Monday, August 29, 2011

Savoring August

Two more days and this year's August will vanish forever. 
Maybe you're Anxious for fading greens to turn to golds and rusts
and hot, angry weather to mellow into cooler crisper days.  
 Before I give August too swift of a  kick in the behind maybe I'd  be wise to think of January and February days ahead. 
When the memory of  warm breezes  through  open windows,  slow walks with the dogs past waving corn stalks,  an evening bike ride  with the pungent smell of late summer in my nostrils would have me wishing I'd savored  the last two days of August.


I'll be dyeing more wool this week and  working on kits for my rug hooking class this Fall.  I'm also working on some little projects I'll share when I have more done.  The ladies are coming Wed. afternoon for some rug hooking, chatting, snacking,  planning new projects and finishing some old.  


I gathered some Silver King Artemisia this morning from the garden. It's silvery leaves will dry in a crock for enjoying all winter long.


How will you be savoring the last two days of August?

Cathy G


  1. Well, I have to spend the last 2 days of august in the office BUT I am welcoming the first 2 days of September on vacation!

  2. To give August a proper send off, I am digging out my beach chair, heading to the ocean, and ending the day with a big old hot fudge sundae. I am ready to kiss summer goodbye and welcome Fall with open arms! Blessings, Julie.

  3. Love your pics...the Artemisia is beautiful.I will be spending the last days of August in the craft room organizing it some more.Hugs,Jen

  4. Cathy ~
    I will take the dog days of summer without (much) complaining. I love the fall but I absolutely hate what follows and the older I get the more I hate it! This last week has been delightful! The cool nights are great for sleeping, but it just means that summer is slipping away much too quickly!
    Pug hugs :)

  5. This has been the hottest summer on record for Oklahoma with triple digits well over 50 days. September will bring welcome relief but I've learned to take each day and enjoy it to it's fullest no matter what it brings.
    That lil' grinning jol just brings a smile everytime I see it and the Artemisia is wonderful.

  6. August was our best month of summer this year. I hate to see it go! It's been almost fall-like here and I'm not ready for that yet.
    Love the new header.
    Have a good time with your hooking ladies!

  7. I love that white Jack 0'Lantern. You have the most awesome pictures in your posts! I have liked our August weather. It already feels like fall, so it just extended a good season. I'm dreading winter...hoping I'll be able to master snowy hill driving!

  8. What!!!... August is coming to an end?... Where did it go???... I didn't even know that August was here. I miss it completely except these last tow days. I'm glad that you woke me up Cathy...

    I love your new header and those fall colors. Beautiful white pumpkins and fall decoration. You are all ready decorated for fall. Way to go girl. Lots of fun ahead with your fall classes and your hooking friends. JB

    I'll be tiding up my iris and daylily flower beds.

  9. I will spend these last days of August enjoying this wonderful weather! This has been the best time of this summer. I also hope to eat some more crabs before it is all over.

    You're right! it is time to gear up for classes. Mine will resume in September and I am looking forward to seeing the ladies again. Hope you have lots of students.

  10. Hi, Cathy
    Pretty pictures~
    enjoy the last days~ here it is beautiful just perfect temps~ breeze blowing~white fluffy clouds & blue sky~ taking it all in~

  11. Your pictures of fall get me excited for the next season. These last couple of days of August, I'm continuing taking the garden, the deer have finished off my flowers, and I'll lay in the hammock just a little. Have fun with your friends. Sounds like a good time.

  12. Your header is great, I love it.
    Today is the last day of August and I am going to a basket finishing class. I can't believe I made this basket, I am kinda proud of myself.
    Finishing up plans for a big hook in at our Community Bldg on Sept 10th, lots of vendors coming in. Wish you were close enough to come.

  13. I soooo agree with you, Cathy. I've felt the same, and have been imagining our trees bare and flowers gone lately. But, 100 degrees predicted for today, and fall sounds like a dreamy oasis right now. Your photographs are beautiful, and love all the gorgeous golds and browns!


  14. Whoa! Love your new blog look. It feels like fall...Wish I could come hang out and hook with all of you. The last two days of August for me are enjoying sunshine and open windows with ocean breezes...hoping to soak in enough to sustain me through winter in NM.

  15. I have enjoyed this august there has been lots of kayaking the days are warm and the nights chilly. I do love fall but not the cold to come.
    I will miss you august.

  16. oh I love your work and love your home..I am becoming your latest follower..I love wool and make penny rugs etc with it..I am i need to master rughooking..I love your pumpkin above.;)

  17. Well it's now September but it's getting hot and humid here again so it doesn't feel like Fall yet - besides we have 3 more weeks of summer officially! Love your pics - I want my decorating to look like yours when it grows up! Can you come do my house?

  18. I love those pumpkins in your pics! I remember you told me where you got them last year... thought I forgot! lol! I am happy to see the 100 degree temps and high humidity of Summer go away. I much prefer the cool crisp days of Autumn!

  19. Cathy, Love all your photos!!!! and all that woool! wooszers! Love that pumpkin rug on your header too! OLM


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