Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mom's Rhubarb Pie

I will bet my bottom dollar that my Mom makes the best rhubarb pie in the world.  Her home made pie crusts melt in your mouth!  So when she picked the rhubarb yesterday and announced she would be making rhubarb pie and if Dave and I would like to come over later....... it's all I could think about!

Between thunder storms today I snuck over and took a few photos of the back and front yards at her new house.  Having her so close to me has had it's blessings but I've had a little more garden and yard work as I've been helping her plant and clean up her yard besides doing my own!


She has a nice back yard and a little electric lawn mower.  She even mowed the yard with a little help on the hillside but I think it tuckered her out! 


She has a little rat terrier dog named Hans.  He is quite the wild animal and super smart!  He tuckers her out as well!


The front entrance to her house.


The back patio and deck.


The former owners had it all nicely landscaped with lots of nice hostas  and other perennial plants.


The deck off the upstairs.


The bottom patio.  

We were fortunate to find this house right in our neighborhood so close to me.   I really like this house!
I think she is getting used to town living and seems happier each day.  

By the time Dave and I could make the quick walk over this afternoon for the pie feast, Mom had already eaten half the pie!  She didn't make her pie crust from scratch this time but used those frozen ones that you fold out.  It was still delicious and now she says the next thing she's going to make is Great Grandma's secret recipe for Sour Gravy Rhubarb Cake.  It is an old German recipe that Great Grandma wouldn't share with anyone.  Evidently when my Grandmother died the recipe was in her old metal recipe box.  My Mom has it.  Maybe if we talk nice to her.......... 

Cathy G


  1. Cathy ~
    Rhubarb pie sounds so yummy. I just love the tartness.
    Your mom is beautiful!!! So is her yard. With all the rain, everything is so nice and green. How lucky she is to have you so close!
    Pug hugs :)

  2. Hi Kathy,
    Your Mom's yard looks so nice and green! That really is a nice house with lovely landscaping. I'm glad she's becoming more comfortable with the new place. I know having you close by helps!
    I'm not usually a lover of rhubarb, but that pie does look yummy. It made me smile that your Mom ate half of it!

  3. Oh gosh your mom's place looks so nice!!! I remember my mom making fresh rhubarb pie, yum!!

  4. There is nothing like pie...any kind. I like rhubarb pie quite a bit. Makes me want to whip one up! I can believe she ate half a pie, because the other day, I ate half a quiche! I love her peaceful.

  5. Your Mom sounds like a real sweetheart! Funny thing is... those things that tucker her out... are the same things that keep her young! :-) Beautiful home and yard she has too!

  6. Cathy, so glad to hear your Mom is adapting as well as she is. She looks happy! How fortunate you were to find a place so close. And her home is lovely. Lots to keep her busy even if she tuckers out easily.
    Ooh, a secret recipe, how cool is that!!!

  7. Kathy, your moms house is charming. That does look like a pretty good sized yard for her to mow, but good exercise I guess.
    Rhubarb pie, wonderful love it, used to grow rhubarb myself.
    Now the old German recipe sound really intriguing.

  8. You are so lucky to be close to your mom. I am moving in June and will be right down the street from my father. It will be great to drop in every day and help out when needed.
    Oh...the pie looks so, so yummy!

  9. Sounds...and looks delightful!!!
    I've been making lots of rhubarb muffins...and about to make strawberry-rhubarb sauce...but yum pie!!!
    Love your Mom's place!

  10. So enjoyed this post about your Mom. She is lovely and so is her new home. I especially like the back patio.
    Gosh I feel bad I have not been over here in a while. I can not tell you how far behind I am with blogging.
    Will enjoy catching up with you while I am lucky enough to be here.
    By the way that pie looks so good.


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