Monday, September 13, 2010

Catching Up!

bed studio/fish

The calendar on the wall is shouting at me "Hey! Have you noticed it's MID September already?!!" Yes, yes my dear calendar. I needed some down time this past few weeks so I chose to ignore you.
A death in the family, a thyroid gone wacky, a root canal, an offer on my Mom's house, amongst the few things that have contributed to a block of time that I have to admit I'm rather glad that it has passed quickly.
This past week I needed to touch my wool again. While out in my studio getting reacquainted with things I suddenly had the urge to change some things around. So I swapped out the old metal bed for this cute little antique curly maple bed that was hanging out in the guest bedroom in the house. The old ladder with blue milk paint was destined for a garage sale but I rescued it from the garage and propped it next to the bed. I started to feel like my old self again after puttering around this way for a few hours.

bowl of worms

I dumped a few hand torn strips of wool into a big bowl and grabbed my hook and started hooking.
Larry's arrangement

Just wanted to show you the arrangement I made for Dave's brother's funeral. I had this old rusty shot-gun milk pail in the basement. Dave and I fought an army of mosquitos to pick some wild tansy and dried weeds in the ditches near here. I added a few silk fall flowers and ribbons. Everyone said how Larry would have loved it. He was a great outdoorsman and loved the wild and the woods.
Pumpkin Rugs

So, yes I am slowly coming around to the fact that pumpkin season will be here. I dug out a few past Fall pumpkin rugs and a little Halloween mat that needs to be finished.
Rolled Rugs/studio

I'm getting a collection of rugs to roll up and display in the studio. I love displaying them this way. Do you?
Oval wide Strip started

I'm glad to be back pulling loops and visiting with you all here again. Thank-you again for all your kind emails, prayers, and concerns for our family. Indeed it is an honor to have so many friends here in blogland.


  1. Yeah! What a nice surprise to see a post from you pop up. Everyone needs a little down time, but you seem to be bounding back to yourself. :) Your flower arrangement was lovely - a beautiful tribute. I have thinking its time to get my thyroid checked again - feeling sluggish but I am way overdue and I know the Doctor will yell at me!
    Happy puttering in the studio.

  2. Glad you are back at it. Getting back into hooking will help you through this rough time. I think playing with wool is theraputic! SUE

  3. Cathy, you're back!!! It's sooo good to hear from you!
    Hopefully the sad and stressful time is coming to an end and you can get back to the things you enjoy. Your studio is a wonderful place and you do such a great job decorating it. So nice and calm and I would think that it's a joy to sit there and be creative.
    The dried flower arrangement is so much nicer than anything that would come from a florist! What a great idea!!!
    Is this weekend the art show? I thought it was after the root canal! If so, I hope it goes well and you take lots of pictures of your work.

    HUGS to you and Dave and the Doggies!

  4. Glad you're back!! Only another blogger would know that it takes lots of time to do this and once you get out of the habit, it's sometimes hard to make yourself sit down and write again!! Hooking helps, for sure! Your dried arrangement is spectacular ~ a gift from the heart!!!

  5. Cathy, you certainly have a decorator's touch. Beautiful display. I am glad you are doing okay and I know what you mean; it was my first day back to work after being off six months on sick leave.

    Question is, where did the time go???

  6. Your blog looks amazing. I love the new header.
    Your home looks so inviting and so much like autumn.
    Happy you are feeling like yourself again.
    Life is a challenge sometimes.

  7. Oh Cathy - it is so good to have you back. We all have missed you so much. Hope the stressful time has pasted and there are nothing but blue skies ahead!

  8. Cathy ~
    So glad to hear from you and hopefully the skies ahead are all sunny for you. A person can only take so much. I know they say what doesn't kill you will make you stronger, but give us a break already!
    Your dried flower arrangement is so lovely. How thoughtful of you and hubby.
    I love your rolled up rugs and if I had enough to do that, I would...but not yet.
    I just love your decorating style. Can I move in?
    Pug hugs :)

  9. Cathy: Welcome back; sounds like a rough time on multiple counts, hope things are turned around now. Oh...I love the bed, the trunk, and best of all, the fish on the bed. It's official: I want to come live in your studio. PS The arrangement you made for Larry is wonderful.

  10. Hey Cathy! I'm glad to hear things are beginning to return to some type of normal... whatever normal means anymore! Hope to hear from you soon, and maybe I can even get over there before my winter break (thanksgiving-ish time...). Miss you, Adam

  11. Your post is so autumny! Is that even a word?

  12. I love that bed. and your hooking is so lovely. I need to get back at hooking.


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