Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Wedding

It was a cold and rainy Saturday in May. Not what you'd wish for your wedding day! My cousin Steve's son Levi got married today despite the threat of snowflakes falling. With camera in hand we sat towards the back of the church. I was hoping for some candid shots the professional photographer missed.
I was not disappointed.  The very first and smallest gentleman to come down the aisle was the ring bearer carrying  his sippy cup. One look at the packed pews and he had to be coaxed to continue. He cried all the way down the isle, growing louder as he got closer to the front of the church.




In contrast, the little Flower Girl had to be held back from running and skipping down the isle!

I had to be quick with the camera!  The sweet little princess was tearing down the isle so fast! 

Woops!  I think you lost something........


The shoe.  I snapped the photo quickly before the attendant dashed to pick it up!  The Bride and her father were coming down the isle!


Now I know that Dad was having a hard time letting go of his eldest daughter Ashley.  The first to be married.
I know he loves his future son-in-law and all but still,  she's always going to be Daddy's little girl!


My cousin Steve carrying a grandchild and his wife Kim.   Steve doesn't seem to be having the same emotions as the bride's father!


The walk down the isle as Mr. and Mrs. Levi Johnston!  They are great kids!  I wish them all the best as they begin their new life together!

                                              Cathy G


  1. What a lovely bride, the little ones so adorable. Love the photo of the "lost" shoe! Congratulations to the bride and groom, may a lifetime of happiness await you! Cathy, I hope the snow held off, but I have to tell ya in the thirities here tonight and the wood fire has been lit!

  2. Oh Cathy, you captured great photos, like you said, the ones the professional photographer would have missed. They are priceless. The father of the bride looked almost on the verge of crying. At least it didn't appeared to be a long isle to walk down so no time to change their mind, lol. I hope that they live happy ever after. Thanks for sharing. Sorry that the weather was so uncooperative today. JB

  3. Thanks Cathy for the great pictures. You are quick..Ginny

  4. Great job with capturing the moment. Poor Dad...he looks so wracked with emotion...just precious. And the little ones...the little flower girl is the spitting image of Cindy Lou Who!

  5. Darling photos and a beautiful bride. You really did get some great shots. They make a cute couple. You never know what the little ones will do but it makes it all the more special.

  6. Oh my goodness I think those are great wedding shots. That shoe in the aisle says it all.

  7. Beautiful pictures Cathy. Almost wanted to cry looking at her dad....he looked so heart-broken. Thanks for sharing. On another note....isn't it great being an aunt!!!


    ps..still didn't get that "Tracing paper" but hopefully in the next two weeks I'll order it. Anxious to give it a try. Thanks again for your help. xxoo

  8. Great pictures, everyone looked so pretty. I know it's supposed to be all about the bride and groom but the kids always seem to steal the show.
    Like Courtney, I thought of Cindy Lou Whoo too.

  9. Wonderful photos!! I felt so bad for the bride's father though!!!

  10. Cathy ~
    What a beautiful bride!!! You got some terrific pictures, especially of the littlest ones. Thank you for sharing.
    Pug hugs :)

  11. Beautiful pictures :) ! Love the lost shoe... priceless :)

  12. Great pictures! It captures men and women perfectly....from the time we're small women are wanting to put on dresses and run down the aisle, while men are crying and hesitating and being pushed down the aisle. FUnny, writing that makes me feel like Carrie Bradshaw from "Sex in the City"

  13. Me, too ~ love the lost shoe!! And love the dress the mother of the groom wore! Beautiful!

  14. Wishing Mr & Mrs Levi Johnston a long, healthy and happy life together! It seems the kids always add that special touch to weddings! Cute! The pic of the shoe is priceless!

  15. I love the ring bearer and the flower girl!!!! I wish the newlyweds a lifetime of great friendship and much promise ahead.

  16. OMIGOSH, the kiddies are just soooo sweet. :) Congrats. to the Bride and Groom and Dad, don't be too upset, she knows what she is doing..such a beautiful bride...

  17. Kate and Wills have nothing on this couple!! Such great pictures. I can bet that yours are better than those of the "official" photographer. May they have a long and happy marriage.


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