Tuesday, June 28, 2011

On A Roll

A carpet roll that is!  Dave survived the grueling process of ripping up our old living room carpet.  When you have dogs no matter how well they are trained the carpets take a beating.  I've never liked carpet anyway except for the fact they do help to warm the floors in this cold northern Wisconsin climate.

In the summer with the humid weather  my sensitive nose picks up smells from wood stove smoke, cooking, past dog accidents, etc. in the house.  I have been blaming the carpet for a number of years. 

We finally both agreed it was time. Out with the old carpet and in with we are not quite sure what yet. We are leaning towards one of the new wood laminates.   I need to pick something out soon!

A couple of days ago a local museum called to ask if I'd be interested in doing a hooked rug demonstration at their upcoming Pioneer Days.  I said yes.  They have local crafters doing spinning, weaving, etc and thought I'd fit in nicely with my rug hooking. It's  July 9th and 10th at the Pioneer Village Museum. Dave will be shooting photos for me!   I couldn't pass up the opportunity for some great blog fodder!

So I better get my body shaking and get something thrown together quick!  Do you work well under pressure?  It's the only way I actually do work I think!

Cathy G


  1. Me, too, Cathy ~ I can go like a whirlwind with a deadline in front of me!! Congratulations ~ I know you'll do great! Love the new header photo!!

  2. Love the new header too. I love getting new stuff for the house. Have fun floor shopping. There are some really neat new wood laminates out there now. And I'm happy to see that Dave isn't clutching his chest in this photo. :)

  3. Cats and carpet don't go well together so we've never had it. Just painted old wooden floors. We are hoping to get laminate to replace the vinyl tile in the kitchen...someday. I think it will look great in your house.
    Congratulations on being asked to demo at the historic site. It's a great way to promote the art of rughooking and spread interest for future classes.
    Have fun!

  4. HI, Cathy
    Have fun at the Pioneer days!!!
    Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for your floors!

  5. Cathy,
    You are SO GOING TO LOVE not having carpet....we did the same thing in our den...out with the carpet and in with slate floors....much more dog friendly. Isn't it sad when you decorate your house around the fact that you are "dog people"....oh well....we love not having carpet. Well, we do have a large, inexpensive area rug in the den to warm things up a bit. Keep us updated on what you do....always love seeing transformations!

  6. Love the new header..beautiful. I have changed most of my floors from carpeting to laminates. The one thing about laminates, is that cats/dogs nails don't scratch up the surface, so better than hardwood! I love the easy of just using a dust mop or better yet, a swifter sweep vac ($30.00) to dust and vaccum the same time.

    Making things easier for myself in my"old" age!


  7. You're going to be so happy to have that carpet gone...so much sinister stuff lurks there, and the padding, especially in more humid climates. There are so many great alternatives these days. As for working best under pressure, yes, that's my story, too...my DH calls it being "event driven". Sounds better than procrastination, which is usually what I'm up to. :0)

  8. Cathy, Wow, I'm impressed at how beautiful your header looks. You have exquisite taste.

    I was right about Dave removing floor covering.

    I'm with you with the pet and carpet thing. We've removed all our carpets on both floors of our house and put parquet floors years ago.

    Your fame is spreading and I'm not surprised, your work fantastic. Good luck at the Pioneer Village Museum and I'm looking forward to seeing lots of pictures of you at work.

    I too work good under pressure. Things do get done faster for sure.

    I always enjoy reading your blog and look forward to it. Hugs, JB

  9. Way to go, out with that carpet, it will be so much easier on you, doggies, and your nose! looking forward to seeing your demo in pictures!

  10. ok so I wasn't right about what Dave was doing but do you think since he is down on his knees he could still say one for me:) we built 20 plus years ago and decided to not have any carpet it was a wonderful choice. we have southen pine and it has the most wonderful patina on it now. congratulations on pioneer days maybe you will convert some new hookers.

  11. Congratulations on being asked to demo. That is great advertisement for you.
    Lucky you getting new flooring, I need it badly but in due time I guess.

  12. Yes! Under pressure is the surest way I'll get things done. Why is that? When I have time, I tend to get a bit lazy. what a wonderful opportunity to demo hook at the Pioneer Village Museum! You may acquire more students. Rug hooking always seems to fascinate those who've never seen it done. Also, a wood laminate would probably be beautiful. My friend did that recently, and it made a world of difference and looked fabulous..... And.... Cathy, thank you for the lovely comments you made on my bday post. It really means a lot, and I've read it about five times. My head is growing!!

  13. Yes! Under pressure is the surest way I'll get things done. Why is that? When I have time, I tend to get a bit lazy. what a wonderful opportunity to demo hook at the Pioneer Village Museum! You may acquire more students. Rug hooking always seems to fascinate those who've never seen it done. Also, a wood laminate would probably be beautiful. My friend did that recently, and it made a world of difference and looked fabulous..... And.... Cathy, thank you for the lovely comments you made on my bday post. It really means a lot, and I've read it about five times. My head is growing!!

  14. Cathy ~
    I love not having carpeting, though the dust bunnies can get out of control!!!
    Congrats on being asked to demo at Pioneer Days. Hopefully you will get enough interest to schedule another series of classes.
    Hugs :)

  15. We have wood floors is our new place; I've always had carpet before. I think it will be better for pet control!
    Have fun with you demonstration. Keep track of how many people tell you that they used to do rug hooking (latch hook. It is nice that you have a chance to get the word out about the art of rug hooking.

  16. You will wow them demonstrating! Love your header

  17. WOW...you are becoming famous! Have fun demonstrating! I, too, love your header. Try to stay cool!

  18. I thought I was on the wrong blog and then realized you had a new header; WOW,nice job. Congrats on being asked to join the artists for Pioneer Days. That's great exposure for you. Get your business cards ready. With all the animals we have here, so glad we never had to deal with carpet. You won't believe it, but we have old brick flooring on my middle floor. It's really so pretty and takes a beating from all of us. Its very fitting of the farm house. Have fun shopping for new flooring. Debi

  19. love love love that header....and i see the little jack o' lantern...

    happy to stop by today, my friend

    kary and teddy

  20. I have wide pine in this new house. I love it. Throw a braided rug on it and go. Plus, I have been known to take the braided rugs outside and give them a good bath when Gus has one too many "slips".

    Congrats on the Pioneer Days. It sounds like fun. I can't wait to see what you'll demo.


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