Friday, April 1, 2011

On a Wing and a Prayer

I'm well into this table mat commissioned by my friend Mary.  Hooking in a #6 which seemed small after  my last project with the hand torn strips!  But after hooking awhile it doesn't seem much different than an 8.   I guess I'm tricking my own mind!  Something which comes in very handy on occasion. 

This little mat is designed per Mary's request to fit a small rectangular shaped table with rounded corners in her living room.  The mat is to cover the entire top of the table.  Hopefully my measurements and careful hooking inside the lines of the perimeter will have it fitting her table almost perfectly.  It is a nagging thing I keep trying not to think about. ( fitting the table perfectly).  The table was tipped upside down and traced onto my paper when I started the design. I actually cut the design out and walked over to Mary's and laid the pattern on the table.  A couple of minor adjustments and we have what I hope is going to be the perfect fit.   Using the word perfect lightly! 

How do you like the colors?  Mary has been over here visiting my wool stash and was drooling over the hot pink texture in my cabinet.  I didn't think at first we'd go with the brightest thing in my stash..... but as time went on and we talked colors and I could sense  she was thinking colorful and what she calls "Bohemian colors"was going to be what made her happiest.  Then Mary sprung a little divine intervention on the subject which clinched the hot pink texture right out of the cabinet and into her rug!  She shyly revealed that God wanted me to know that if I used  one of my special wools ( read: one that I have been hoarding for God knows what) in her rug, that every time she walked past the rug knowing what special wool I used she could say a prayer.  And God would send special blessings my way.

Well, I'm not one to interfere in divine interventions.  Truth be told I was saving that special piece of pink for a special rug.  Is this that rug?  So far the colors seem to be picking themselves...... or are they? What better way to be hooking with such lovely thoughts in mind.  Flowers, friends, color and happiness.  Oh and maybe a little prayer that it actually fits the table when it's done!

Cathy G


  1. Its gorgeous Cathy. I love the colors.

  2. I love this story! Don't we all hoard that perfect piece of wool? And your friend gave you the opportunity to use it ~ very interesting!! The universe working ~ love it! Your rug is very beautiful!

  3. I have done one commission rug and hated every minute of it. I worried over that rug so much. If I was ever to sell a rug it would be a rug I had already hooked.

  4. What a beautiful story! Have to say the pink looks awesome. It will be a striking rug.

  5. I think your pink has found a perfect home! The piece is awesome! Love it!

  6. Loving the colors in this rug....especially the hot likey a lot! I think this rug IS what you were saving it for!

  7. I love the rug design and the colors and how the flowers are different. I especially like the flowers in the two bottom corners.
    Your friend will cherish it I am sure.

  8. Cathy ~
    I'm sure it will be just perfect. Love the story.
    How are the students doing?
    Hugs :)

  9. Cathy....I absolutely love this design AND the colors!!! I really hope you draw up more designs and put them up for sale! You really have a an eye for design and color!!

  10. Cathy I loved reading this. You made me feel like I was right there with you. I had to laugh about the devine intervention.
    One of these days when you catch up please do a blogazine guest post for me. I have not had any in a while and I would love for everyone to get to see your beautiful work and to get to know you too
    If you are interested just email me at
    Love ya

  11. I forgot to mention this piece is beautiful....she will love it

  12. I always love the stories behind "THE STORY". This is the perfect rug for your much coveted pink wool. The colors are all fitting together, beautifully, and one glance at the rug surely brings a huge smile to my face.
    Beautiful work - beautiful colors and a wonderful story.

  13. Cathy..... I love this post! That rug is darling, and the colors are gorgeous! Sometimes the rugs seem to take on a mind of their own and start to happen. I think that's a lot more fun than agonizing over just the right color. When I do that, I get really bogged down and move slowly.... I don't immerse myself like I do when I just "go with the flow". Of course, I guess I always have a plan of some sort in my head (let's hope!).


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