Saturday, February 25, 2012

Things are Hopping Around Here!

I know I've been absent from blogging for awhile!  Things have been hopping around here getting ready for the first session of my beginning rug hooking class at WITC.  I'm happy to report the success of the first class and hopefully introduce to you soon all the newest rug hookers from our area!  Nine ladies of the ten students were present and Mary Kay got the flu so she wisely stayed home to rest!  We will see you next week I'm sure Mary Kay!  
I love teaching and only felt a little rattled and slightly shaky when nine pairs of eyes were closely observing me hooking and watching so closely!  I had them take their hooks and hold them in their hands while watching me hook for a few minutes!  By the time they sat down and pulled their first loop the hooks felt a little more natural to hold and soon they were all hooking away!  After about a half-hour I was hearing things like " Wow.... I like this!"   And " I could see not wanting to stop doing this!"  Well, what do you think?  Are they hooked?    Oh yeah!!   They're hooked!!
I didn't take photos as the class flew by so quickly and I was hopping around like a jack rabbit answering questions and checking everyone's progress!
So stay tuned .... it promises to be exciting  as the next class session takes place next Thursday!

As if I didn't have enough on my mind last week, the Chronotype our local newspaper wanted to do a feature story on me!  The reporter Valerie Leair did a great job!  I tried to talk her into becoming a hooker too so we'll see what happens there! LOL!

Here is a bad photo I took of the newspaper article.

It was a full page spread!  I wish I could somehow link you to the story online.  The newspaper has a paid subscription for online subscribers..... and so far I have been told ( by my hubby who is the sports guy.... that you can't link to the story unless you are a paid subscriber.) Well, unless you are interested in what happens around our fair city of Rice Lake, WI I doubt you will want to subscribe just to read about me. 
(although I do have to tell you Dave writes some pretty interesting stuff in his outdoor pages and journal every week.... nature writing at it's best.) A sub. would be worth it for that alone!  ( your welcome honey ;-)) 

Now, after all of that excitement I had wool from Heavens to Betsy arrive here yesterday!  Jill Holmes of NorthwoodsWool.Com  and I went together on a big order.  I relaxed last evening by washing and tearing it into quarter yard pieces. Yes.... that is relaxing to me. Then I like to sit and stare at it for awhile. So here you go...... sit back with a cupa something and stare away!  It relaxes the mind and body!

Oh one last thing!  The rug in progress at the top is a pattern by Robin Leuschen of Bird In The Hand Primitives.  I love this adorable pattern she designed called Oh Spring!  I have been thinking that a lot lately as in "Oh Spring.... where art though?!"  I hear a major snow storm could be headed our way this week.  Ugh!  Anyway Robins pattern is a punch needle pattern that I adapted for rug hooking.  Her pattern is available Here if you would like one for yourself!  Isn't Robin doing a great job on her hooking?( See her blog)   She is teaching herself and I see the makings of a master rug hooker in her future!  You go Robin!  Enjoy every Loop!!!

Cathy G



  1. I love her angel, I love her work, I love what you are doing with her pattern.
    Congratulations on the articel and the class. i am so happy for you!

  2. Cathy ~
    My! You are a celebrity! I bet that will help you get more students next time around. Congrats to you ?)
    Your wool is so perfectly organized. Will you come do mine? Pretty please with sugar on top (as we said as a kid)???
    Your rug looks wonderful!
    Hugs :)

  3. WOW! You certainly have been busy.
    Glad the class is going well. I bet those ladies can hardly wait till next week.
    Love the rug you are working on! Maybe it will bring good luck and the snow will pass us by for this year. Groundhog predictions or not.
    The wool from Heavens to Betsy looks so nice and soft! I can see why tearing and folding is so comforting.
    Have a great weekend!
    Congratulations on the feature article!!!

  4. You must be sooo honored and excited to have that newspaper article about you and your work !! Good stuff for a talented lady !!
    I love your rug so far !! and your compliments are too kind !! I love hooking ...I have become hooked !! and I feel more at ease with each rug I work on, it is really relaxing, but it would be REALLY relaxing to play with all that droolworthy wool !!
    p.s I bet you are a super nice and helpful teacher...would love to take a class from you !!

  5. Congratulations for being featured in the newspaper!!!
    Love what your working on and your wool stacks are beautiful!!!
    Prim Blessings

  6. Cathy, what a celebrity! I wish I was there in your class just to see the glow on your students' faces, once they get "hooked" like us!

  7. Hi, Cathy:
    What a wonderful honor to be published in the paper! I've been staring at your wool for a while. Sigh... gorgeous colors. I love Robin's patterns also. She is doing a fantastic job learning to hook.
    I'm glad your class is such a success. It looks like the hookers are hooked.

  8. Super news from your front!! Of course you have those ladies hooked! Your Betsy wool is wonderful...I wish my shelves were full with those beauties! Lovely hooking...I love Robin's patterns! I'm so thrilled that you are getting so many good things happening!!

  9. congrats and wow! You just had your 15 minutes of fame. your rug is wonderful and 10 new hookers in the world amazing.

  10. Congrats on getting in the paper!!! I agree, LOVE to look at my wool stash too!!! Your class sounds fun! Thanks for sharing :) Enjoy your day! All My Best ~Kimberly

  11. Congratulations Cathy on the newspaper article and with the success of your recent rug hooking class. I do love Robin's patterns and your wool stash is such wonderful eye candy. Winter's tight grip remains on us here in Maine. Greetings, Julie.

  12. Congratulations on the newspaper story! Also your successful first night of class. Oh...and I love your seeing your wool all washed and folded and tidy on the shelf. Good thing you can't see mine....

  13. Congrats on the newspaper article--what an honor!! All that wool in the cupboard is just absolutely gorgeous!!! I wish I was closer--I would LOVE to take classes. -Jan

  14. Congratulations Cathy on being featured in the local newspaper and for having a whole page to advertise about your teaching and creations. I'm tickled pink and so proud of your accomplishments. You took the leap of faith last year and now you are a celebrity. You will get so busy that you will have difficulty blogging as often.
    You wool stash is to die for, so neat and plentiful. Cathy, you ((ROCK)) Hugs. JB

  15. Sounds like you had a wonderful week all around! I tried the link to your local newspaper and then searched "Loop by Loop," and I did get to the article, one more click getting the full article. Be sure to try it out and reblog the links - great news to share with your blog community! ... jan

  16. Cathy, Your rug is coming along nicely. I have to laugh at you saying you like to sit and look at your wool. I'm sitting here looking at your wool too, drooling over those blues. Wowsers.~Ann

  17. My goodness...that is one lovely wool stash! Your little rug is so the green dress. Great pic in the news article!

  18. Congrats on your success! It's happy to hear there are people near you that are becoming hooked on hooking! It really is such a relaxing and fun craft. I should pull out my hook and frame later today. The pic of all the wools is a beauty! Heavens to Betsy has so many irresistible woolens this month... :-)

  19. Wonderful that you're in the paper! Wish we could read the article! Your wool looks great ~ so organized! Congrats on yr class

  20. Wow Cathy, congrat's on that full page article. I'm sure you were smiling from ear to ear :).
    Your journey into the teaching I feel is going to keep on growing. Word by mouth, from all your students already is going to bring you many more :). Enjoy every minute of it.
    Loved looking at all your organized wool... mmmmmmmm

  21. Congrats on your newspaper story!!! I had one done on me long ago too,still have it and I have to laugh at the things I was making way back when. I LOVE your rug!! I've adapted several of Robin's doodles into hooked rugs. I hope mine will turn out as neat as your's!!!

  22. cathy, congrats on your class! always nervous before but once it gets going, i know that they all enjoyed it and are future hookers! love your wool. wish i could come fold and stack for you! congrats on the newspaper article! a whole page! thats so cool! love the rug your hooken now! colors are great! enjoy your day cathy! we kinda are starting a storm up here so need to run get dog food then hopefully hunker down for the day and hook!

  23. And to think, we all knew you when...and now you are a celebrity - if there were an Ocsar for the rug hooking world you certainly would get it for hooking, teaching, and organizing! My goodness LOVE GAZING all all the wool - mine is now wet from the drool....

  24. Congrats on your article! Great to promote rug hookng. My you are organized! I just got my order from Betsy and it is no way organized like yours. I am still waiting on shelves. So pretty looking at yours all washed and ready! thanks

  25. AWESOME! A full page article in the paper is great. I hope it will plant a seed for the next class of new hookers.
    Love the Spring Angel too.

  26. What fun, Cathy! i googled the Chronotype and then searched for your article and there it was! Sarah

  27. congratulations! and i love the angel mat you are working on.

  28. Congratulations on the newpaper article, Cathy! Your class sounds as if it is off to a great start, and I LOOOOVE your wool all neatly stacked in the cupboard...I'm jealous :0)


  29. So very proud of you!!!!! Congrats on your new students! YOU GO GIRL!
    Glad to see your colorful header again.......that drawing of that old rug made me sleepy. LOL ZZZZZZZZZZ Gotta have that color fix from you!
    Hugs and "Break a leg"

  30. How absolutely fun! So glad you have so many new hookers and love what your working on! Congrats on the write up in the paper! Your looking good :)

  31. congrats on being a local celebrity!!! and i love how the angel mat is turning out!! beautiful!! - keep having fun with your class - teaching is so rewarding, especially when you have an enthusiastic group, that loves to learn!!

  32. Congrats on your class and the great article!
    Just had to say how much I love the "Oh spring!" piece...great design and wonderful primitive colors.


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