Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Couple of Bright Spots


I've been playing catch-up since this past Mother's Day Sunday.  My own Mother is doing fine in her new home and decided to have a garage sale last Saturday.  Needless to say she needed Dave and I to carry out the sale and clean her garage etc.  Looking back I guess I didn't realize how much work and standing around with the cold wind  whipping at my ears and head would affect me. By Sunday I was down in bed with a sinus headache that felt like the pressure was going to put me in the hospital. The heating pad and half a bottle of Pseudoephed. tablets finally brought me back to life on Monday.  

There were a couple of bright spots to cheer me through my ordeal however. I was very lucky to have won the second Heaven's to Betsy wool give-away on Cheri's Back to Larkrise blog last week. The package came and I was able to open it Sunday evening and behold the gorgeous wool!  Thank-you Cheri and Betsy!  This is some gorgeous wool and I can't wait to use it very soon I hope!

Not having children unless you count the two Fur Boys Smokey and Max...... Mother's Day is usually spent celebrating my Mother and Mother-in-Law.  This year the festivities were carried on without my presence.  When Dave returned from his mother's on Sunday evening there was little package for me from my great-niece Kaitlyn who is 7 years old.  A precious little hand made card and a hand-made pot holder.  A bright spot indeed and so wonderful to be remembered!

Yesterday was finally what you could call a warm Spring day here in Wisconsin.  Looking around my yard and herb gardens I see the weeds haven't forgotten me.  They are healthier than ever and are waiting their turn for some attention.  Probably not the kind of attention they would desire but knowing what greedy little things they become if left to their own devises the  garden spade shall be introduced to them in short order!

Cathy G



  1. Glad you are finally having some nice weather. It's been sunny here all week, but on the cool and windy side.
    I'm also glad you are feeling somewhat better after the yard sale and accompanying sinus problems. Being cold around the neck and ears can really do bad things to a person! The older I get, the more I need scarves and hats!
    The wools are lovely. And how nice of your little niece to make a card for you! I know the fur-boys would have done the same if they were able to draw!!! I know they love their Mom.

  2. Bright spots indeed Cathy! I'm glad you are feeling better. I had a bad sinus headache Monday and all during the night that night so I feel for ya! Can't wait to see what you do with that gorgeous wool and yes, I do think fur babies count for Mother's Day!

  3. Ugh...I hate sinus headaches! Almost nothing worse than that! Glad you are feeling better!

  4. I can't wait to see what becomes of that lovely wool. Your niece is such a sweetie with that beautiful card! I'm glad you're feeling better.
    I hope things warm up and you can get into the garden soon!

  5. Cathy, thanks for your comment on my blog. So sorry for your sinus headache. I hope that you are all better by now. I've been busy so I haven't been much on blogland lately.... What a darling little card from your niece.

    Congratulations on your winnings, I know that you will use your creative talents and hook something beautiful with this wool. You deserve it.

    Hugs, JB

  6. I love those kind of cards! and congratulations on the wool win. Lucky you can't wait to see what it becomes. so glad you are feeling better. Look out weeds.

  7. Happy Be=lated mother's day to one of my favorite bloggers who is a mother to her furballs....I think that definitely counts for something!

  8. Glad to hear you're feeling better. I wish someone in my world knew to give me wool from Betsy's!

  9. Hi Kathy.... The card from your niece was so adorable.... Handmade cards are so personal... A just love to receive one myself, there is nothing better.... You have some beautiful wool there hope you will post a picture with what you are making from it.
    have a great rest of the weekend....

  10. Congratulations on your win from Heavens to Betsy.
    Great wool, and you will put it to great use.
    What a sweet niece to make you a card, don't ya just love little girls.
    Enjoy your wool.


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