Monday, February 6, 2012

The Countdown Begins!

Sort of like the groundhog who was forced out of his hole five days ago  to check for his shadow, I've been holed up in my studio... surfacing only to let the dogs out, make more tea and throw a log on the fire.
What's been keeping me so "nose to the grindstone"?
Deadlines looming and things to hook, sew, draw, bind, package, unpackage, prepare and get ready!
I think I may have taken on a bit more than I  realized!
But I am excited!  Things are happening!  
My class has 7 lovely ladies signed up now!  I'm pretty sure this one's a go.  It starts in 18 days! So there's plenty of time for any one thinking of signing up to do so. However the class capacity is 10 so if you have been thinking about signing up I'd give the school a call right away to assure you have a spot!
I am working and getting everything ready to fly..... these ladies want to learn to HOOK and I won't let them be disappointed!!
So was this a crazy time or what to sign up for another fun selling adventure?  Maybe you noticed on my  sidebar I have a link and announcement that I will be selling my hand made wares on the new selling blog Primitive Handmades Mercantile.  We have an update coming on Friday Feb. 17th (there will be one on the 3rd Friday of every month.) This is the first time I have  ever participated in something like this so I have been learning the ropes as well as getting my hand mades made!  I've given you a little sneak peek in the photo above of one of my items.  It turned out sooooo nice....... you don't mind me giving myself a little plug do you?!  Hey.... I need all the self confidence I can get!  The sellers who are participating are the best there is in the market today!  So I have been a little nervous as well that I can measure up to such talent!  
I'll give you another reminder as the day gets closer for the update and a preview of my things..... so keep on the watch!
I am still diligently working on my patterns for sale and hope to have another paper one ready for your spring hooking!  So stay tuned for that too!
My deepest thanks for all the sweet comments on my last post for my sister Michelle. She is doing fine.  No doubt she still has sad thoughts about the life of that young woman and how helpless we are when we can do nothing to save a life.  What we can do though is be aware of those around us and treat each other with all the kindness and respect we can. Whether blogging and commenting on  blogs or standing in the line at the grocery store. You never know how a smile or a simple kind word will affect someone you meet. It creates a positive energy flow that keeps on going like a river. You never know that your simple kindness may in fact save a life of someone down stream!
Sweet blessings my friends!

Cathy G



  1. Cathy, you are so industrious, I can't wait to see your new creations, I'm glad that you are getting an outlet to sell your beauties.

    You always put all you've got in preparing your hooking classes so I know that it will be a great success and I wish you all the BEST.

    You are so right in saying that we'll never know how a smile or a simple kind word will affect someone we meet. Everyone needs affirmations and a kind word now and then.

    Blessings on your day. Hugs, JB

  2. Congratulations on your new venture with Primitive Handmades! Your goodies rock and I see much success in your future! Once again, I envy the ladies in your will be great!
    I can't wait to check out your wares. I'm so pleased about all your success!!

  3. I'm glad your class is filling up nicely. I know your students will have a positive experience with your excellent teaching....and all that beautiful hand-dyed wool.

    That was such a heartbreaking thing for your sister to experience. I'm so grateful that there are dedicated and caring people who can do such difficult work. She deserves all the support that can be given to her. HUGS!!!

  4. Thrilled to hear your news! I will be stalking Primitive Handmades just so I can own a piece of your beautiful artwork!!!!!! Be sure to take time out for "you" so you don't burn out and injure yourself, with all the handwork you are doing!!!!

    KUDOS! HUGS! GREAT SUCCESS! BREAK A LEG........well not really.

  5. Hi Cathy, I know the feeling of nose to the grind stone, trying to get handmades for local shops for spring open houses, deadline only in three weeks, I should have started earlier.LOL Congrats on the new Primitive Handmades, will be keeping an eye out for new items added, just love handmades. Wishing you much success with your new handmades site and your classes. Hugs Vicky

  6. Deadlines are just a part of life now... so I keep telling myself. You will meet yours. Your class will be a blast!

  7. So much hard work...I wish I could take your class, I bet it's going to be just great.

    You are so right about a smile or kind word...a little goes a long way in this busy world. XXXXX

  8. Cathy,
    You know I've been admiring your patterns all along. I'm so pleased for you and I know that you will make a success out of it. I'll be stalking the site :)

  9. Good for you, the class, the selling, you do fabulous work, hope everything goes great for you!

  10. Plug away, girl! I think I see a sheep!
    I still think about that accident from time to time and about how your sister is feeling.

  11. My you are one busy gal....congrats on your new adventure.

  12. Cathy.... you busy busy girl! Even though I hook, would love to take your class just for the pleasure of spending time hooking with you! Can't wait to see the goodies you post. No need to be intimated by anyone! You are one talented and energetic lady. Love seeing your business grow!


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