Saturday, December 17, 2011

Family Photo Day at Orange Sink


Today was family photo day at the Orange Sink homestead.  It started out by chasing down the fur children to get their faces washed and trimmed and ears fluffed and puffed and red ribbons tied around furry necks.  

Mrs. Orange sink was groomer while Mr. Orange Sink, official photographer, set up his tripod and readied his camera equipment.
The friend who offered to help us out with the photo shoot had Christmas shopping to do and canceled out at the last minute.

So the scenario went something like this.  Mr. OS setting the camera on the tripod to take 10 automatic shots in a row. Mrs. OS holding dogs while sitting on the hearth.  Mr. OS rushing to take his seat next to us and grabbing a dog and trying to look posed. The flash going off and the dogs looking every direction but at the camera.     After repeating this about 50 times the dogs were having none of it and Mrs. OS was getting hot and hungry. The photographer was getting ornery.
The above photo in the header is the best we could muster up.

They say people sometimes look like their pets or vice versa. 


It all  ended  with a  little pouting session afterwards.. can't really blame them.....I hate having my picture taken too! 

Cathy G


  1. Hi Cathy,

    What a lovely picture of your Family, including the fur babies. I love mini schnauzers and had two myself, Pepper and Heidi, who are waiting for me in Heaven.

    BTW, Merry Christmas to the Greschners from across the miles from my house to yours. All the Best in the New Year too.

  2. The pictures are super!! You both look very calm and the doggies are focused nicely on the camera!! I can just imagine those 50 tries though, LOL. I love the one with both doggies tugging on poor Santa!
    Hugs to you!!

  3. Cathy ~ Great photos~ oh, the pooches are adorable love the one fighting over Santa~

  4. Hi Cathy,
    I love those photos. The one of them fighting over Santa is my favorite too. Isn't it always the way that the dogs are posed perfectly until the shutter clicks and then they look the other way!

  5. What great pictures!Do you have christmas cards made up from them.

  6. Great photos and the dogs are adorable with the red bows.
    Merry Christmas

  7. What a Great picture! I'm not a fan of having mine done either.. Love the pouting faces :)

  8. Great pics! Sweet pooches!Merry Christmas,Jen

  9. Cathy you're a beautiful woman,your husband is a handsome guy and your children are absolutely adorable
    Merry Christmas to all 4 of you

  10. I thought, too, that your four-legged kids kind of look like you! Is that funny or what? At any rate, it was worth the effort to get a great photo of you and yours ~ and Merry Christmas to you all!

  11. GREAT photos Cathy (and Mr. OS!!) - When I first saw the header, I thought certainly you had gone to a professional photographer's studio. Yikes - I can' imagine orchestrating that (and still being on speaking terms!) Love the Santa tug photo too - and the pouty one at the end. Too, too, sweet. Whew! Aren't you glad that's behine you?!! ;o) Smiles & Holiday Hugs ~ Robin

  12. AWWW...what great photos Cathy!! And they DO look professional! the header photo it almost looks like Mr. OS has on a dog collar!!!
    Happy Howlidays!
    Karen & the Hounds!

  13. LOL, those little faces are adorable....the fur babies too! lol
    Seriously...the photo is really beautiful Cathy.
    I love the little ones on the pillow - they really do look like they had it!
    Merry Christmas

  14. That's hilarious! It's a great photo, and worth the effort, I would say. XXXX

  15. That's a wonderful photo! I love the dogs expressions of indulging the people, but sweeuuhhh, a dog's life is oh so difficult! I hope you are blessed, I've enjoyed your blog this year.
    Merry Christmas!

  16. Cathy, I love your family photo. What a smart idea. The stamp photo is another great idea and the dogs fighting over the Santa is cute. I love it. But 50 times, really?? You know how kids can't sit still for long, not even furry kids...

    Seasons Blessings and Merry Christmas. Hugs. JB

  17. What a wonderful holiday photograph of you and your handsome husband. The fur babies are just too precious, all clean and polished. I love your last photo, I get "the look" like your fur babies are offering, daily from Winslow Homer and he is blind. Merry Christmas to you and yours, sending holiday greetings from Maine, Julie.

  18. Cathy ~
    I think the pictures came out just great. You and Mr. OS are a fine looking couple!!! The furbabies are very cute, too.
    Thanks for sharing!
    Merry Christmas!
    Pug hugs :)

  19. I finally got in - guess I wasn't using the correct secret knock or something. I LOVE the family photos. The fur children look incredibly handsome before the pouting. We need to see your "pouting" picture too. c'mon....

  20. Great pictures, the Santa pulling is my favorite, that is cute!


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