Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday Musings

Spring is so slow to arrive here this year!  It's been rather painful reading other's blogs who have tender shoots of Spring flowers bursting through the soil already. My resident crow in the flower box on the front deck however, is sporting his Spring wool scarf. Heaven's to Betsy wool in case you're wondering.

I had to show you the progress in the front yard.  That's green grass by golly. If the cold weather doesn't let up we'll be mowing grass around the snow banks. The ice fisherman in the neighborhood keep us informed about the ice on the lakes. People are still driving on the ice to fish.  My neighbor Al said yesterday that there is at least two feet of ice on the lakes yet.  Since we are in a country where lakes of all sorts and sizes surround us for miles, we know the weather as a rule doesn't warm up until the ice goes out........ hmmmmm.  

(I have a bad habit of throwing my snippets on the floor while hooking)

Progressing better than the weather, I had a good afternoon and late night of hooking yesterday. I am digging deeper into my stash for the antique black background wool now. Thought I had dyed enough of a black with a red base wool but didn't end up liking the wool itself.  It shredded a little with the number 6 cut I'm using.  I switched to a more solid weight wool that has an antique green over dye and it's working better.  My mind is already transitioning to what my next project will be and I have at least another few days of hooking left on this and then the binding.  I am slowing down a little to give my hands a break.

Thank-you everyone for asking about my rug hooking students. Some have finished their projects and some are hooking more coasters and starting small kits. Two have ordered a nice frame like mine you see in the above photo.  They are really excited to get them.  We are working on trying to meet regularly here in my studio  a couple of evenings a month to hook together.  It's taking time for me to organize the next phase in all of this  but I can see that almost all of them are hooked on hooking!  

Warm thoughts!

Cathy G 


  1. Mary's rug is looking great. I know I keep saying this but your patterns are awesome.
    I am so thrilled for you that your students are now "hooked". That is all due to their teacher, I'm sure :)
    See.....all that worrying about no one signing up for your class was crazy! We had faith in you all along.

  2. Ah Cathy - wish I lived closer to come hook with you in that studio - you are very inspiring with your projects, pattern and wool! Hang in there - Spring is coming - I cut 3 more daffodils today and we had snow on the ground 3 days ago!

  3. Hi Cathy, I love reading your blog BUT could the type be a little bigger? Old eyes really have a hard time with this print. Thanks

  4. Cathy ~
    Your rug is lookin' good!
    What lucky students to be able to hook with you in your studio. I am a little jealous :)
    Sorry about the lingering snow....
    Pug hugs :)

  5. Oh Cathy, that's great THANK YOU I can really read it now. Sorry to be such a pain but maybe someday your eyes will get old also. Love ya'

  6. Cathy, I must say you hook the most beautiful rugs. I just love the way you color plan them. I have a most difficult time with colors, hues, values, at times I feel I am colored blind! I look forward to any tips and suggestions you may offer. From cold, wet, snowy, Maine, Julie. PS Thank you for the e-mail.

  7. Cathy your floor looks absolutlely pristine compared to mine!!! Love the rug and wishing you warm weather soon.

  8. That rug is gorgeous!!! Hope spring gets to you soon.

  9. Those snow drops I posted yesterday were plastic. Does that help? I staged the whole spring thing. Not really but I'm trying to help you feel better... did it work?

  10. oh Cathy, that rug is gorgeous! The dark background really shows off your pattern well!! Lovely work!

  11. Cathy,
    I LOVE your resident Crow.
    Better tell him to take off that scarf and get ready for is coming.....really!
    Hoping you see more signs soon.

  12. Boo to snow...good thing you can get a little spring color from the wool basket! The rug is just lovely. :)

  13. Your rug is great. Thanks for the background color know me and dyeing wool...I just gather up any tips I can. I'm in the process of two rugs at the same time...not fun!

  14. mary's rug is great. and good going getting more people hooking. We still have alot of snow here. No ice out yet. last year the ice was out on the big lake by now. oh well mother nature is in charge so we wait.

  15. Honey I so wish I knew how to hook a rug. When I see pictures of your rugs my heart just swoons. Not sure that is the right word but you know what I mean. lol
    Your rug is really pretty and coming along great.
    Just wanted to stop by and say hello. I hope spring hurries up for you.

  16. i love your new table-covering-rug! well, no surprise here :-)
    i'm sure your friend will love it!
    glad to hear about the classes... reminded me a bit of how i got started. a talented, inspiring and caring teacher makes all the difference, so no surprise that they seem to be hooked!

  17. I love the rug on your banner... Hurry up Spring!

  18. Snow? wow, fantastic, here to Parma it is practically summer... I envy the climate of your house!!!

    Compliments, your rugs are enchanting!



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