Monday, May 10, 2010

Dog Dance Art Show-Part Two!

What a whirlwind weekend it was! Mother's Day celebrations and of course the Dog Dance Art Show opening night are now history! The art show was awesome! Trying to photograph the event and talk with the artists and friends at the same time was no easy feat! Dave was kind enough to grab my camera and snapped some photos! Thank-you kind husband!
Nancy Dutmer's art studio is a small space but the artwork was displayed with an artist's eye for balance and interest! A dark pink wall featured the miniature works of art as well as my hooked rug pieces. I found it fascinating to see my work intermingled with other artists creations. It was a great experience to meet other working artists in my area and talk about what we do! Talk about inspiration and creative energy! My photo work doesn't begin to capture the shows depth of talent, but this is what I have!

Pink Wall-Miniature Art

CJ Conner artist
CJ Conner-Artist

CJ Conner artist
CJ Conner- Artist

CJ  Conner artist
CJ Conner with her granddaughter who is in CJ's painting above! Love that painting!

art show
Dave and my friend Lisa viewing the artwork

Food-Art Show
Even the wine and cheese were artfully presented!

art show,Nancy Dutmer artist
Lisa viewing Nancy Dutmer's fabulous painting on fabric the Ekaki (japanese for art)

art show
Yours truly viewing the Miniatures and my hooked Funky Birch Tree on the luscious pink wall

Gene Green artist,art show
Artist Gene Green painted the watercolor of pet pig Olivia!

Nancy  Dutmer Fabric Art
Close-up of Nancy Dutmer's fabic painting! It is fabulous! 
art show
Visiting with artist  Rene Redfield who sells her prints  online

I am happy to have sold a couple of my hooked Geometric Sunflower Coasters that evening! The show will be on display at Nancy's studio and Gallery downtown Chetek, Wi for the next few weeks. The tourists and summer folk will surely be delighted to have available for their purchase some of our area's finest art work! If any of my blog readers would like to purchase an art piece that I have pictured here just email me! Hope you enjoyed the show!


  1. Congratulations!! Your work looked great in among the other art ~ so glad you sold some of it and I bet you will sell more!!! Great stuff there!

  2. Cathy - This is so exciting!! I'm thrilled for you.

  3. Oh My! What a lovely show!!!
    The work is beautifully presented! I am so happy for you that you sold some of your pieces.
    You look very elegant and artistic!!! Good pictures!
    Congratulations, you are a celebrity!

  4. the birch trees are outstanding! great placement on that pink wall..! great photos, seems to be a really fun event!!

  5. Looks and sounds like the show was a success! Thanks for sharing the pictures of the other artists' work as well.....almost as good as being there.

  6. Love all those pictures,Cathy...your work looks fabulous on the wall as you do yourself....

  7. What an inspiration the show must have been! So happy for you!

  8. Love your hooked birch trees! Fun post!


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