Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dog, a Cat and a Rat!

This is a short video of a homeless man in Santa Barbara and his pets.
They work State Street every week for donations.
The animals are pretty well fed and are mellow. They are a family.
The man who owns them rigged a harness up for his cat so she wouldn't have to walk so much (like the dog and himself).
At some juncture the rat came along, and as no one wanted to eat anyone else, the rat started riding often on the cat!
The dog will stand all day and let you admire him for a few chin scratches.     

                                Click below to watch video:

Dog, a Cat and a Rat and one enlightened human!

     (Thanks to my Niece Alicia for passing this along this morning!)


  1. Cathy, that is amazing. Loved the end where the cat is licking the rat. A lot of people could learn something from watching that video. Thanks for sharing and the smiles.

  2. Saw that before and loved it - as much as I get disappointed in people - things like this make me realize there are some amazing ones out there!

  3. Oh Dear! Don't let Skippy see that!
    He's already saked for a Rottwieler!
    and I could'nt live with a rat....no no no no

  4. This man and his pets were in Hot Springs, Arkansas one time when I was there. Isn't it something!!!

  5. Oh my gosh how precious is that? I loved it. Thanks for sharing Kathy. Also love you new header!


  6. That was priceless and I can see that in a hooked rug.

    And I've owned 2 Rottweilers and they were as laid back and friendly as that one was. They are as good as their owners and how they are socialized. My 83 year old mother loved both of mine and wasn't the slightest bit intimadated by them or their size.

  7. That is so cool!!!
    That guy is amazing and so are the animals! If creatures who are naturally adverse to each other can form bonds of tolerance and friendship, why can humans similarly get along? Thanks for sharing!

  8. Why can't there be more of this energy in the world? Or maybe there is...and we just need to notice it! Thanks for sharing this!

    p.s. Love the new header!! You are the Queen of great headers!

  9. Cathy: Thanks for this. I remember when he and the dog, cat and rat were here in Taos sometime in the last few years...it was all everyone could talk about, but I missed them. I never dreamed they'd be on You Tube. Awesome! PS Like your new banner photo, etc.

  10. That is something ~ I wish people and countries could act like that!! Thanks for sharing! And yes, I love your new header picture, too!

  11. Amazing, loved it! Love how we can learn from the simplest of things. Thanks for sharing!


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