Friday, November 4, 2011

Crafting Creepy Santas


All that's missing is the Christmas Music!  My studio is buried beneath stuffing, wool pieces, beads, bells and creepy Santa's!   I've decided to go with somewhat of a woodland theme for this craft show.   The little beady eyed birds and owl pin cushions are fitting in nicely.  Then it struck me that what is Christmas without a Santa or two.  After experimenting with some wool roving and felting needles I came  up with what I think is a rather creepy looking Santa.  I'm just pretending he crawled out from under a rock in the woods to join the festivities.


Then I decided what is Christmas without a Stocking or two.  Magically these little ornaments took shape and are all stuffed with some fake greens and chenille red and green candy  canes.  The dye  I made from Lauren's  ( Rugs and Pugs blog) Black Walnuts  she sent me came in real handy as those chenille things needed some grunging up.



It's been a tough week to stay focused in the studio.  Monday me and the fur kids accompanied dear hubby to the Endodontist in Eau Claire for some root canal work he is having done.  ( I snuck in a quick stop at the JoAnne's Fabrics and Micheal's Craft Store for some supplies I needed).  This week I had my  appointment with the Endocrinology Dr. to find out what's going on with my thyroid.  So far he has diagnosed Hashimoto's Disease which I pretty much already knew I had.  I am being monitored for two months on this dosage of medicine and then back again.
Today was grocery shopping with my Mom.  By the time I got home I had a headache. Not much crafting done this afternoon......


Yesterday I started hooking these 6 by 7 inch holly berry mats.  The wool I'm using around the border is kind of a taupe or khaki with olive overtones.  I hooked two and would like to make more except I'm running out of that color of wool!  I have wool soaking tonight to try and dye some of that color tomorrow.  I'm not exactly sure what color it is so will be experimenting again!!  Does anyone know what a good dye formula is for this color?  I have Cushing Dyes I'm using. 
Thank-you for all of your wonderful comments on my crafting so far.  I wish you all could come to the craft show and have some fun!!  I am hoping to get a lot more made before the show but you know what they say!  We can make all the plans we want but God just laughs!  I'm sure he is getting a good laugh already at the creepy Santa!

Cathy G


  1. Cathy, your little Santa is not creepy at all but so charming. You are SO creative. I love every piece that you craft in your shop. You never cease to amaze me. I think that your ornaments are just so precious They will sell out in no time flat at the show. I wish that I could attend your Christmas show.

    I hope that you can get relief from your symptoms soon. You are much too creative to be idle with all that beautiful wool around. Hugs. JB

  2. you are always so busy. what is hashimoto? I hope your craft fair is a raging success.

  3. I love your Santa, he is wonderful, but I esp. love the little red birds! They look so inquisitive, like they've got to know everything you're up to! Hope you do fabulously well at the show!

  4. I ADORE your little Santa - and those stockings - and those mats you're working on!! I'll take one of each!!! Sure wish I could come to your show....but I'm up to my eyeballs in books for any kind of road trip. Know you'll be a crazy success!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  5. oh how i wish indeed i could stop by.... you keep adding all these wonderful things! the stockings are too cute and dear mr. santa... come on, he is just a bit fuzzy!!!
    still sending lots of well-wishes and good vibes your way! xoxo dag

  6. Wow you have been busy!!! I love the Santa and don't find him creepy at all!

  7. I just want to jump into the pictures and grab up a bunch of these wonderful goodies you are making. I love the Santa! I paid good money last year for a needle felted little guy, so price him well!! The birds are my favorites. I want to make little make do birds like that. I bet you just made them up yourself, didn't you? The mat is lovely too. I'll look through my dye books for some recipes today.

    I hope you start to feel better on the new medicines very soon!
    Good luck with the show!!

  8. I spied something right away when I saw your new header.... those little charming acorns. OMG, I love those things. I wish I could come to the show too. I wish you were my neighbor for a little while so I could come over and oooh and aaah and dig into your craft stuff. Cathy you make beautiful things.

  9. You're creating many great pieces for the show! The Holly mats and stockings are my favorites! And, as I see the wreath, I remember I was supposed to make some of those last year, and forgot... lol!

  10. *****try this dye formula to recreate your dull green wool:
    1/4 tsp khaki drab
    1/32 golden brown
    1/32 woodrose
    all into 1 cup h2o
    the khaki drab is the base property. the golden brown will deepen it and the woodrose always softens the above two dyes. you need the softener
    in order for the eye to appreciate the color.

  11. wow you've been busy - don't know which is my favorite! My goodness woman - you can do it all! joanne

  12. All so cute. I don't think Santa is creepy at all. I wish I could go to your fair - I would grab up those little cardinals!
    Hope you start feeling better soon with the thyroid. Auntie has had Hashimoto for years.

  13. Cathy,
    You have picqued my interest. How do I purchase any of those wonderful goodies? My 88-year-old mom adores when her cardinals show up when she and Dad are out in the backyard seeing what the bird seeds have brought forth. Mockingbirds and doves are common but she so looks forward to her cardinals so those little red birds would thrill her.

    Most of my family have some form of thyroid problem. My dad and one sister had thyroid cancer in the same year and lost half of their neck and shoulder muscles. I just am not prducing enough so I take drugs. Amazing what a problem with such a small organ can do to the human body. My prayers are with you.


  14. Santa is a little strange, but kinda cute. The little stockings are great, but my favorites are the little red cardinals.

    I hope your doctor can adjust your medicayion to help you feel better. Being sluggish and depressed is NO FUN!
    Good luck to Dave with the root canal.

  15. Hi dear, I'm totally in love with the cardinal, I love them ... and socks? wow, you're great!!!


  16. Cathy ~
    Everything looks amazing, even creepy Santa who I don't find creepy at all. I'm glad the walnut dye is coming in handy.
    Hugs :)

  17. Cathy,
    You have the output of all of Santa's elves!!! Everything looks very festive and I love how you have used the birch pieces to show off all the treasures, including the creepy Santas. Glad you used that word, cuz we have all seen our fair share of scary red men in our days. BTW, I don't think yours are eligible to join that club. They aren't creepy, just "primitive".

  18. Well the post heading got me in! lol
    Your Santa isn't creepy...actually if you want the honest truth from me...Santa's creep me out...really - not sure why...but yours isn't creepy!

    LOOOOOVE your little stockings...and they are wool...way to go I love them.

    Oh, I made some Walnut dye...don't really know how to use it yet - still working with coffee...any suggestions????

    Thanks fro sharing!

  19. Now, now, Cathy.... I don't think your little Santa is creepy at all. It think he's pretty cute. All your creations are wonderful, and after reading this post I'm feeling maybe, just a little, like beginning Christmas. I would love to go to the craft show and see everything!! You might try Sheri at Shabby Sheep for some dye help. She's always playing around with something new.

    You've got me thinking how a whole series of primitive and strange Santas could be called the Creepy Santas. You could probably sell a boatload of those!! I think you're on to something Cathy.


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