Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Witch is Confused!

The Witch who resides in the corner of the studio is very confused.  I think she is a little miffed to be quite frank.  Her rug hooker necklace gleams and sparkles while she watches the stuffing, red and green hand dyed wool and tiny beads fly around the studio.  "Nothing orange and black my Dearie?" she cackles.    


With only a few short weeks before the Christmas Craft Show the studio looks more like Santa's Workshop.  So be silent silly Witch!  Monday evening you may fly back to the shadows in the corner of the Halloween box and not be forced any longer to watch the tiny hand stitched ornaments, hand hooked feather tree mats, little bird pin cushions, felted wool acorns and more taking shape on the worktable. 



I'll share more details soon.  I must go limber up my fingers and take a cup of Witches Brew to calm the nervous Witch in the corner!

Have a Spooky one my Dearies!!

Cathy G


  1. Love your work! The owls are really cute! Where is the craft show? I live in Marathon County. Blessings from Ringle

  2. I want the little birdies!! Especially the owl. We have a big snow storm coming tonight, so it feels more like Christmas...tell Witchy-poo she can take the holiday off!

  3. Cathy ~
    Love the :)
    You are creating some amazing things. I am sure they will sell well.
    Pug hugs :)

  4. Lauren,
    I thought you might like that necklace!! LOL!! Thanks again! I LOVE it too!
    Cathy G

  5. The Craft Show is Nov.19th Rice Lake, WI St. Joseph's School Gym. ( one block off Main Street.) 9:00am to 3:00pm.

  6. What wonderful goodies, you are so very talented. If you discover after the craft show, you have a stuffed owl and a few acorns left over, could I possibly make a purchase? With all this snow swirling around outside, I am feeling quite confused, it is October, Fall,right? at least my calendar says so. Hope you are enjoying the weekend. Greetings from snowy Maine, Julie.

  7. Oh....I am happily confused!! I adore your Witchie - and her necklace a la Lauren....! (Aren't they the best??!) - But truly loving your hand-did's.....Gotta say, those little felted acorns are adorable....I made some a few years ago, but hmmmmm....somehow they disappeared (could a four-legged fur meister have something to do with that???) Wishing you a great show....I'm sure your goods will be best sellers! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  8. Those birds are wonderful!!!
    I especially like the cardinals. What personality! You should have no trouble selling your excellent work.

  9. oh I love what you are working on...can't wait to see more.;)

  10. Gorgeous. You are going to be a hit at the craft show!

  11. Cathy,
    Your goods all look fabulous! You've gotten alot done. I hope you sell out at your show. I love my necklace from Lauren too. She is the sweetest. Hugs, Lori

  12. Cathy~
    your work is pretty~ oh, I love everything!!
    Poor witchy poo in the corner~ hope the witches brew helped~ giggles!!!Cute post!!

  13. I love the owl too! You should make that into a larger hooked version....I'd buy that pattern!

  14. LOVE the witch...she would keep me in line! those pincushions are to die for...the owl is amazing!!! LOVE them!!!

  15. Cathy, I love your witch with the spoon necklace. She has good taste I must say. She must get that from you because all your work is just beautiful. I love the cardinal and the owl too.

    We are getting wet melting snow and wind here in Fredericton, New Brunswick and the wood stove is lit. I'm getting ready to stir a witches brew soup to warm my innards.

    I got a new bull calf this morning and an older cow that can't get up and is ready to calve any day now. My Gmail is deleted and I have to use Anonymous to leave comments.

    Take care, Julia , from Of Petals and Wool.

  16. I love your work, Cathy...and what a cool banner photograph!

  17. oh what cute things your little santa's workshop has produced!! you are amazing, cathy! people are going to love these!! i certainly wish i could pay a visit, come chat, shop and share some witches brew!

  18. My gosh Cathy! You are one very productive gal! Love it all, and what a witch. I really wish I could go your craft show. You asked me what Tammy and I have been up to.... well, the day you asked we had been dying wool for my new rug, which I'll post some of later. Happy Halloween Girl!

  19. Cathy,
    I am a fairly new follower and I sure am glad I found you! I simply love all your work! Wish I were going to be at that sale. Good Luck although I don't think you will need it!

  20. Cathy - everything looks amazing, including that witchy witch. I sooooo love those little cardinals - the owl is adorable. You will sell everything in the first hour - then what?

  21. Hi Cathy - Blogger and I are still at odds with each other. I hope this takes! Love the tings you are making. The birds are great! Even tho I haven't commented, I still read blogs every day.

  22. Cathy,
    Those red birds look like Angry Birds :) My daughter must not see them. She will want them all. Great Christmas Ornaments!! My Fave is the owl.
    From Heavens to Betsy
    Grrrr. Blogger hatred. Lets see if it go in under Anonymous

  23. what you are making!!! Bet you will sell out at the craft show!! Fingers crossed for you!


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