Sunday, August 21, 2011

Method to My Madness?

(Kelley Belfast designed Pumpkin)

I just might be a lunatic.  I've been working like a mad scientist the past couple of days conjuring up dye formulas and dyeing wool.   I've taxed my brain to it's limit trying to design my next class rug hooking project.  Is it going to be too hard for first time hookers to hook?  How long will it take them?  What colors should I use?......  for an October class that should be a no brainer right?   


Fresh out of the dye pot these rust textures dry on an early drying rack.


Out of the dye pots came a few golds.  I think these will work.


Now, to decide on the edging.  Don't want to go with a traditional binding.  Want something fun and different and fast to do.  Not sure if I like what I came up with.

The mad scientist may have to put on the very large thinking cap and come up with a different idea !

Cathy G


  1. Oh I love this pumpkin - Great colors you dyed!

  2. The wool is to dye for! LOL I really like the fringe edging. I think they will like it too.

  3. Cathy ~
    What gorgeous wools! Please keep us posted on the finishing techniuque you choose and be prepared to do a tutorial!
    Pug hugs :)

  4. I love it all! Don't think you should change a thing!!!

  5. Cathy - I love the idea of fringing the finished piece. I think the mad scientist "done good!" Your wools are lovely

  6. Love the colors in the pumpkin..not sure if I like the fringe edging or not..But it goes with the subject.

  7. You've been rolling in the pumpkin patch lately!
    The dyed wools are perfect for fall. Love all the pumpkin rugs! They are such nice rich colors.
    The fringy edge looks really cool. I think your students will like the effect.

  8. LOVE LOVE LOVE those colors in that pumpkin!!! OLM

  9. I'm thinking I might REALLY like the edging you've come up with.....saw a runner or something along those lines on pinterest a while back....why didn't I pin it? Okay, off to look for THAT picture....keep that creativity flowing!

  10. Well, Ms. Mad Scientist, it looks like you're doing a great job! Love the idea of the easy edging. Love your colors, too.

  11. I love the fall colors and will love that fall weather. Great pumpkin

  12. I should have paid much more attention in science class, obviously. I think your class will be ecstatic with this project. And I love the fringed edge. Perfect for the little punkins.

  13. I love the pumpkin!! Great colors!!


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