Thursday, September 16, 2010

One Year Of Blogging!

Please join me in a Fall Celebration! Orange Sink Blog is celebrating one year of blogging! To start things off  please enjoy this link!


  1. Congratulations Cathy! I enjoy your blog and look forward to another year with orange sink!

  2. Cathy,
    Congratulations on your One Year of Blogging!
    You do a great job at it and I'm always happy when I see a new post from you in my reading list.
    The Nature video was lovely!!!
    Like your new header picture. That little rug is so cute for fall!

    May your next blogging year be even more enjoyable!

  3. Congratulations Cathy! I'm looking forward to many more years of posts.

  4. Congratulations Cathy on your one year milestone of blogging. I really enjoyed your timely video as I just finished writing my little and was complaining of designer's blocks and getting frustrated. Thanks again. JB

  5. Cathy ~
    Congrats on one year of blogging. I so enjoy your blog and your beautiful photography ~ and of course your rugs.
    Pug hugs :)

  6. Congratulations!
    It's amazing how quickly it passes. Glad I found you, It's been fun!

  7. Congratulations! Love following your blog and seeing your work. Here's to another year. I am an awful blogger. Just don't seem to have the time or make the time but I love reading other blogs.

  8. Happy anniversary! Thanks for sharing that beautiful slide show. Such a nice way to start my day.

  9. Can it be a year already, Cathy? Love your blogging posts, photographs and friendship!

    By the way, you did tell me about the time you started your blog, you were going to explain why it is called Orange Sink???? Time to "fess up"!!!


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