Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Grinning Jack

                                               (These are the wools I'm using)

I started working on this small oval mat a couple of nights ago.  It's small (12 1/2 inches by 9) so it's going quickly.  You may recall seeing this pattern on my blog before.  I designed it two years ago and did the pumpkin in white.

I think this pattern could be done up in any number of different colors and could be fun!  Maybe a purple pumpkin!  If anyone's interested I could draw one up  on linen for you for 20 dollars.  That would include shipping anywhere in the states. (email me:    antcathy@charter.net)  I'll send a Paypal invoice to you.

I'm waiting for a shipment of wool from Heaven's to Betsy!  Should be here in the next couple of days!  Fall is a comin' and I'm  starting to get ready for my next class at the Tech. School.  Starts the first Thurs. in Oct.  I haven't decided on the project for the students yet but have an idea floating around in thee ol' noggin!  I do have punkins on the brain.....  and times getting away!  So much work to do! 
But I'll Git er done!!!!

Cathy G 


  1. He's so cute!!! I love your sunflower pattern too, so colorful! Are selling it as a pattern?
    Hook on!

  2. he is really, really cute !!!!

    love him !

  3. OH MY, be still my heart!!!!!! I'm in love with the grinning Jack, the wool, the antiques and rug at the top of your blog. Oh MY!!

  4. I love him...and as soon as school starts and I get a paycheck...I'll be after that pattern! Goodness, I can't wait to earn money again!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Cathy,
    Sorry for the hiccup above....whoops!
    What fun your Jack O Lantern is!
    I love that orange texture in the face...

  7. I love it! I am really getting in the mood to decorate for fall! I hope you are having a great week!


  8. Cathy ~
    LOVE it (though I am partial to the white one!).
    Keep on hookin'!
    Pug hugs :)

  9. I love the pumpkins just not ready to see them lit with the kids coming to the door.

  10. Just so cute, Cathy...love the colors.

  11. Love the White Pumpkin and think that a purple one would be COOL!

  12. Your Jack would evoke a big grin every time you looked at him. But man, I am so not ready to think of fall yet!!! I know that summer is winding down, and it happens every year LOL, but it still doesn't mean I have to like it!! I do admire those of you who plan and "hook" ahead.

  13. Love your new blog header! Lovely! Yes, I'm glad autumn will be here soon. Couldn't wait for summer this winter, and now that it's summer, can't wait for fall!

  14. Hi Cathy,
    Speaking of pumpkins, I am just starting the Autumn Trio and will post the progress on my blog. Can summer be almost over so soon?

    blessings always,


  15. Jack is just darling. You are right, such a sweet little pattern could be hooked so many different ways.

  16. i love visiting here with you...love your work so much...i was happy to see you at farmhouse kitchen, my friend

    and thanks for the kind words

    kary and teddy

  17. Hi Cathy, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. It's been a while since I commented. Your pumpkin pattern is absolutely beautiful. I hope that your fall classes will be even more popular than last time.

    Hugs, JB

  18. oh wow...excellent work and colors!!!

  19. Love your Grinning Jack - just makes me smile! You do wonderful work and designs! Oh what fun it will be to open you box of wool when it arrives!

  20. Love that pumpkins on the brain. Your fall colors are so beautiful. I know your students love you.


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