Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Blizzard of Shoppers! Craft show results!

I have to say the 50 crafters who filled the little parochial school gym in our fair town put on an amazing show today!  The shoppers lined up outside this morning waiting in chilly temps with the season's first real snowstorm threatening to hit by early afternoon!  
 When the doors flew open at 9:00 am sharp the booths quickly filled with shoppers eager to buy something handmade or home baked!  Come with me now for a little tour of our north country small town craft fair!


This gorgeous young lady had the most beautiful fresh pine wreaths and was just getting set up when I snapped the photo!  I can't tell you how many shoppers I saw carrying her beautiful wreaths out the door!


Wooden shelves and signs were in abundance!

These wooden snowmen were wonderful and crafted from split logs with the bark still on!


Hand painted gourd bird dwellings!


Milk can luminary's and decorated old sleds! Those milk cans really looked cool lit up in the dark! ( why didn't I buy one..... ?)


Uffda!   You will never go to a craft show in Wisconsin without finding home made lefse!

This sweet lady had the most adorable lighted snow people with names that mimicked movies stars.... like Meryl Sleet..... Holly Berry....... they were a blast!


Spices and dips mixes and.........


Baby booties!  Ya know it gets cold in Northern Wisconsin but babies never have cold feet here!! LOL!


More of those sweet lighted snow ladies..... check out the glam hats!!!


Fruitcake and pies!


Cement heads!    I liked them!!  ( you knew I would LOL!)


A chorus of  snowmen!  Singing to welcome the wintery weather that turned into our first good snow storm of the season!

And I saved my own booth photos for last!



For my first craft show ever I have to say I really had a good time and a good show!  I have nothing to compare it too but I sold ALL of the little owl pincushions!  I guess like always some of the things I thought for sure would sell didn't, like the little wool stockings... and I thought they were so cute!  I did sell one of the creepy Santas!  A few ornaments and a couple of the smaller hooked mats.  Oh yes...... I did sell the deer rug with the braided border!   And the best part of all........ I have at least 10 ladies who are going to be fighting over spaces in my next class!  I  was overwhelmed at the reaction to my rugs having never displayed them locally at such a well attended venue.  Thanks to the help of my two little helper elves Loreena and Saundra ( my hooking ladies!)  I was able to talk and promote my classes while they waited on customers!  It was a wild and very busy day and I couldn't have done it at all if it weren't for these two angels by my side!


Thank-you Loreena and Saundra!!  What a great job you did and I want you to know the cash register balanced to the penny!!!!    I hope you made it home safe and sound on those snowy and icy roads!

I'm off to soak in a tub of bubbles and dream about the project I need to create for my class of new students!!!    Ain't life grand!!!

Cathy G


  1. oh what a neat show..loved everything..and I love your winter gatherings mittens rug..that is wonderful...and glad you have ladies that want to be in your class..I would totally do it if I lived there.;) have a wonderful rest of your weekend.;)

  2. Glad your show was a success!!!
    I was thinking of you all day yesterday, hoping that you were having a good time. I love all the cool handmade items. That's what a craft show should be all about. Hope the snow storm is over and you didn't get anything too deep.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  3. I'm so thrilled for you!! What a great show. Your booth looked wonderful. Gosh, wish that I had been there! Sounds like you sold a bunch, but the greatest news was the new class filling right up! I love that!! Congrats! Enjoy today to rest up and dream about the new project!

  4. Hello Cathy, I truly enjoyed visiting your Northern Craft Show. Loved it. Everyone was very creative and Of course I like your booth the very best. VBG Do you make those 3D hooked rug sheep??? I am very new to rug hooking and would LOVE to buy one. How exciting that you also recruited some new rug hooker. Great job. Hugs Judy

  5. Yay for you, Cathy G.!!! I've done shows for many years and there's nothing like it when everything's going your way!!!!

  6. Cathy, So many goodies, I love... Are you selling leftovers??? I love wht you called your creepy santas... those little holly mats, well evertyhing... if you have anything you want to sell... email with prices. thanks, OLM

  7. Congratulations on a successful show! It looks like it was a good one. I almost did a face plant on the computer when I got to the photo of the pies (can you tell I've been dieting again). Congrats also on filling up your class! Sounds like you're going to have a fun winter.

  8. Congrats on finding some new students! Yippee! Your booth looked wondreful... reminded me I need to hook Mr. Chill... and SOON! lol! Love those fresh pine wreaths and the snowmen made from logs! :-)

  9. So glad to hear the show went well - and that the snow held off so as to not deter the shoppers! You booth looks amazing! My friend is a hooking designer - and it's funny, but every time she does a show, etc., folks are wanting to buy the finished products - so I wouldn't doubt you were a hit! I love those little stocking ornies you had - so if you have any leftovers you might be willing to sell, let me know! And why DIDN'T you buy one of those milkcans??? They're awesome! Have a wonderful Sunday! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  10. Cathy, what a great picture of you and your booth. Honestly, your booth looks the best and that snowman rug is top. I'm so happy for your success.
    I'm so glad that you had great PR, thanks to those two friends and that your rug classes are filled. Now that you've had your first show, the next one will even be better as it takes time to build a cliental.

    Your personality is very attractive in blogland and I bet even more so in person. Cathy, you ((ROCK)) like they say.

    Have a great week. JB

  11. Cathy,
    So happy for you and how wonderful your show turned out. Great to have two wonderful hooking friends to help you out. I would have gone but it is a bit far away and it was also FSU's homecoming week!
    Love those red birds. Are you planning on selling the remainders before Christmas? I would love to have one of those little birdies to brighten up my home for the holidays.


  12. yeah - i was so hoping you'd be up to posting right away since i had been thinking about you a lot!! i am so glad that your show was successful! looks like the whole event was a real popular and fun one - good for you! - i am not surprised that you are drained! have a relaxed recovery and a fun next hooking class!

  13. Way to go Cathy, I knew you would do well. Your booth looked fantastic and all those new students. You are going to be busy. You looked lovely also, I love your hair.

  14. Dang it Cathy I knew those sweet owls would sell out, I am sad for me, but happy for you! Your both looked wonderful, so many lovely handmade goodies to pick from. Congratulations on a job well done and on your future classes, see you have them filled already. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your's. Greetings from Maine, Julie.

  15. So happy it went well, the pictures are fabulous! Hope you get lots of new students, and publicity from all your great work!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Cathy ~
    What a great show! Your booth looked amazing and the best part is the new students. I guess Plan B was the perfect plan.
    Hugs :)

  18. Now that is what I call a craft show. Lots of wonderful handmades and your booth looked awesome!

  19. What a fun show! Lots to look at, so glad you shared it all. Those light up snowpeople cracked me up!
    It's amazing at what we think will sell, isn't someone else's interest at that time. All your items are wonderful ! And I knew that scary santa would sell. I just love it! (i love santa's :) ) lol

  20. so glad your show was a good one. and look at all how much you are adding to the hooking community.

  21. Hi Cathy... First I like to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving..... So glad the show was a success.... I love the snowman rug, really great colors..... All your items are wonderful... Your table looks very professional... Like you were doing this for years...


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