Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Celebration Continues!! Come Join In!!

Finally!! I'm sitting down to continue what is supposed to be my Celebration of one year of blogging! Hubby is on vacation for a couple of weeks and things tend to end up in an uproar around here! It takes him two or three days to settle down  and relax a little. HMMMMM did I just say relax?? I'll explain later. First back to my blog celebration!

I have been wanting to have a give-away for quite some time. I haven't been able to decide what to give-away! If you follow my blog you know that I have won my fair share of give-aways. (I'll be writing a tutorial soon on how I do that....LOL just kidding!)   I'm humbled that I just won another one over on Kelley B's blog KankNChester and I'm thrilled to death to get one of her patterns! I have long admired how she designs such charming, simple and primitive rugs! How do you do it Kelley?!!! 

I have tried my hand at designing and am a novice to say the least.
When I first started hooking a few years ago, I designed the Autumn Trio rug that you see up there in my blog header. I was honored beyond words when my rug hooking teacher and friend Irene actually wanted to buy my pattern and hook it! Not to brag but it is a fun pattern to hook! It is such that you could do the pumpkins in a lot of different ways and make it your own! The birds could be different colors etc.

 So I decided to go back to my beginnings in rug hooking to celebrate my year of blogging and give away three patterns! One each to three of my wonderful blog followers! The pattern is drawn on my favorite Michele Micharelli 100% natural linen. It measures a nice size of 19 1/2 by 14 1/2 inches. I'll send along a photo of my finished rug for inspiration! Just leave me a comment letting me know you would like to enter! That's all! Gosh, I'll do anything for comments!
we'll have a drawing in a few days!

I have a few more surprises up my sleeve as this celebration continues! Julie, you may get your answer yet so stay tuned!! 


So here is my Dear Hubby "relaxing on his vacation"! Boy, there's a lot of boards to paint on that deck! Better hurry up and get that done before it rains sweetheart!




  1. I love that rug!!!! Soo cute! Congrats on one year of blogging :-D

  2. are talented AND generous! Hmmm, does a compliment get me any extra entry in your giveaway?? LOL kidding (kind of!)
    Pick me, pick me I love that pattern!
    Enjoy your husband's vacation - get that honey-do list going!

  3. Congrats honey on your year of bloggings. Isn't it great to be in this world of blogging.
    I would love to know how to do these rugs but I don't have a clue so I will not enter because there are so many gifted ladies that do know how.
    Thanks so much for leaving me such sweet comments...I appreciate you.

  4. Congratulations on your blogging anniversary! And PLEASE throw my name in the bucket for the pattern giveaway! Thanks so much for the offer!


  5. How generous of you Cathy to offer a great pattern up! I sure would like to be entered (and i hope this post goes thru - think i fixed the problem and can finally leave comments on some blogs! LOL)

    Anyway - that'a a lot of painting for your hublet to relax by! I had to laugh when you said "before it rains sweetheart" and saw your red house - My grandmothers - now my uncle's house is red just like that and he decided to paint it this summer (only took him all summer) well he was out and did one section and it started spitting rain! He ran in and got a hairdryer to try to dry it! LOL Anyway - no fried uncle and he had to re-paint it got really soaked!

  6. I love that rug design!! I was just admiring it in the Header. Looks so fallish ! I would love to be entered! Hubby doesn'r look like he is on Vacation !!! LOL I know it will look great finished.! Just in time to enjkoy the fall season!

  7. Hi Cathy, Love your blog - please enter me in your anniversary celebration giveaway. Looks like hubby has his work cut out for him - give him lots of tender loving care for a job well done.

  8. Cathy ~
    I love how you hooked that rug and I'd love to be entered in your give-away. Now, if you do pick me, remember that I am the world's slowest hooker and may not get it done for years!
    Congrats on one year of blogging. It's fun, isn't it?
    Hugs :)

  9. I'd love to win one of your giveaway patterns - it especially appeals to me since I'm not much into Halloween - these pumpkins are perfect for all of the autumn season up till Thanksgiving. I look forward to reading your tutorial on how to win giveaways! LOL

  10. that is indeed a good reason to celebrate!! happy first blogiversary!! i love your pumpkin rug and would be thrilled to win the pattern! thanks for hosting a give-away!!

  11. If that's how he vacations, you'd better go to work when he retires, lol!!!

    Congrats on your blogiversary! Love your blog, and read each and every post. Thanks for your generosity.

  12. Hi Kathy,
    Happy One Year Blog Anniversary!!!
    Oh, I LOVE that pattern!!! Please enter me into the giveaway. You are sooo generous!

    I am still chuckling over Dave's vacation! And I thought he was on his way to the Bahamas or something!!! Silly me.

  13. Happy Anniversary - it flies by, doesn't it!! Please enter me - it's a fabulous pattern.

  14. whoohoo... enter me please.. and happy anniversary to ya..

  15. Happy One-Year Anniversary! I love your rug pattern - looks super fun. Your color choices are always wonderful. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks for sharing all of your inspiration! Oh, and I love your studio! SUE

  16. Kathy,
    Your birdies are just way tooooo cute ! As a lifelong collector of all things birdie(including their houses), I find your rug pattern to be just adorable and am keeping my fingers crossed that I may be a winner of one.

    Best regards,

  17. Cathy, it would be a privilege to have one of your patterns! I have enjoyed being a follower of your blog and I might add, now, a friend!

  18. Congratulations on one year of blogging Cathy! Your patterns are fabulous!

  19. Cathy, you don't give yourself enough credit! I think you should continue to draw up patterns. I love it! Would love to hook it :).
    I think your hubby is going to need a vacation after his vaction to "really relax" !

  20. Congradulations on one year! I love the blogging world I have met so many wonderful people in the past 9 months.
    Your husband is a lot like mine always busy.
    Just taping down all those papers took time.
    Please put me in for your drawing. I would love one of your patterns.
    I need a break from this big rug.

  21. Congratulations Cathy !! I've enjoying following your Blog all year long. Please add my name to the giveaway!


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