Saturday, October 22, 2011

Plan B


Thought you might enjoy seeing this photo of the big maple in our neighbors yard now that all the leaves  are gone!  It is still a beauty with or without its leaves.


It was another gorgeous day here in Northern WI!   I think mother nature is trying to lull us into thinking winter won't come this year! Ha! Fat chance of that!  LOL! This whole next week is supposed to be nice though! 
Makes it hard to stay indoors and concentrate on my projects in the studio.  

The last couple of weeks after finding out that my rug hooking class was not going to take place I had to shift gears and engage plan B.   All along I had a feeling ( intuition if you will Julia! )   that this time of year is not a good time for most people to take a class.  I will try again in Feb. to teach another class at the tech. school.  A much better time of year  for being indoors and when people are thinking of perhaps learning a new craft or hobby.  So what is my plan B?

I need to have some sort of way to raise some moolah to start paying for that Townsend cutter I bought a while back.  So I have decided to participate in a well established craft show that is held once a year  here in the parochial school.  The proceeds from show admittance and food goes to help the school and students.  It has been a very well attended show with lots of crafters and vendors.  It is held each year on the Sat. in Nov. when deer hunting season opens.  Deer hunting season in WI is celebrated like a Holiday! LOL!  When the menfolk  head for the woods ( although lot's of women hunt too) women go in droves to the sales, shops and shows held through out the area. 

So....... crafting it is for this rug hooker!  Oh yes, I plan to exhibit a rug or two and I am working on one right now that I will offer for sale! 


Here's a sneak peak of some of the things I am making!  Let me just say there is a lot of stitching and stuffing  going on! All the  fussy work gets a little tedious sometimes for this old gal! LOL!  But I crank up my rock and roll music and listen to the Dr. Laura Berman Show on XM radio..... ( all the sex talk  keeps me awake  LOL! ) and the time has been FLYING by!


Here is the rug I hope to sell.  It is a free pattern called Spirit Moose by Wanda Kerr on the Welcome Mat.  I changed the antlers a bit to resemble a deer more than a moose. This was a super fun pattern to hook and went rather quickly.  It measures 17 1/2 by 13 1/2 inches. 


Today I was looking at the rug thinking a braided border to finish it might be nice.  Do you like the looks of it?   I have never put a braided border on a rug before.  I thought why not try it on this one!  I have always admired them on rugs I have seen using this technique.  I did the braiding and am now trying to figure out how to attach it to the rug.  I'm usually pretty good at figuring things out but may have to see if there are some videos on You Tube showing how it's done.  Feel free to comment if you have done this technique and there are things I should be aware of. 
More to follow in the next few days as I create and stitch my way to the craft show!
Cathy G


  1. oh I love that rug and love the braided part around the border..can you just sew it one with like invisible thread..I have not done this rug hooking but soooo want to learn..I hope your show is a success.;) have a great weekend.)

  2. Great colors in the deer rug! I really like it!
    It should be fun doing a show. Lots of people will be looking for Christmas gifts. And if the men are away the women will shop!
    Here in PA we have the same 'deer season mentality'. The schools are closed. Men are growing beards. The sporting goods stores are a madhouse. Then afterward we have the parade of vehicles with the trophies tied to the back. LOL! So much excitement over murdering a deer.

  3. Love that deer rug! Great colors too - can't wait to see more of your "stuffies!" You will be a sell out i'm sure!joanne

  4. Love the deer rug! And YES on the braiding! Perfect! I haven't tried it yet... but youtube has been helpful with many new projects I have tried. Another suggestion... would be to have a frame with backing set up for folks to try their hand at hooking (at the craft show)... a few flyers/business cards about your teaching and the possible class in Feb.... I think will help bring quite a few new students to you! You're right about this time of year though... I have difficulty sitting and hooking/stitching when it is a gorgeous fall day outside! :-)

  5. What a fun rug Cathy!! Love the quirky primitiveness of it and the unexpected colors you chose...Love the braid finish too. I've never done a braided edge - but my friend who designs rugs, etc. has - but not a clue as to how she does it....Sorry, no help here. Love your stuffies too.....Have fun - and craft on! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  6. great color and I love the braiding. Looks like an elf is lurking around your studio.

  7. I love the deer rug and the braided border is perfect.
    I love the red birds I see also, they are precious.
    Good luck at the sale.
    I love deer meat. We've had one given to us already this year. It was killed with a bow.

  8. Hello Cathy. The rug is pretty neat and the colors are wonderful. I really love the braid you put around it. I also like the pincushions???

    I just collected some black walnuts from my Mom and plan to use them soon to dry and dye some wool fabric. Love the final look of your dyed wool colors. Hugs judy

  9. your deer-moose is sooo cute! i do love the braided finish! my great aunt used to be a braider and i still have her tools, so one day i will give this a try, too, and preferably combined with hooking! looking forward to the finished rug!!
    have fun crafting for the show!! aaaand good luck with the sales!

  10. Cathy, you never cease to amaze me with your creativity. I love those red bird pin cushions and that deer rug is gorgeous. I love those colors and the braided border looks great on it. I've never made a braided border but I'm sure you can get someone to tell you how they finish theirs.

    I hope that you are feeling more peppy these days.Good luck with this show. JB

  11. Cathy ~
    LOVE your rug!!! I've not done a braided border, either, but I think your have chosen the perfect complement to the rug!
    Good luck at the show!!!
    Pug hugs :)

  12. Here it is called Buck Fever, my neighbor behind me got 2 on Sat., Doe Day. The men think that should be a national holiday, time off with pay! I like your birds, and love the color of your rug, with the braids! Hope you sell it all!

  13. Your rug looks amazing especially with the braid around it. I like the colors! I've sewn a braid on but it's been awhile. I believe I used strong invisible thread and just catch the loops close to the rug and sew on. Hopefully you'll get someone's expert directions! From what I could see your little birds look WONDERFUL, but I am a collector of pin cushions and make-dos! If I could I would be the first in line at that sale! Good Luck!

  14. How odd that deer hunting is such a big thing. I love your rug and the colors are perfect, I also like the braided look but don't have a clue how you would do it!!

  15. I think that braid will be perfect on that cute rug. Let us know how you attached it (when you figure it out hehehe)
    I was thinking about how gorgeous October weather has been and maybe it is a sign of the winter to come - but I doubt it :)
    I am laughing about hunting season. I will soon see a spike in "sick days" from some of the men.

  16. Cathy - I F.I.N.A.L.L.Y. bought a Bliss Strip cutter and it came in the mail today - YEH!!!! I am SO EXCITED! If somebody around here were offering a Fall Class in rug hooking, I would be all over it!!
    Good Luck with your First Day of Hunting Season - Hope you Score BIG! ;-)

  17. You are an inspiration! The rug is fabulous - your palette is always spot on - and the braiding is the crowning glory.
    Love your little birdies too - what are they mounted on - what makes them stand up?

  18. Love your moose-deer. And the red birds? Are they decorative only, or pin cushions? Like them lots. The craft fair sounds like a good one...good luck!

  19. Cathy, I love what you did with the Spirit Moose I drew.
    Hope you are feeling better now and you get all the sales you need.

  20. The Spirit Moose rug is looking wonderful and love the braided edge.
    Wishing you lots of luck with your upcoming craft show.

  21. Beautiful rug!! Love the braided border!! Good luck at your show!!

    Have a wonderful day~Becky

  22. Cathy, I absolutely love your rug. I so wish I could take a class from you, I love the way you put your color combinations together. I wish you well at the upcoming craft show. Looking forward to seeing future projects, maybe a tutorial in regards to the braided binding? Have a good evening, Julie.

  23. Hello dear Cathy, the cardinal are wonderful ... really beautiful, like all your creations, I love your style!

    Happy halloween


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