Thursday, November 24, 2011


I know it's a day to be full of thanks.  I have a mile long list of things for which I am truly thankful.
I'll spare you the list.
On a day marked with feasting and family for most Americans I pause to think of those for whom the day may not be so plentiful.  For those serving  our country in places far away from family and friends.

I am truly thankful.

Our larder here on the Orange Sink home front has been provided  some venison thanks to a little sharp shooting by Mr. Orange Sink ( in his blaze orange jacket).  :)

He bagged his little antlerless buck yesterday. 

Manhood stands steady.


Mrs. Orange Sink " done her part" as some would say in the red neck north woods we call home. 
As you recall from the last post I " done sold" the little deer mat at the craft sale. In so doing I was able to put a good dent in the moneys owed for the Townsend Cutter!

We have a roof over our heads and meat in the freezer.
The least of which to be thankful for.

I am filled with a deep thankfulness today for all of you who read my blog.  You are precious as gold and hold healing powers in your friendship to the extent you cannot know.
For you I am deeply thankful!

Blessings today and everyday!

Cathy G


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Cathy. I'm thankful for many things, including your friendship.

  2. Hi Cathy. So happy for you that you sold the rug, it is beautiful!! I hope you and all you loved ones have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    Karen and the Hound!

  3. I love that little rug! Glad it went toward a great cutter!! I hope your having a wonderful day. I am already in my pjs at 5:45. LOL My in-laws came over for an early meal and left before it got too dark. I'm so stuffed I can barely move. But, I am pulling loops.
    I'm thankful I found your blog!!

  4. have a wonderful thanksgiving..and happiness is a fridge full of food and pantry too.;) enjoy your day.)

  5. Love your rug - too funny how you displayed it for the pic! You crack me up! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! joanne

  6. Nothing better than venison in the freezer. Unfortunately Zip never was as good a shot as Mr. Dave.
    Love the little deer rug on the practice animal.
    Hope your Thanksgiving was a happy one!

  7. Awww...that's so sweet Cathy! Hoping your day was filled with joys and blessings....Ours truly was. Smiles & Thanksgiving Hugs ~ Robin (And congrats to Mr. O.S.!) ;o)

  8. you are right about the healing powers. Glad you have meat for the winter. My family were always hunters and we had thanksgivng supper as the men went hunting all day on thanksgiving. I remember my grandmother making mince meat out of the little bits left over from the venison. Oh to have some of that now.

  9. Mmmmm... venison! My Dad would go hunting in Maine every November... always looked forward to a good venison stew! Ahhhh... the good old days! lol! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Your "extended family" out here in blogland always enjoy seeing what your creating! :-)

  10. Cathy ~
    My DSO bagged a deer yesterday in Michigan. Too bad it was with his Tahoe that then had to be towed. Thankfully there were no injuries and even the buck got up and ran away :)
    Congrats on selling your rug. Even if you didn't, that Townsend is so worth having!!!
    Pug hugs :)

  11. Cathy, I love your fresh new header. Mine is getting old and I'm so far behind posting on Blogger. Lots goes on in my life everyday but no time to post.

    Congratulation on Mr O. S bagging a buck for your freezer and congratulations on selling your beautiful rug at the show ( I'm not surprised) and paying a good chunk of your Townsend cutter. You are playing the game like a pro.

    I like how you have your priorities right in your thanksgiving. Have a great week and stay warm.. Hugs. JB

  12. :-)
    Thankful I found you in huge blogland! You always are an inspiration!


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