Friday, September 24, 2010

Last Call To Sign UP For My Give-away!

If you haven't signed up for my one year blog anniversary give-away and want to get in on it, better hurry! I will draw three names tonight! The patterns are drawn and ready to make a trip to some one's house! Remember, all you have to do is leave me a comment telling me that you'd like to win the pattern. It's the Autumn Trio one pictured up there in my blog header. You don't have to be a follower to win but I invite you to follow me for this next years blog adventures!

Our current adventure is coming up! We are planning a much needed little trip to Bayfield, WI. It seems the only place on earth I can get my dear hubby to really sit down and do "nothing"! There's a room ready and waiting for us on the shores of Lake Superior about a two and half hour drive from here! 

My camera is packed along with Smokey's insulin and syringes etc. Both dogs need baths and haircuts yet. Max is going to the vet this afternoon with Dave to get his nails trimmed. He won't let me do it. He can be a naughty little thing and throws all of his 25lbs. into a squirm and tug of war when the nail clippers comes any where near him! LOL!

Lots to do yet to get ready for the trip. So we'll see you in a few hours with the lucky winners names!


  1. Hi Cathy,
    I'd sign up but I don't hook....yet...maybe it's time to learn? Cute patterns!
    I found a swan rug yesterday at the antique mall, didn't get it though the colors were funky...I sure love this one you have designed though!
    Just wanted to say hi!

  2. Hi Cathy, I wish you a very special little vacation. Autumn is such a spectacular time to take a vacation and there's no mosquitoes or black flies. I hope that the sun will shine and that you both will get some rest and relaxation. Thanks for all your encouragement, it means so much to me to have friends I never even met who care enough to share their big heart. Hugs, Julia

  3. Hi Cathy!This is my first visit to your blog.I'll be peeking in as time allows!Please add me to your giveaway.I'd love to hook your adorable design.It would be my first 'theme' rug.I'm also a bird fan,& the crows are so fun!!Enjoy your down time-my hubby is also always on the go!Dawna~

  4. Hi Cathy - hope you have a wonderful vacation. On the lake sounds wonderful this time of year.

  5. Your blog is one of several that I follow, love the rug hooking blogs! Your rug design is wonderful, so cute and it looks like it would be fun to hook. Love the birds! please put me in your drawing. thank you, Debby from Maine

  6. Please put my name in for the drawing. I would love to have one! Rita Gain

  7. Love your pattern- please enter me in your drawing- Thanks CindyHickox

  8. Guess I just made it in time...
    Put my name in and I'd be so proud to win your FIRST Anniversary Give-Away!!!
    I'd surly just Love to win your Goodies...


  9. Oh dear, I hope it isn't too late. I'd love to hook you trio of pumpkins for fall!

  10. Have a great time in Bayfield, Cathy! I love it there! Have a whitefish sandwich at Maggie's for lunch and follow it up with salt water taffy from Sweet Sailing. What fun you'll have!



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