Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Burlap and Ticking

The clock is ticking!  Reminding me of those looming deadlines!  So why am I dreaming up yet another project that I hope to have finished in time for the Primitive Handmades  Mercantile update on Feb. 17th?  I have no answer except for this pile of burlap that's been sitting on the shelf in my studio.  I purchased it online a few months ago and loved the different colors it comes in.  Did you know that you can buy burlap in almost any color imaginable?   I purchased it Here  
So maybe it's just another hair- brained idea of mine but I thought why not try and create something with two different fabrics like burlap and vintage ticking and then throw in a little wool for even more creative fun?

Sneak peek again..... the verdict is still out on whether this project will make it to the Mercantile. I just might keep it for myself!!  LOL!
I wanted to let you know that my beginning rug hooking class is for sure a go!  There are now 8 lovely ladies in waiting!!!  Wow!  Two spots left if you are still kicking around the idea of learning rug hooking and live around this area!  I keep putting off the project of drawing my patterns out and getting the wool cut!  Now I have no excuses knowing the class WILL be held.
Tomorrow the ladies are coming for some hooking, chatting and catching up on everyone's lives!  Eva had back surgery since she was here last so we will want to know all about her recovery process.  My 30 year old niece had the same surgery on her back yesterday. Can you believe she is supposed to come home from the hospital today already?  They really do things a lot different and (better I think) now days. 
I had some blood drawn today at the clinic for an appointment next week with my Endocrinology Dr. While checking in the receptionist asked me if I had a computer?  I hesitated but said "yes".  She proceeded to tell me that if I wanted to I could sign up for their new program where I can view all my medical records on line.  She sent pamphlets home explaining it all.  You can even view test results etc.  Hmmmmmm..... sounds like they better have a secure system if they are putting all this private stuff on the internet.... I'm gonna have to think about this one!
I hope to have time to bake some oatmeal banana cookies ( sugarless) before the ladies come tomorrow. So maybe I should get my butt off this computer!
Thought I'd leave you with a great quote I heard today by Roger Miller. 

"If I had my life to live over again..... I wouldn't have the time!"

Cathy G 


  1. Cathy, I love that quote. It's sounds just about right, lol...

    You must be more relaxed this second time around as you are not completely ready, yet you are creating projects for the Mercantile. I'm getting curious about your new project. Burlap, ticking and wool sounds interesting and primitive.

    It would be nice to have access to our medical records online if it was a secure site like the bank are using with account and pin numbers.
    Hugs, JB

  2. I can't wait to see what you are up to with this project. Do I see a little wool appliqué peeking under there??

  3. I'm intrigued by the new project...can't wait to see more. You sound so excited about the class...please share some of the fun with us! I'll have to check out the burlap.

  4. Hi Cathy!
    It is so much fun to sometimes "think outside the box" so using those different fabrics will allow you to really be creative!! I personally love the idea and it looks like a great start!!
    Can't wait to see the results!!
    Have fun with your group and Happy Creating~~

  5. Can't wait to see more of your mystery project - I'm loving the idea of burlap & ticking & wool all together!

  6. Love the quote and congrats on your beginner class.
    Can't wait to see what you make with you burlap and ticking
    the medical records can't be much diffrent than banking on like it's pretty secure but of course it could always get hacked.

  7. Hmmmmm...can't wait t see your mysterious new creation ! I'll bet it is wonderful !
    I so wish I lived nearby I'd be there at your class ...
    I didn't realize you could use plain burlap for rug hooking.. would you suggest it for a beginner like me ??

  8. What a wonderful quote, I have never heard this one before. Who knew burlap came in colors, not I. I am looking forward to seeing what your mystery project is going to be. My medical group has the same plan where you can view medical records and test results on line. I must admit half the time this service does not work, computer issues on their end. Think long and hard, I wish I had not signed on for this service. Your friend from Maine, Julie.

  9. Love the quote! Yes, there are so many goodies in life, and so many we have yet to discover! :-) I love the look of the ticking and burlap too! I can hardley wait to see what the finished project is!

  10. Your project looks pretty yummy to me Cathy! Can't wait to see what you are coming up with using those different fibers. My very best wishes on your class. I know you will all have fun! Hugs, Lori

  11. Love the quote!!!

    The new project looks interesting. I know it will be something really cool coming from you. Darn it, I can't wait!

  12. You little dickens! You are so creative!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see. We all are going to want one - no matter what it is. Hugs to you!!!!

  13. hope the class goes well, love your projects!
    hope all is well with the bloodwork. I would be ver leary of med. records online.

  14. Hi Cathy,
    I read back a few posts...I haven't been here in over a week...lots has happened!
    Congratulations on getting a rug hooking class going. I'm about 5 hours away or I'd be in on this! Seems all the things I want to do are many, many miles away. There's one going on in Wisconsin Rapids that's 3+ hours away...still too far...yikes...nothing around me.

    I'll be anxious to see what you come up with, with the fabric...knowing you it will be wonderful!

    I saw the video of your sister - goodness the car was a mess. I'm happy the baby was okay - at least alive anyway - I pray the baby didn't have life threatening injuries.


  15. You have my curiosity piqued!!! Thanks for the tip on the burlap site.

  16. Cathy, I cannot wait to see more than a sneak peek! i am so happy for your filled up hooking class! I think the teacher always benefits from the creative process with the students as well! Have fun! - And a great weekend!

  17. You make me look like I am standing still!! I am soo happy that you have your students - You will get 2 more, I don't doubt. Will be following from afar and even trying to post from there if I can. Can't wait to see the mystery project - always something wonderful up your sleeve. And that quote is a keeper!!!

  18. Cannot wait to see your latest project! Take care, Janice

  19. Thx for the burlap site, glad to have found your blog:)

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