Monday, December 19, 2011


My post today is a tale of two dolls!  The first is a fabulous real life living doll who is well known to my blogger friends.  Lori Rippey  ( HomespunPrims Blog)!   You'll recall that a few days ago I won a fantastic give-away she was having on her blog!  The package arrived today and I'll tell you what.... I was brought to my knees by the contents!  


A little prim punch needle piece and a quilt that will give you spine tingling , bell ringing , knock your crazy socks right off your feet feeling!  I had to sit down and admire the tiny tiny stitching and the tiny tiny piecing in her work.  Meticulous and fabrics to die for!!  Lori Lori..... no wonder her pieces are highly sought after!  And if the pieces themselves were not enough she had it all wrapped in a scrumptious green plaid HUGE piece of wool!!  I am still pinching myself this afternoon and will be for some time to come that I could be so blessed!  Merry Christmas Lori and Thank-you for being the living doll that you are and drawing my name!!
Another special doll is gracing my home this Christmas.
This one's  a boy doll.
He measures a mere 5 1/2 inches.
Porcelain head and arms and......  


..... oops..... yes, my little man is missing a leg.  There's a story ( you know me and my stories) about what happened to his leg.


This very special little doll belonged to my Dad!
It was given to him by his Aunt Muriel when he was very young.  Possibly for Christmas or his birthday which is Dec. 20th.  My Dad is gone now.  He passed in 1991 at age 66.  
My Grandma gave the doll to my Mom years ago. It has always been stored in this box with a note in my Grandmother's hand which reads: Bob's doll- given to him by Muriel ( my Grandmother's sister) He hung it out car window and lost the one leg. 
I cannot help but smile each time I read it for that is what a little boy must do!  It's probably a miracle the whole doll wasn't lost in the event. 
So today we are lucky enough to have this little treasure and put him out at Christmas.  Mom isn't ready to part with him yet so after Christmas I shall return him in his little box to her and she can squirrel him away in her safe storage place.



So there you have it.  The dolls of Christmas past and present!  Hmmmm....  sounds like the title for a good book!   

Cathy G 


  1. What a cute story about your doll that is missing his leg! Love stories like that. Oooohhh and I simlpy adore that snowman. Lucky you for winning and what a wonderful giveaway that Lori had. I have a small giveaway going on right now if you want to get in on the action. Take care, Janice

  2. What wonderful gifts you received from Lori!! And I LOVE the little boy doll and the story, how precious your mom has it!!
    Happy Howlidays!
    Karen & the Hound

  3. Wow Cathy congratulations, Lady Luck is certainly on your side again. The wool looks yummy and the quilt is just beautiful as well the little pumpkin bag. What a generous gift just in time for Christmas.

    I love the boy doll story. What a great family heirloom. You always manage to have such fantastic posts. Have a fun filled week. Hugs, JB

  4. Cathy,
    I'm so happy you got your goodies today and that you are enjoying them. Just HAD to send a little wool to a fellow rug hooker too so it was the perfect thing for wrapping. You are so welcome. They went to a good home. And I LOVE that box you have them on in the picture!!

    I also enjoyed the story of your dad's doll. Those kind of family stories are to be treasured. How sweet your mom lets you enjoy the doll for a time.

    Also I wanted to say I like the picture of you, mr. Orangesink and your fur babies in your header. The photo shoot story was also a gem! Hugs, Lori

  5. What a wonderful memory you have with your dad's doll.
    And you hit the jackpot on that give away, way to go. Great stuff, love the wool.

  6. Love the doll and story! Yes I'm surprised he still has both legs and arms! Love Lori's little quilt - she does wonderful work! Lucky you! joanne

  7. Wonderful gifts and wonderful doll with it's own little story!!

  8. Cathy ~
    What a great story and what a great treasure to have for the holidays :)
    Lori's work is exquisite. You are so right about the tiny, perfect stitches. I was blessed with one of her quilts a little while back and I will treasure it always!
    Merry Christmas, dear friend!
    Hugs :)

  9. What a delightful post Cathy....Wonderful treasures from dear Lori - I so love what she does, and how she does it! That little quilt is adorable! And I love your doll! The story is just precious...and your grandmother's very matter-of-fact explanation absolutely charming. Love it! Wishing you a season of blessings ~ Robin

  10. Congratulations on your fabulous winnings! Lori is indeed a LIVING DOLL and is so very talented and sweet! It sounds just like her to give you that wonderful wool as a wrapping!! I know she loved doing it too....she is a treasure!!

    I also loved your little boy doll story...and sounds so much like a boy, doesn't it? My youngest brother would always throw his bottle out the window of our car...not a good idea when it was moving!! We went through more bottles that way!!!

    Thank you for sharing about 2 sweet dolls!

    Christmas Blessings~~

  11. So happy for you, just a lovely giveaway!
    The little Dad doll and story is just precious, what a treasure! Merry Christmas!

  12. congrats on winning the beautiful quilt, snowman and wool plaid!! lucky you!
    aaah and the doll story... wonderful, what a treasure - the doll and the story!!
    and I do love your family picture!! merry christmas, my friend!!

  13. The story of the boy doll sounds so sweet! How could anyone not smile after reading that note? Special memories... And, lucky you for winning one of Lori's quilts! I hear they are fabulous! Looks pretty in the picture! Merry Christmas to you!

  14. what a wonderful prize no wonder you had to sit down.
    the doll story is great and the fact that it got written down for all to remember is pretty funny

  15. Hello and how LUVVLY JUBBLY your post is today! The story about your dad and his doll...touched my heart. The brown wool (hobo!) pillow is blooming fabulous! You talent is right up my alley. Visit Dulcy and I some day.

  16. Your presents are the bomb!!! And then, to be wrapped in wool? How good does it get?
    I love the doll and best of all, its provenance. You're very fortunate to have it, and it is very fortunate to have been protected all these years and to now be able to live in your beautiful home. Another good Christmas story. XXXX

  17. What a great story about the doll. And how lucky to have that special Grandma note to go with it. It seems like her generation was so much more careful about preserving those special little memories than we are now.
    Great giveaway gifts too. Lucky girl.

  18. What a sweet story about your Father's doll - at first look I thought it was larger than it sweet and delicate it is!
    Wow, just wonderful gifts from Lori...they're gorgeous.
    Merry Christmas

  19. Your Father's doll is a delightful little treasure! I just love antique dolls and he is an especially nice one.
    Had to chuckle over the descriptions of the photo session in your last post. Your family portrait is excellent! Did you actually have postage stamps made with the picture???
    Glad to hear your thyroid medication is helping you feel better. Coping with the long, cold Wisconsin winter can't be easy under the best of circumstances. Do you have lots of sit-by-the-woodstove creative projects brewing in your head?
    Have a wonderful Christmas! We'll be thinking of you in the snowy north.
    (while we have rain!)

  20. Hi Cathy!

    Your blog header is awesome!! And... I'm a sucker for dolls, so that little porcelain baby grabs my heart. I think I love the idea that he lost is little leg while being hung out the car window. Did your parents ever say, "don't stick your arm out the window, it could get hit and come off."? Anyway, thanks so much for being such a dear blog friend and always dropping by. I really wish we could have a cup of coffee sometime.... who knows.... maybe someday.... have a wonderful Christmas!!

  21. Such a sweet doll and a sweet story. Love the family photo. Happy holidays to you!


  22. Dear Cathy, love your blog, I admire all your creation and every photograph ... and ... I get so many compliments for the sweet, lovely doggies!

    Merry Christmas and happy new year :)

  23. Dear Cathy, what a lovely gift from Lori, her craftmanship is amazing. Oh, I so enjoyed the story of your father's doll. As a mother of two now grown sons, I can appreciate this story, and a big old smile crept across my face. Happy New year to you and yours, Julie.


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