Sunday, January 1, 2012


 Last night  Dave  and I celebrated the New Year watching a tribute to the late George Carlin on PBS.  This has to be one of my all time favorite comedy routines of his about people and their stuff.   If I have one resolution that I mean to keep in this new year  it is getting rid of stuff.  I know..... I know I said that last year and the year before.  This year I really mean it!  Really!!


 Sweet blessings to all my blog readers and I hope your 2012 is filled with thought provoking, mind tingling, gold jingling, bell ringing, heart fulfilling moments!!
                                                                             Cathy G


  1. LOL, oh my I love him and love his 'stuff' dialog.
    Thanks for sharing and HAPPY NEW YEAR

  2. Oh that's sad. We loved George Carlin's comedy and watched his specials. We will mourn his passing,
    he was so funny.
    I'm with you, I need to overhaul the craft room and get rid of a lot of stuff! And my closets and junk drawers, too.

  3. Oh my, I can so relate to that! After 45 years in the same house, I wish someone would come and clean it out. But not the GOOD stuff!!! ha-ha!
    Well, lots of luck with the de-stuffing!
    Best wished for the new year to you and Dave and the Boys!

  4. Hi Cathy,

    Happy New Year to you too. I just want you to know that getting rid of "stuff" is a never-ending endeavour. Cuz the minute you get rid of some of yours, your kids ask you to store some of theirs LOL.
    But I can't blame them for the crawl space full of stuff that I haven't dealt with since we moved here. Guess I'll put it on my list too. Maybe we can start a support group.

  5. Hello Cathy, I would like to wish you a Very Happy and Healthy New Year. Hugs Judy

  6. I just had such a great laugh out of this...even the taking of the "good stuff"! It actually lightened my heart! I have too much extra "stuff" in the basement...though we unloaded some to the boys today! Now, to get rid of the 5th grade curriculum!

  7. Happy New Year and boy do I have way too much "stuff" think I'll work on letting some of it go this year!

  8. that was tooooo funny..:) we love George Carlin..I always pack way more then I need for a trip..cause you never know if you will need that "stuff"..have a wonderful new year ahead;)

  9. I love that routine also it is all about the stuff.
    Happy new year

  10. Great video. I too can relate to it. There is too much stuff here too. I even go buy other people stuff that they got rid of.

    Happy New Year and I hope that we can all get rid off stuff this year. Hugs, Julia

  11. I never tire of George...especially when he's talking about "stuff"...must be why I don't like to travel, not enough of my stuff around me...

    I've been decluttering for years...finally made a huge dent last year when I moved...this year I'm getting ruthless with it after watching a few episodes of Hoarders Buried Alive...

    Happy New Year Cathy!

  12. Ditto! I think my home has reached maximum capacity too! George Carlin is my all time favorite comedian. May all your dreams come true in 2012!

  13. too funny! Remember that one! I've been de-cluttering for the past few years - eventually i'll get it "simplified". Happy New Year to you and your family!

  14. I think we all want to de-clutter but it is hard.. I bring things in and they never seem to leave.

    HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours.

  15. Bummer! I wish I could have seen it. He was the best.

    I look forward to hearing about your success in getting rid of is a constant struggle and I have become convinced that things multiply at night when I'm not watching. Let me know what you think when you start!

    Wishing you and Mr. O. the best 2012! XXXXX Martie

  16. Hi Cathy,
    I've already started. I've already taken two+ carloads of donations to the Goodwill. I'm cleaning out the basement. I also got new hardwood in my loft area and as a result, I had to take down the bookshelves, removing the books so I used that as an opportunity to pare down my book collection. I'm ridding myself of about 300lbs of books, too!

    good luck in your efforts! Keep us posted on your progress. Accountability=results!


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