Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Thank-You Kind Friends!

Dave and I would like to express our heartfelt thanks for all of your kindness and warm thoughts in our time of loss. Every comment and email has meant the world to us. This has hit Dave especially hard. He is the youngest of three brothers. Larry was the oldest. Dave's mother who is 89 years old is having an especially difficult time and any prayers in her behalf would be deeply appreciated.
Know that we are doing okay and let me express again how important each and every one of you are. Your thoughts and prayers are felt and have eased our pain immensely.


  1. Love and prayers to you and all the family...
    Larry looks like a wonderful man.
    God Bless,
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  2. Continued prayers for your and your family....

  3. Hi Cathy,
    Thank you for taking the time to write and let us know what's happening with you and Dave. I will continue to pray for comfort for both of you and especially Dave's mother.
    Grief takes time, you don't heal in a day or a week. It does eventually become less diffucult.

  4. Cathy - Just want you to know that I am thinking of you and your family and that you are remembered in my prayers.
    (Moments in Time)

  5. Cathy ~
    Special prayers for Dave's mom. They say that losing a child - no matter what age - is the hardest thing. My heart goes out to all of you.
    Hugs :)

  6. Cathy ~ even though we've never met, we build a wonderful group of online friends and we feel like we really know each and do care for each other. I'm sure it is so hard for the mama ~ I will keep you all on my prayer list. Alice

  7. Cathy...my continued prayers for your family...

  8. I hope that time helps your feelings of loss. My continued prayers for your family

  9. Cathy - I missed the previous post but know there are prayers for your family and my hope each day becomes easier

  10. Cathy

    My deepest condolences to your family. My thoughts and prayers are of you and your family.

    Kindest regards always
    your friend in Newfoundland

    love and hugs


  11. Cathy, I am so sorry for your loss. My sympathy, April

  12. I join with a prayer to the bereavement. Check back soon to smile ... You are a woman very deep and full of passions.

    I hope I have not done grammatical errors


  13. Hi Cathy, I just started following your blog and sadly learned about your recent loss of your beloved brother in law, Larry. I'm so sorry, please know that I sincerely am praying for you and your family at this trying time. Although we are strangers and have never met it doesn't feel like we are strangers as we share some common interest and friends. Hugs.


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