Friday, December 9, 2011

Sleigh Bells Ring!

Are you listenin' ?

The other day  Mom and I were out on the weekly jaunt to buy groceries and make other necessary stops in town.  I was driving along trying to stay in the moment and enjoy some of the sights of the season.  Snow filled streets and decorations, people hurrying along, Christmas tunes on the radio....... and all of a sudden my Mom says "Did you get your property tax bill in the mail yet?"

My mind came crashing down  and the music seemed to fizzle out like an old time vinyl record when the needle scratched across the surface.

Mom!....  Now why'd you have to go and bring up the property taxes.....  shouldn't we just try and relax a little and enjoy the simple things of the season before they vanish and yet another year is hastily ripped from the calendar!

Window in the studio filled with greens and a Birch tree with lights.

Bulbs a glistenin'

Snowmen waiting  to be built.


The dogs make cute tracks in the snow.

My old junk is put to use holding craft supplies.....  Remember that old ribbon candy?  Ahhhh the old tins sure beat the plastic containers everything comes in now......


Cards from friends displayed with old sewing notions and wool of course!

My old dress form in the studio wears a vintage wool coat and one of my  wool scarves...... that is when I'm not wearing them......   

One of the biggest treasures of the season arrived via Fed Ex Yesterday!!  Yes.... my blog giveaway winnings from Joanne over at  Snippets and Scraps of my Mind Blog

A wool feather tree kit with all the ingredients to make a tree!  Last year I got directions via email from Joanne for making one of those trees.   I  sort of glazed over a little and didn't try and make one.  It sounds harder than it probably is. But now that I have this kit in my claws I think I can figure out how it goes!  My Gosh..... she even put a bottle of glue,  a sharpie and the nicest well written instructions you could ask for!  Not to mention a darling reusable bag in my favorite color! THANK-YOU JOANNE!  I have no excuses now!  A feather tree is going to materialize as soon as I get a couple of Christmas presents done!!

I think I hear sleigh bells ringing........ Are you listening?

Cathy G


  1. Well, it certainly looks Christmasy around your place. I did laugh out loud at your Mom mentioning the tax bill - that's a holiday downer!
    Can't wait to see your feather tree!

  2. I think I'd welcome the tax bill if it would cancel out the zero-degree weather. That's just too cold!!!
    Your place is looking so nice and cheerful. Oh, those red wools!!! Go back to the Christmas moment. Mom's sure have a way of jolting you into the realities, don't they?

  3. Your Christmas touches are so wonderful. The candy tin is one of my favorites...takes me back to those childhood days!
    Looking forward to seeing all the new projects you have been working on!
    Happy Holidays :)

  4. Love the sleigh bells and we got our property taxes too all paid for another 6 months.
    Good luck on the tree.

  5. Sounds like my mother! What fun to have the wool tree kit!! That Joanne is really wonderfully amazing, isn't she? I can't wait to see the finished product. I sure did enjoy all of the photos...makes me want to decorate big time this weekend!!

  6. Cathy you sure have the recipe to make Christmas Spirit at your house. Everything looks so Christmassy and I must say that the new tax bill is not that far away, sigh...
    Back to Christmas thoughts. Your little snowmen are just adorable. I made some years ago with the grandkids and still have my old pattern tucked away in my craft drawers.

    It's always refreshing when someone can pass on the Christmas Spirit to someone who needs it.

    Thanks for this. JB

  7. Hey Cathy..I love your birch tree with the ornaments on it..very the snow too..;) have a wonderful weekend.;)and my mom would have done the same thing..)

  8. You will have no problem building the tree! Funny when I do classes everyone always tries to give back the sharpies and glue - but it's part of their kit (to make more!) LOL The bag will give you $0.5 off if you take it and use it at TArget!

    Sorry your Mom took you out of your zone moment - they will do that!

    Love your pics and all your projects! joanne

  9. Cathy ~
    You always post the most wonderful pics. I wish I had some of your photography skills!
    I am so bad. Joanne sent me a tree kit probably 2 years ago and I still have not yet made it. We should get! I was a lucky winner in her give-away, too. She is such a sweetie.
    Pug hugs :)

  10. Oh my gosh - you crack me right up....I can SOOO relate to that "zap" moment! Hate it when it happens!! And love, love, love, you wonderful sleigh bells - one of my favorite holiday decorating things. Getting harder and harder to find the good ones like that though....See you have an ample supply of the white stuff too - Well, stay calm, carry on, and build more snowfolk! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  11. Hi Cathy, Thanks for joining me on my blog, look forward to getting to know you. I love th old bells, and the birch tree with the silver balls is so nice, thanks for sharing your decorating with us. Vicky

  12. Once again you have me cracking up, Cathy. Why do moms do that? Mine used to lay in waiting and call me after a hard day at work to read me the police reports in the local paper. Honestly!!!

    Wish I could pop by to watch you make those snowmen. Your home and surrounds are always so wonderful. What you've shown us here is the embodiment of Christmas cheer, taxes be damned!


  13. I just found your blog and simply love it! If you ever get tired of those sleigh bells, you can send them my way...also loved the display of silver bulbs and lights...became a follower. Christmas Blessings to you, Janice (primsbythewater)

  14. Wow! The decorations in your front window are so pretty! And, the snow adds just the right touch! Yes, I hear sleigh bells ringing! I'm enjoying every day of this season and try to not get overwhelmed... now, if I could just sit and hook Mr. Chill would be nice! Enjoy making your wool feather tree! After your first "twirl" you will be amazed at how fun and easy these trees are! :-)

  15. hahaha, do ignore any thoughts of property taxes and yes, there go the bells...!
    happy holidays, friend!

  16. Hi dear Cathy, your house is a dream, decorations vintage, soft snowmen...what a shine, looking at these photos I feel indeed me to Christmas!


  17. ha ha ha about the tax bill - it truly is the ultimate reality check!!! I love your birch tree with ornaments - and everything else in your studio. Ah yes, ribbon candy - and did you have "chicken bones" as a kid - the hottish pink candy with chocolate inside - it was an NB favourite. I think my fave thing on your post is that little reindeer pin, which you forgot to mention. Did you make that?


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