Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sugar and Spice and All That's Nice!

Yesterday was my  little Christmas party for my friends who gather to hook each month in my studio.  I've been stitching and stuffing these little snowmen to give to each fabulous lady!  But as luck would have it Saundra the "Snowbird" took off a few days ago for Florida.  Icy and wet roads forced Lorena to not want to venture out.  So Eva and Jeannie and I were left to devour all the Christmas baking (compliments of my Mom!)
I gave up doing any Christmas baking  this year due to the weight loss program I've been following.

Fortunately my Mom is still the best baker and cookie maker in the county!


Wrapping the snowmen proved to be quite challenging.  But the wrapped packages doubled quite nicely as table decorations!  I bought the paper plates and napkins at Walmart and discovered later that I had the tissue paper that matched!



My tummy hasn't felt the best today.  Do you suppose it's because of all the sugar and spice ?!

How are your Holiday preparations coming along?

Any suggestions on what to get a husband who told me today that he doesn't need anything..... he has all he needs ( me and Smokey and Max!)  

Cathy G


  1. Cathy ~
    What a sweet hubby :)
    Your snowmen are very cute. Your table looks lovely and those cookies. Yum! I couldn't have them in my house because I'd devour them all!
    Holiday preparations are not going as well as! Need to finish my hooked gifts!!!
    Hugs :)

  2. Hi, Cathy, what a sweet party. How thoughtful of you to make those precious snowmen. And your mom for doing the baking!
    Holiday prep not going so well so far but I have hope.
    Merry Christmas

  3. Is there any fudge left??? ;o) Oh - those handmade confections look awesome...I haven't done a stitch of baking...or of stitching....or shopping....or cards....(Get how my holiday preparations are going???) HELPPP!! No clues on the hubby thing - I have the same issue year after year. (Hence why I haven't started shopping yet - I HATE shopping - and need a plan before going in a store or I just get paralyzed....) Likely the same as all other years - sock, jeans, and lined jeans. For an idea - one of his favorite gifts I ever gave him was a power washer. Go figure. Anyway - just thought I'd throw that out there.... And if your friends aren't going to claim their adorable gifts, you still have my addy right?? ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  4. Love your snowmen, the table looks so festive and cheerful. The goodies look sooo yummy. I said to my mother today, "where is it written you are required to make every cookie recipe under the sun for Christmas"? This year it's homemade whoopie pies as gifts for friends and neighbors. My gift to my husband this Christmas is a pair of snowshoes. I enjoyed it so much last winter, he finally decided to join me. Sending greetings from snow free Maine, Julie.

  5. Your snowmen are cute and those goodies look yummy! What a sweet hubby! I am going to make
    a couple batches of fudge, tomorrow....yum...

    Bear Hugs & Blessings~Karen

  6. Everything looks so festive and yummy! As for the gift part, I have no idea....perhaps a tree or some bulbs to plant if he likes gardening or maybe just yourself and the pets wrapped in bows on Christmas morning :)

  7. Looks like something I would drive on icy roads to get to! lol! Those snowmen are so cute! We're decorating our tree this weekend... then, it will be time for a little bit of baking and some peaceful relaxing! :-)

  8. yes what we are doing a supscription to the lottery you can do it for 26 weeks or 52. Who knows you may just win!

  9. I'll be no help in the man gift department...the whole thing just is beyond me...mine likes to get something he's been wanting and he picks it out...that pretty much takes care of any surprise! I adore those snowmen. And all the treats look amazing!! I haven't baked anything yet. I'm trying to lose some weight and I will eat any cookie I can get--so I'm holding off!

  10. It all looks so festive (and yummy!) that I wish I had jumped on a plane and crashed the party!!
    The napkins and paper accessories are just perfect! And those adorable little snowmen!!!
    I'm sorry your aren't feeling so good today. I hope it passes quickly.
    Can't argue with a man like that!!!He appreciates the best things in life! You, Smokey and Max...

  11. Your table looks great, so pretty and happy.
    Love the little snowmen and the tiny wreaths are a special touch.
    Great food and friends, can't beat that.

    Can't help much with the husband thing, mine never want anything either.
    But I usually get favorite foods, nuts, peanut brittle, caramel corn, and word search books(big print).
    Have a great Christmas

  12. Aww Cathy, your little snowmen are just so sweet and you are a master at decorating. Your table looks so very nice. You are so fortunate to still have your mom.

    I think that for a sweet husband like your, I would buy him a nice bottle of his favorite wine and some nice chocolate or a box of his favorite homemade cookies or a magazine subscription to his favorite hobby.

    Enjoy your weekend and stay safe and warm. Hugs. JB

  13. Darling snowmen, beautiful table, yummy food!

  14. I want a swirly red cookie! How darling are those?
    I read the other day that Epsom Salts makes great fake "snow". It offers glistening power!
    What weightloss program are you following and are you having success? (Except when you have one of mama's cookies)

  15. Those are adorable! The food looks so good. If it were for my Sweetie, he'd want gift cards for every hardware, tool supply, Bass Pro Shop, or Dick's Sporting Goods within a hundred mile radius! As long as I did not pick out what he had to buy with them!

  16. Cathy, Those snowmen are adorable!!!!
    MMM....hubby who doesn't want anything....Something fun, I don't know that would be, but soemthing he would never thinkt o get himself.... My secret.... My hubby HUGE packers fan... NOW this was over the top expense...but he NEVER spends anything on I got him one of the stock shares for the Packers for Christmas! he will be surprised! Merry Christmas! OLM

  17. Cathy: Frankly, my husband said that to me enough years that one year, I finally took him up on it. It has been a big relief for both of us; I no longer have to worry that I'm getting something he'll use (very low success rate on that over 34 years) and he no longer feels guilty because he mostly never got me anything anyway (I pretty much get my own stuff all year, LOL). So...maybe you should just take him up on it??? PS Love your snowmen. Merry Christmas!!! XXX

  18. Everything looks so yummy and cozy! Love your snowmen!


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