Thursday, July 14, 2011

Where Blogger's Create~2011


Talk about last minute decisions!  I was blog hopping and came across a blog called My Desert Cottage that was having a "Where Blogger's Create" link-up party!  Last year there were over 300 bloggers who participated by showing photos of their studios or creative spaces!  I was in a party mood so I signed up!

But, the post has to be submitted tonight because the party is TOMORROW!  OMG!  No time to tidy up and that's bad because I spent the day out there doing what all of us who have a studio are supposed to be doing in our studios........ creating.



Even though I have a bed in my studio it is usually buried beneath wool and the occasional odd rolling pin.  What's that all about?  So no sneaking in a nap when I'm out there!


Cooler temperatures today prompted me to work on these wool and velvet pumpkin pin cushions. Why does the whole studio end up in chaos for something so small?!.  To be honest I have another rug on the frame,  a few mats hooked and ready to be made into kits for my students. Then today in the mail I received a booklet of new patterns that I ordered from Kelly Belfast at Kank-N-Chester!  Kelly you are a genious!  I am ready to get hookin' some of those charming designs!    Thank-you so much! 





If you would like to see more photos of my studio check the Flickr flashing badge over there on the sidebar.  It was half-way clean and organized then!
So go check out some of the other blogger's creative spaces this weekend!  Here's the link:  My Desert Cottage~Where Blogger's Create

Cathy G


  1. Cathy, your studio is alive and well. I just love it just the way it is. Everything is so pleasing to look at and well arranged and also well organized. It show that you use your studio instead of just showcasing it.

    I find you very creative and enjoy visiting your blog.

    I'll check up on the link as soon as I visit other friends' blogs. Thanks for the link. JB

  2. Cathy, I love the look of your studio! What a wonderful place to create. Looks perfect to me just the way it is.

  3. Cathy,
    Thanks for taking us in and showing us your it! Wish mine were as neat and organized....don't know if that will ever happen for me :)

  4. OH MY!!! Love it!!! to have a place to create other then the kitchen table! Oh the rugs!!! the are beautiful!!! OLM

  5. Love it! I have mine under construction (check my blog) So I will show mine next year.

  6. Cathy ~
    As I've told you before, I am so envious (in a good of your studio. It is so large and filled with good ole sunshine. I think I'd be more creative if I had such a wonderful place to work!!! Thank you for sharing and I hope I find time to visit your Flickr site soon.
    Pug hugs :)

  7. I LOVE your studio!! I want to come and stay in it!

  8. Love your studio Cathy! That hutch is so WONDERFUL! Your space is so warm and inviting and I really like your wool work...very pretty

  9. Your studio is gorgeous. I love the colours and the textures...earthy!! Thanks so much for sharing!

  10. i think i have studio envy :-)
    what a wonderful place to create, get inspired, to live - and possibly to lounge!
    please don't tidy up!

  11. Your studio is a constant source of inspiration for me. As I plan my own little space, I think of yours for ideas. I love all of the nifty cupboards and displays you keep. I just love it!

  12. You have one of the nicest studios I've seen... very inviting! I love that cupboard in the second pic! And, that snowman hooked piecs is so nice... do you have that available as a pattern? I'm another hooker patiently awaiting the arrival of Kelley's new booklet!!! :-)

  13. I love it, I just want to move in! Clean off the bed for me, maybe some of your fabulous creativity will rub off on me. Seriously it is just a beautiful room. I love those pin cushions and cupboards.

  14. It looks great ~ very inviting ~ and very neat!! Love the rolling pins ~ I thought maybe that was to keep your mister in line!!!!!

  15. Thanks for posting this link! I love seeing where other people work. Your space looks great and well organized. If only .....!

  16. Your space is so awesome! Great pics! I truly believe that our spaces are a reflection of ourselves and yours seems to follow the rule - at least for your blog personality. I totally understand the comment about the smallest projects making the biggest messes. But the bigger ones do too.

  17. I am so intrigued that you do rug hooking! What an amazing art!

    I hope you have time to visit my creative spaces!

  18. I love your primatives. You are very talented and your studio is terrific. Kathy

  19. Your rugs are BEAUTIFUL. What a lovely spot that you have to create in :) The chipped paint furniture is so pretty! Oh, and I love that you have a bed in there too! That made me smile :) Thank you for sharing!


  20. Cathy it looks so good I wish I had that kind of space my rug room is a taken over bedroom that is in one big mess.
    love it

  21. I always love photos of your home and studio space. I love your style, and that you actually live your art. Very cool.

  22. What a delightful and refreshing studio you have. I love all the primitives and your artwork is wonderful. I will be back!

  23. Wonderful studio. Oh my !!! Love all that wool fabric

  24. What beautiful colourful work! Thanks for showing us round your studio.

  25. Love your Antique cupboards and furniture you used in your studio. The colors are so warm and inviting. The wool pincushions are wonderful. Really enjoyed the tour!


  26. Your studio suits the look of your creations! I love hooked rugs and admire anyone who makes these beauties. I tried it once and it was not as easy as it looked! Thanks so much for the tour.

  27. I love the colors here. Everything is so earthy! I imagine that it smells nice in here too! Lovely place to create your beautiful art things! *smiles* Norma

  28. If I had to imagine my perfect place to create, it still wouldn't live up to your studio! You have created a beautiful, inspiring space filled with lovely things too numerous to count. And you have photographed it to perfection!

  29. Hi Cathy! Nothing at all wrong with a working Studio!! Yours looked well loved and well used. You have some cabinets in there I love!! Thank you so much for joining the party!!

  30. I love this post! Studio spaces fascinate me. Yours looks pretty darn good, and you'll make a fabulous showing at the party! Mine is currently a mess as I've been hooking like crazy lately. My hand is killing me!


  31. Amazing the primitive style of your studio! The cabinets are just wonderful! Thanks so much for the tour!

  32. I love the style of your creative space, I love the old cabinets!!!! My sister loves to work with wool, she would love your space too!!! Thanks for sharing so much!!!!

  33. What a great place to visit. Your work is stunning and your creative place is very beautiful, a very inspirational space.

  34. Love your creative space especially your vintage storage cabinets. Thanks for sharing.

  35. Wow..I see some GORGEOUS projects in there! I love all the rich, earthy wools. Love your primitive style and furniture, too. And thanks for visiting my blog as well!


  36. I love the warm feeling of your studio! So cozy and inviting! I am working on mine ( just moved in) and it doesn't feel Like MY space yet KWIM?

  37. No need to tidy up your room, as it is beautiful already! Lots of things to be creative, and I love your cabinet and storage/containers. I'm glad you joined the party. Blog hopping was also the way I found out about the party, Isn't this awesome?
    I enjoyed your post.

  38. Love all the primitives! It's a great look and so much differnt from other spaces. Thank you for sharing!

  39. Thank you for sharing your primitive creative space; absolutely love it!


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