!!! I want everything I see!!! But that lantern - oh my - that gorgeous lantern!!! And the amazing crocks!!! He must have the very best of anything there was to be had in Wisconsin in his shop! Oh, oh....I see a road trip in my future.....heaven help me, b/c I enlarged the photos and saw the prices....Eeeekkk!! But golly - those just aren't things you see everyday!!! Thanks so much for sharing this treasure with us!!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin (Yup, I'm still here....spending my daily blog allowance at the Orange Sink....) ;o)


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