Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Thinking Ahead

via Pinterest
One of my goals for the new year is to knit something.  Found this little video inspiring Click here ://vimeo.com/33256289

                          I found this list for 33 ways to Stay Creative.

                                      Click on it to make it more readable.

Can you tell I'm knee deep in looking for inspiration and motivation?  The first thing I really need to do is number 4 on the above list!!

Cathy G


  1. I love this list. I have to get away from the computer as well. I have this week to actually organize my stuff and finish some projects. I just found two knitting projects that I haven't ever finished. Plus, there are two rugs. I keep interrupting myself in my crafting.
    Hope the muse visits you soon!!
    Happy New Year!

  2. Great list Cathy! Hope you find plenty of inspiration in the new year. Hugs, Lori

  3. Cathy:
    Do you knit already???? I'm sorry, but I don't know the answer to that! I love those huge ole knitting needles. I don't knit, but I would love to learn.
    I'm hoping we will see some lil yellow chickies in your near future..........you always make the cutest critters!!!!!
    Happy New Year Ms. Creative One!!!!!

  4. A LIST TO LIVE BY!!!!
    Happy New Year

  5. Boy, Cathy, is that a great list. I'm with you on the computer. I've been trying harder to stay away from it, but then I get behind on staying in touch with all of you...it's a push-pull, to be sure.

    There are so many items on that list that I resonated to. I am going to take the liberty of copying it and printing it out and leaving where I can see it frequently. Thanks for that kick in the arse. XOXO

  6. I am going to print out that list and put it beside my studio desk. Another to do of mine...learning to knit...I am so envious when I see all the beautiful things people knit. Happy New Year to You!!! Cheers, Susan

  7. Such a long list. I need to look at #4 closer. I think that most of my unfinished projects are because of computer time being on Blogger and Rug Hooking Daily.
    Happy New Year Cathy. JB

  8. Yeah, I agree. But I love blogging so I don't see me spending a great deal less time on the computer
    but if I move it out to the craft room that might work!

  9. Cathy, you are so clever and talented.
    Your list is PRICELESS! Yes ...#4 for me too.
    I have a message from green bathtub...."Hi, orange sink...let's get together soon...I hear you are beautiful!".
    Thank you for being so supportive of me and all your lucky blogger friends.

  10. Love that list. Wow, the size of those knitting needles......you could knit an entire sweater in 10 minutes!

  11. so funny that knitting seems to be everyone's mind. I think I may take a class. Or I may take a class in needle punch I just can't get the hang of it.
    great list.

  12. Don't you even think of leaving the computer, I need your inspiration. Now I am going to read your list. Happy New Year to you, Julie of Dog Trot Farm. BTW, what huge knitting needles you have!!

  13. Cathy ~
    I could get SO MUCH more done if I'd try #4, but what can I say? I'm addicted! I don't dare even take a peek at Pinterest. I don't need another reason to be on this darned thing.
    Hugs :)

  14. hey... you are doing it, right??!! it is indeed a great list - love the list that tells you to make lists, haha!!
    i started carrying a notebook in my purse just a few days ago, but i find that i am not yet used to using it... time for changes...
    hugs to you wishing you and yours a happy new year with a fun knitting project!

  15. Love the list and need the list!! Thank you! Also love your header photo ~ very cute! Happy New Year to you and yours, Orange Sink aka Cathy!!!!

  16. Thanks for sharing your list....that reminds me that I have a knitting project that I put away a few years ago...perhaps I'll get it out soon and work on it....loved the knitting picture!

  17. My....but what big needles you have! ;o) Love the list - but have to say, for some strange reason, %4 just jumped right out at me....what an odd love-hate relationship I've nurtured here...Wishing you a wonderful new year of fulfilled promises and checked-off lists....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  18. Oh How I wish I knew how to knit. Years ago my aunt taught me to crochet but knitting is what I want to learn.
    Love your list and yes I have to agree number 4 would let us get a lot of things done. lol
    But then I would miss a lot of friends too
    Wanted to come by check on you one last time this year and to wish you a very Happy New Year

  19. Hello, my first visit here on your blog. Blame Robin ;-)
    Yes BIG needles! Love it! I have three toy poodles myself and grew up in WI. Ok, for #4...I find inspiration and motivation on the internet. I see what others are doing and my mind wonders how I could do it MY way. I am kniiting a hat for myself right now and it is getting longer and longer!!!
    Have a Happy New Year with bright ideas and may the spark of inspiration nip yah! ;-)

  20. Cathy, I actually learned to knit a bit last year, I never finished the dish cloth! I reverted back to my years old companion of a crochet hook. I hope to get a least one dish cloth knitted this year though! High expectations! I need a boost in the creativity dept., thanks for the inspirations! Hope you have a wonderful New Year!


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