Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Good OLD Days!

Ninety three years old and still weaving gorgeous rugs on this old loom!

HOT, HUMID, Kerosene smoke, click clack of old wooden rug looms, ladies in long dresses and bonnets, rug weavers, chair caner, old sock knitting machine,rug hookers(YaY!) quilters, butter churning, wide eyed children getting a glimpse of what it felt like to be living in the 1800's.

Being part of Heritage Days this past weekend at the Pioneer Village Museum demonstrating the age old art of rug hooking felt like I belonged.


The kids were very eager to try their hand at the wool cutter!


I met a fellow rug hooker who lives a couple of hours north of me. Kristan Martin was hooking on a Maggie B pattern.  On monks cloth ( bless her heart!)  It is already gorgeous!

Getting a little wild with the wool cutter!  This little girl wanted to cut up ALL of my hand dyed wool! Yikes!



I think I may have found a future Gene Shepherd!


Fascinating old sock knitting machine from the 1800's!


Quaint cabins and old gas stations moved here from other locations.  The village has an old church, dentist office, jailhouse, numerous old buildings preserved for future generations to experience. 





The village as it may have been set up in the early days.




Yes, I really do think this young fella could turn into a Gene Shepherd in the near future! 
What do you think?


Cathy G


  1. I love events like that. Lucky you to get to participate. PS I'll take the cabin, it has my name written all over it. I have the perfect place to put it here in our little piece of the forest...

  2. What a cool place to visit!!! Love the serious look on that young man's face as he tried hooking!

  3. That looks like so much fun! Love the old guy who's still weaving! And the lady working away on that cranky (literally) knitting machine. I wish I could get mine to work as good.
    Zip would have loved the steam engine and the old cars.
    Yes, I think that boy has a future in hooking! He has a great teacher!!!

  4. First - I LOVE YOUR HEADER!! What a fun time you must have had - and having patience with the young ones is so great of you!
    A customer of mine, father (who passed last year at 92) made socks forever and she would come bring me socks to purchase from the trunk of her car. Amazing color combinations (not on purpose which was the best) I have gifted warm wooly socks to all my family and friends...thanks for sharing your cool weekend!

  5. Ok, I've tried 3 times to leave a comment...let's see if this works. I really can't believe how intense that boy is about the rug hooking. I love it! This event looks so cool. I love all the different things going on. I'm glad you were able to save the hand dyed wool from the wool fiend...though she is rather cute!

  6. I've demo-ed rug hooking for several years at our local fair....the boys are often quite taken with it, but so far I haven't had one that has stuck with it....this boy looked quite interested.....who knows?!

  7. What an interesting place, and yes I do think you found a new Gene Shepherd. He look as tho he were enjoying learning.
    I would love to have a knitting (sock) machine, what fun.
    Your header looks great.

  8. Cathy, I hope that you had lots of fun reliving the good old days. What a wonderful weekend it must have been for you.

    You will probably be asked to go back next year. I think that the old fellas are pretty smart to still be weaving and caning chairs.

    Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures. JB

  9. Cathy ~
    What fun. Looks like a great place to spend the afternoon!
    Love your header photo!!!
    Pug hugs :)

  10. So glad this worked out for you. It looks like there was great interest, especially from the kids. Its always fun to revisit how the past made their craft. Debi

  11. Thanks for sharing - not just with us but with that future Gene. Such fun to see all of this.

  12. Cathy, it looked like a really fun day. So happy to see the young ones being interested. Planting that seed in hopes it takes root when they get older. Love the concentration in the young boys face. Too cute! Thanks for sharing!

  13. I think it looks amazing what fun you must of had. and showing the young generation the craft yeah!

  14. What a delightful event! I'll bet you had a wonderful day!

  15. Road trip! what a wonderful place to visit. Oh, how I would love to own a little log cabin, it would make a perfect rug hooking studio. Hope you are enjoying the summer, looking forward to seeing what you have been working on. Blessing from Maine, Julie.

  16. What a great event and way to spend the day. Wish I could of been there with that young man and you showing me the art. He looks so intense I bet he finds a way to keep doing this thanks to you.
    I had to laugh at the little girl. She liked the cutting part. hahaha
    Hope your having a great week


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