Thursday, November 17, 2011

It's Now or Never!

WHEW!  Tomorrow is set-up day for the craft sale!  Am I ready you ask?  Don't ask! ( I've never had so many needle holes poked in my fingers and stuffing fibers up my nose..... :-0


Little beady bird eyes have been following me about the studio all week taunting....... are you ready?  Are you ready? 


Then early this week a package came in the mail!!   My wool winnings from Saundra of Woodland Junction Blog 
Along with the fabulous wool a cute snowman pattern and a coupon for a discount on my next wool order from Heaven's to Betsy!!  Well THAT spurred me to get back in that studio and make more stuff to sell for the craft sale so if sales are good I can order more wool! 

Thank-you Saundra! 
(and Heaven's to Betsy)
 I also won some hand dyed wool from Julia over at Of Petals and Wool blog!  (pictured on the left in the above photo!)  Gorgeous wool and colors!  I have been going through my wool like crazy and all of this wool is helping to keep me going!  Thank-you Julia!!!( I see Julia has gone National with her triplet calves..... congrats Julia! Go to her blog to read all about it! )


Red wool candy canes with homespun stripes are all tagged and ready to go!!


Another creepy Santa of course!!  He will join his brother in the display!


Some hooked coasters in nice Christmas colors!
Now if I could just get these birds off my back I'd be ready to get packed up tomorrow afternoon.  Now where are those bags, tissue paper, receipt books......   camera batteries ........
Wish me luck!!

Cathy G

( craft sale is this Sat. Nov. 19th from 9:00am to 3:00pm  at St. Joseph's School Gym, Rice Lake, WI) 


  1. Your folk art is so nice! The display items look good too. Good luck at your show. This is the first year in many that I'm not set up at a show on opening day...I sell at 2 shops and I can finally go shopping.... Blessings from Ringle, WI

  2. Cathy ~
    Everything looks wonderful. Good luck to you!!!
    Pug hugs :)

  3. Wow! Busy and lucky! Perhaps lucky to be busy? lol! Have a great time at the show!

  4. Everything is beautiful! I wish I could go and buy up half your booth, at least!

  5. I know you will do great at this show. You say "break a leg" to wish luck to actors - so I wonder if "break a hook" would send you any good luck vibes?
    Break a Hook Cathy!!

  6. Cathy nice to see your handmade crafts going to a show ...there is so much crafts that are made overseas in our area....I love to buy from crafters that make their own merchandise ... I love the creepy Santa Claus.... Have a great show. Wish you luck!

  7. Oh gosh Cathy...everything looks so great!! You are going to have things flying off the table at the show. Can't wait to hear about it!!

  8. It all looks great ~ even your 'creepy' Santa!! You'll do swell and go home empty handed!! Won't that be wonderful?? Have fun!

  9. Congratulations on your wonderful wins Cathy! I think I have wool envy! And best of luck at the show - from the looks of it, you'll be a smash hit...I love your little Santas....Happy Friday! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  10. oh my, i do wish you luck!! i wish i could come and shop myself - everything looks fabulous and so wonderful christmas-sy!! please have loads of fun, good sales and meet great folks - and possible new rug hookers! -don't forget to put out a list for people to sign in if they are interested in classes!!
    xoxoxo - dag

  11. Everything looks great. I think you will do well. If I was there I would be buying.


  12. Cathy, I'm so envious of your creative talents. Your creations are just too cute. I'm glad that you like the wool colors from my tiny give away.

    Actually Cathy, the news of the triplets went international. It even made it to China, to India, to Holland, across Canada and the USA and other places. I had no idea that triplets calves were that rare. Good luck with your sale. I'm sure that you'll do well. Hugs, JB

  13. Wow you have been busy and I can relate to the holes punched in your finger tips from the needles...It hurts me to type this - my left pointer hurts like heck from all the sewing. Boy we sure do punish ourselves to make a $$ lol
    Love your mug mats!


  14. I admire your craftsmanship. Excellent work. Lovely!

  15. Hope your craft show is going well. I find that these are always a great place to pick up new students. You really have a lot of cute stuff!

  16. Cathy, I wish I was closer, I want one of everything!!! I hope you havea wonderful show!!!! OLM


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