Monday, April 11, 2011


It seems I was a bit hasty in pronouncing Mr. LG Refrigerator  dead this morning!  I wrote his obit. before the repairman had  paid us a visit. Good news!  There is life after death for refrigerators and he may not be destined for the happy recycling center for deceased appliances after all!
After hooking up some fancy testing equipment the repairman discovered the compressor is still functioning and that the problem is a bad starter unit.  Mr. LG is not out of the dark however and will remain hooked up to life support ( temporary starter unit) until said part can be shipped in about 5 days!
So, I apologize for any undue grief this morning's premature obituary may have caused and appreciate the kind condolences from you dear blog readers throughout the day.  We are hoping for a good outcome as a new fridge really isn't in the family budget at this time.  Mr. LG is resting comfortably this evening after a thorough scrubbing inside and out today while the food and frozen goods were being stored in Mr. Harvest Gold Fridge in the garage. 
So keep us in your thoughts and prayers and Courtney please keep that bottle of  Pinot Grigio chilled. One way or another we are having a celebration of life by weeks end. For a life that was well lived and stocked with mostly good food and leftovers or a life that will be brought back to us by the life saving efforts of one good repairman named Daniel and a new part!

Cathy G  


  1. It's too early for Easter Morning but being resurrected after 5 days is pretty darn good. I'm so glad that it was just a warning and that Mr LG will soon be out of danger. JB

  2. I wasn't going to make any comments about the resurrection and it's proximity to Easter, so thank you Julia for mentioning it! LOL!
    Darn! We were packing the car to come to the viewing.
    I hope Mr. LG's near-death experience makes him a better refrigerator. That long trip down the fluorescent-light hallway toward the ghostly pile of discarded appliqances can have a profound spiritual effect.
    Hopefully with the heroic efferts of Repairman Daniel, Mr. LG will have many more productive years.

  3. Glad Mr. LG has survived so far! I know what the passing of a good appliance can do to one's budget!

  4. Let's hope he's back to his old self soon...and hasn't actually turned zombie on you! Just a thought! LOL
    Keeping the vino on ice in any event!

  5. Oh my goodness, I had no idea that Mr. Frig was in such a bad way. My prayers go out to him and Daniel that all will go well when the part arrives!

  6. Oh happy day! I can certainly hear you on the family "budget" thing! Glad to hear you won't have to replace Mr. LG.


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I often read your blog. As a rug hooker, I find your work inspiring.
    I must say, though, that today's entry is a scream. Glad your dear refriger-friend is on the mend. Hallelujah!

    Cheers from NJ,
    (re-posting due to misspelling)

  9. Have you ever seen Stephen King's Pet Sematary???

    I don't think I could sleep at night with Mr LG in the house...I'm just saying...

    (my word verification is DIZES...spooky)

  10. so glad life support is working and the transplant will be installed soon.
    love the post

  11. Nothing worse than a premature obit - however, the thoughtfulness obviously motivated Mr. LG to have a rebound.

  12. Well.... I'm sending Mr. LG hopeful thoughts today. New fridges are $$$! Mine is in desperate need of a clean out soon. That shall be first on tomorrow's list! Thanks for dropping by Cathy and leaving such sweet comments!


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