Monday, April 11, 2011

Refrigerator Dies


This past Sunday at approx. 2:30 a.m.  Mr. LG Refrigerator passed away peacefully with Mrs. G by his side.  He was 7 years of age.  He resided with the G's since his purchase on May 5th, 2004 only one month before his warranty on his sealed system(Compressor, Condenser, Evaporator) ran out. Mr. LG made a loud buzzing noise throughout the day but was otherwise unresponsive. The decision was made to pull the plug.

He was a trusted and huge white member of the family.  Among his duties of keeping the frozen foods froze and perishable foods chilled he kept the $60 bottle of insulin medicine for the family's diabetic canine Smokey, properly cooled. He was a magnetic personality and proved handy in displaying family photos and  grocery lists on his side.  He produced many thousands of ice cubes over his short life and had no prior mechanical issues that the family was aware of.

Stepping in to cover his duties as of 3:00 a.m. Monday morning is his predecessor Mr. Harvest Gold Refrigerator who has resided(thankfully) in the family's garage since 2004.  Harvest Gold has served primarily as a beverage cooler in the garage for Mr. G but has agreed to help out during this family crisis with the sudden loss of Mr. LG.

Mr. LG leaves behind family members Mr. and Mrs. G, Smokey and Max the family canines and his constant companion across the kitchen the colorful Mr. Orange Sink.  Mr. Orange Sink will miss him terribly and has been weeping small tears from his faucet this morning.  Other family members include the elderly Mr. Brown stove top who believes his days are numbered and of course has been around many many years and has seen many refrigerators come and go over his lifetime. Other survivors include a various mix of small appliances including a few crock pots.

Arrangements are pending at the Rainbow Home and Appliance Center near the family home.  A celebration of life will be held this week and all those wishing to remember Mr. LG will be asked to bring a bottle of
chilled wine and non-perishable snacks.
Final resting place is yet to be determined.


  1. Cathy......this is hysterical. I hope in your case appliances don't go in 3's like at my house. RIP dear Mr. LG, who left this world far too soon. I'm sure you will miss him even though he had a frosty temperment.

  2. Cathy: I LOVE this!!! You're so cool (no pun intended)! I wish I had more people in my life with a sense of humor like yours. Thanks for giving me a great smile and laughs to start my week (not to mention sharing the very heartfelt send off for Mr. LG).

  3. Oh to pass at such a young age! My deepest sympathies. Fortunately we avoided this tragic event before it could happen at our house by purchasing a new one. Boy, they just don't make things like they used to do they?!
    Perhaps it's rather untasteful of me but I did enjoy your appliance's obituary.:)

  4. Funny bit! I have a nice Pinot Grigio chilling (oops, sorry for the reminder!) and I'll be along for the service. I think my own dear fridge should read today's post...just in case it has symptoms I don't know about...and should!
    My sympathies,

  5. What a lovely obituary for dear Mr LG...may he rest in rust free pieces...

  6. Cathy ~
    Thanks for the laugh! Don't you just hate to spend money on appliances? Just think of how much wool you could buy, but wool won't keep the wine chilled.
    Have you considered writing as a second career?
    Hugs :)

  7. OH Cathy, I'm so sorry for your lost. Mr GL was always so cool under any circumstances and looked after everyone's needs. I'm sure that Orange Sink will miss him terribly. This was so unexpected. Who would have thought that Mr GL would be taken away in the prime of his life like that. This brings tears in my eyes...
    Thank you so much for letting us know. It gives me a chilling feeling just thinking about it. I think that a Requiem music would be appropriate at this time. May he rest in PIECE. JB

  8. Way way way way too soon for him to go...glad he didn't suffer or his insides spoil. Oh Cathy - I'm still giggling at your post - thanks for the laugh (in your times of trouble you still manage to make us smile!)

  9. Sorry for getting Mr LG mixed up with Mr GL .. Upsetting news kind of got me a bit rattled. What can I say?

  10. so sorry for your loss. but are you getting a new frig for free from LG cause that is not so old for a frig.


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