Monday, January 30, 2012

She tried to help!

My sister Michelle is an EMT who lives in Tempe, AZ.   She tried to help a woman who crashed her car into a house yesterday.   Michelle lives near where the accident happened.  The woman died while Michelle was holding her head.  There was an 18 month old baby in the car who survived.  Here is a news video of the event.   I'll tell you my sister is one strong woman.   Her son Terry served two tours in Iraq.  Nerves of steel I'll tell you!   Hugs to you Michelle if you read this.  You are my hero.   


  1. Oh, my what a tragedy~ Prayers to all~
    Amazing folks like your sister, Angels they are~ hugs to her~

  2. Your sister is an angel on earth... Bless her in her work and life! :)

  3. Cathy, what terrible tragedy, but your sister stopped and helped, most would just keeping going. Definetly a Angel!

    PS... just caught your sellng blog too... will you sell finished items too? Love all your creations! OLM

  4. Oh gosh I saw that on the news last night! I didn't know you had family in Tempe, which is about a half hour, 45 mins from me. In fact,my foster dogs come from a group in Tempe! Small world.

  5. It makes you wonder what that woman was thinking or if she had gotten ill ~ 50 miles an hour in an alley way isn't the norm. Bless your sister for being there and that man was blessed by not being in the room. What a story!!

  6. My sister reports that the police are saying it was a suicide. I can't get this out of my head today. Such a horrific thing. Prayers for all involved go out.
    Cathy G

  7. Cathy, it is nice to know we still have people in this world like your sister who are not afraid to get involved. She did all she could. Thank heavens the child was not hurt.

  8. How very sad. So glad your sister tried to help and that the little one will be okay. Your sis is one special lady!

  9. Thank goodness there are people like your sister in this world. Michelle did all she could, I do hope the little one pulls through. Prayers go out to all.

  10. God bless you Michelle! I thank God for people like you, who risk it all, and do it all to serve others in need.

  11. Cathy ~
    How sad. If it was suicide, okay, but the child??? I just don't understand.
    God Bless your sister.
    Hugs :)

  12. That is so tragic. And even more so after reading your follow up comment. Your sister is wonderful caring person to help out in an emergency.

  13. This is such a heart-wrenching story. I'm not able to watch the video yet. I think it would stay in my head if I did. And after reading your follow-up comment especially; the little baby could have died, too. Even if she did want to die alone,your sister was the angel sent to be with her at the end.

  14. My Gosh!!! How terrible! What a horrible tragedy for everyone involved, and yes.... so hard to not think about something like this and how profoundly sad.........


  15. Cathy: your sister is, indeed, a hero. I cannot imagine how long that will be with her. The men and women who serve us in this way are all heroes, we just usually don't get to know their names. Thank you for letting us be part of this; it's yet another reminder how precious life is and how each day we have is so much more than a list of things we wish we didn't have to do. Please send Michelle my hugs...and some for you, too. Martie

  16. So happy there are people like your sister in this world - can't be easy being called out to a situation like that or even just passing by and jumping in! What a tragedy for this woman and her family and that little baby

  17. oh wow!! one huge hug to your sister - she must be one amazing woman indeed!! ...and hugs to you, too! dag

  18. My first thought was, that this had to be a suicide attempt. How heart wrenching that this young mother had to go to such lengths. My heart goes out to the baby left behind.
    God Bless Michelle..............I bet this will stay with her for a lifetime. What a special person she must be. God Bless Her!

  19. Oh my Cathy, I was first thinking that perhaps this young woman might have gone in a Diabetic coma but they say suicide. This tragedy goes beyond a young woman dyeing tragically, I'm thinking of her family and the people who love her that she left behind to morn and care for her baby and all that. Luckily, no one else was hurt in the crash. I feel sorry about the home owner that lost his bedroom. I'd be afraid to go to bed thinking that someone will ram the building again.

    Your sister is really to be commended and you have every right to be proud of her. She's pretty too. Hugs. JB

  20. Cathy - How is your sister doing today?

  21. Wow! Thanks to everyone for all the comments. I had no idea this story would be so wide-spread and affect so many. But like one of the comments said, it does remind one of how precious life is. Life is too short. Live it to the fullest. I was told this tragedy was given to me as a gift. At first I was very confused about that. But now I realize that this woman and I had something in common. For a long time, I felt that there were people in my life that really didn't care about me. But now I see that's not true. This tragedy has brought me closer to my brothers and sisters especially. That's something I've wished for for a very long time. Thanks you guys. Love you all and miss you much.

  22. Cathy, Blessings to your sister for what she does and that she was there for this woman. Prayers are lifted for that baby left behind. Very sad.
    My daughter will be 19 in April and is an EMT here in our town. Last year she heard on her radio that there was an accident close by. She jumped in her car and was there before the Ambulance and sat in the car with the older woman until they got there. She later passed away at the hospital. I didn't know if that would change things for her. But I see it has. She is now in college for Paramedic Science and will become a Paramedic.
    Prayers are also lifted for your sister. She needs to know that We appreciate her :)!


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