Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bagging a Bag


I put the pedal to the metal and finished the round antique flag mat.  I think I will call it Olde Glory.  Yes, I even finished binding it!   It's only 10 inches across so I guess that isn't a big deal.  But at least it's done! 


I bagged this Fossil summer bag at Goodwill the other day for six dollars!  It has lots of room for all my "stuff".   Do you like it?   Or is it kind of old lady looking?   Then, when do we care about such things... us old ladies!  ( a fossil carrying a Fossil.... how funny is that!)  

 Here's Dave behind a pie safe in the living room.  Now what could he be up to?  
To be continued........

Cathy G


  1. The Olde Glory mat is great!!! Love the green with the red and blue!
    The bag is too cool. It's a classic! I guess I'm a fossil too (no guessing, I KNOW!) because I remember my Mom having a similar bag only the handles weren't that nice.
    What is Dave doing crawling around behind the furniture??? Looking for lost doggie toys??? Haha!

  2. I love the Olde Glory mat!! It's beautiful and the perfect size. I think your husband is probably cleaning behind furniture..yep..that's I love your pie safe!

  3. Love, love your Olde Glory mat! Great idea.
    Guess I'm old, cause I like your purse too! Love the handle.
    Hmmm, what's your hubby doing? For a minute there I thought something was wrong. Looked like he had his hand on his stomach lol.

  4. I like the mat....I think it's the unexpected green that you have in with works! As for the bag....If you are dressed "artsy" it will totally work!

  5. That is a sweet little mat. Love the antique looking colors. "A fossil carrying a fossil" OMG totally cracked me up. It is a cute bag - carry it with a spring it your step!
    At first I though Dave was hurt and then I enlarged the photo and looked at the tools. Is he installing new flooring??
    P.S. Thanks for your encouragement!

  6. Cathy that bag is super cool. I love the handles. I guess that I'm a fossil too, then.

    Your Olde Glory rug looks antique and it appears to be bigger than 10 inches around.

    I'm on the same thoughts as Kim. I think that Dave is removing some floor covering by the looks of the crow bars and chisel. In the photo he looks like he painfully is trying to get off his knees. I can relate to that. Lol... JB

  7. Cathy ~
    Love your little mat! Great colors.
    So what IS Dave doing?
    Hugs :)

  8. Did Dave eat some of your cooking? Just kidding! I don't know if you cook or not! Well I'm a true fossil girl (99.9% of my handbags-wallets, etc. are fossil's) so of course I love - $6 is a steal! Love their vintage funky look. Cute little mat!

  9. I'll start with Dave ~ He needs some help. It looks like a heart attack! Now, on to your creativity - Love old glory. That would be very nice looking in my house. Debi

  10. love old glory and not an old lady bag. Have Dave say one for me while he is down there:)

  11. At first I thought Dave was doing some sort of difficult pilates move...balancing on one outstretched arm, which made my arm ache!

    As for the Glory mat...well Glory Be! It's a beauty. And the colors go so well with my new house! ;-)

    I love a vintage...I mean fossil bag myself, but I had so many and didn't want to pack them, so back to the Salvation Army they went!


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