Monday, May 17, 2010

What Goes Around Comes Around!

The backyard is shaping up. My back however is not!  Weeding has taken it's tole on these old bones and a back that has taken one too many injuries over the years!  I love to be in the gardens so much that I suppose one day I shall be buried amongst the weeds and worms.  But for now there is more work to be done! Tomorrow I am taking my  Mom to  some of the  local greenhouses and garden centers.  We will be on a quest to find the perfect tomato plant.  You see, Mom was an avid gardener before she got sick.  Where she lives now in a third floor apartment building she cannot go putter in the garden. So I promised her she would have her very own tomato plant at my house that she could tend to this summer. It will be in a pot near the new deck. The truth of the matter is I need her green thumb.  The last few years I've failed at growing tomatoes in pots. So we'll see how this joint venture turns out.



This past weekend Dave and I cleaned the garage and held a mini garage sale.  It was sort of a preview of a bigger garage sale to come in a couple of weeks.  We didn't put an ad in the paper. Around this town all you have to do is stick a sign out on the corner and people flock to your garage. In fact you best not start cleaning your garage and putting things out on the lawn if you don't want someone stopping to ask if you're having a sale! 


I'm happy to report that we had some great customers that thought our junk was cool! They took some of it but thank goodness we still have some left for the next sale. Otherwise I would have to  start going to the never ending sales around here to find more junk for our next sale!  Isn't that how it works? Why sure, I know that for a fact because I've seen some of the very junk I sold years ago on other peoples sales I've been to. Dave says it just keeps circulating around the town. You know, he might be right. So if you stop by in a couple of weeks and see some of your junk on my sale that's okay. Just buy it and sooner or later I'll be around to take it off your hands at your sale!


  1. your garden looks absolutely beautiful - like an oasis of peace and quiet and rest! wonderful!
    good luck to you and your mom for those tomatoes!!

  2. Hi Cathy,
    I'm seriously scanning the garage goodies, thinking 'how long will it take to get to WI?'!!! LOL!! That little white building is cute!
    Me, Brad and Kami love yard sales, and they really find good stuff. (last week a 1920's Victrola for $20!)
    I love the passing of the goodies from one sale to another around town! hahaha!

    Your yard and flower gardens are sooo lovely!
    Just be careful to give your back a rest so you don't injure it. You have to take time for relaxation (like hooking!!!).

  3. Kathy, I found the same thing with weeding but this year, I do a section at a time and don't find it so hard.

    Like WeaverPat, there was some gorgeous treasures in your garage!

  4. Your yard is just beautiful. They are a lot of work but so rewarding.I worked in mine yesterday and not moving to good today.
    My eyes were sure scanning your garage sale. Looked like a good one. I have a girlfriend who actually has taken thing to thrift stores when she gained weight and bought them back when she would lose weight. Not realizing it until a piece of clothing being so familiar that she realized she once owned it. Too funny.

  5. Cathy ~
    I hope you and your mom find the perfect tomato plant and that it thrives. I've been planting tomatoes for my mom for the last 7 or 8 years :(
    Your gardens are lovely!
    I think I'll have Pat pick me up on her way to the garage sale ~ she'll have to pass through! I am eyeing that hooked rug on the far table.
    Pug hugs :)
    P.S. Your garage looks spotless!

  6. You have a beautiful garden and much better 'junk' to sell than I do!

  7. Oh, your gardens are just lovely. I am ashamed of mine this year--things have just been so busy and the weeds are taking over.
    I will never forget your story of te Ugly Post Guy--if you can sell him, you can sell anything!!! :-)


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