Who is Orange Sink?

My photo
Rice Lake, WI, United States
My home town is Rice Lake, a small town in northern Wisconsin. I own Red House Wool Studio~ an in-home wool and rug hooking business. I enjoy collecting and decorating with antiques and primitives. Orange Sink Blog is a journal of my interests and ramblings about life. Cathy Greschner

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Smokey Says It's Time Mom! Come Clean!

You're Still the One!


  1. OMG!!!!
    IT'S REAL!!!!
    Not just a figment (pigment!) of my imagination!!!
    Just too cool! Groovy! Over the Top!
    I LOVE IT!!!!! LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!!!
    Oh, Cathy!

    p.s. Smokey, you look good in there!

  2. You have a wicked sense of humour, Cathy. Now, all is revealed!!!!

  3. I have NEVER EVER, EVER seen an orange sink!!!! Unreal!

  4. So now the mystery has been revealed. This is to cool, or maybe hot, hot, hot... JB

  5. Ooops ~ I thought I commented but maybe I forgot to click on 'post'! At any rate ~ OMG, you really do have an orange sink!! I love it ~ my favorite color!

  6. I would never have guessed. I never knew they even made an orange sink. Groovy

  7. OMG Cathy ~
    You are too funny and what a great story teller you are. Your blog header should read "Orange Sink, The Sink". I'm with Katie, groovy :) Would you like my avocado green crock pot to go with your orange sink?
    Hugs :)
    P.S. Thanks for the big reveal!!!!!!!!!

  8. At last the secret is out! You know, I often wondered if you actually had an orange sink, but since I had never seen one before I changed my mind. Love it.

  9. Oh too cool! LOL love your sense of humor! Yep - never saw an orange sink before! That Smokey is too cute!


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