Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Secret Challenge and Garden Update

royale geranium unopened
Have been waiting for this deep bergundy with white edge Royale Geranium to open. I talk to it each time I pass by but it doesn't seem to do any good.  It taunts me and says " when I'm ready I'll razzle dazzle you, in the meantime just keep me watered lady!"

planter w potato vine
I can't get enough of these limey green leafy vines this season. I love the black dirt showing in the planters until everything starts to fill in.

lizard w plants
Here's my little bejeweled lizard buddy who helps me in the garden with the look of adoration on his face.  I love him for that.  It's nice to be adored.

Doesn't he  just kill you with that face?

hay fork planter
Years ago we salvaged this huge old hog butchering kettle and Dave's father welded a support from old antique hay forks.  It greets visitors from the front side yard.

hanging planters
I replanted this hanging planter I bought a couple of  weeks ago. I kept the licorice plant and added those little bell shaped flowers that the hummingbirds really love. 
black iris/ wheel
The black Iris is starting to bloom.  I'm fascinated with this plant.  It is even more dark purple in real life than the photos show.

black iris
The bumble bee's look gorgeous  on that color! Where were they when I wanted a photo?

black iris close
The buds are more fascinating than the flowers!

tomato plant
Last but not least this is my Mom's tomato plant.  She spied it at a local garden center and said " how about this one?"  It already had a flower on it so that means a tomato should follow right?  

So the only other news I know is that I've joined the Secret Rug hooking challenge on Rug Hooking Daily.  The theme this time is Forest Secrets.  This is the first time I've joined any type of challenge for rug hooking.  The theme sounds interesting and fun.  The guidelines are it has to have a rock, a ring, and a touch of royal purple.  I am told these things are open to our imagination. The rug can be any size, shape and material that we chose.  The first few days after joining this challenge I almost went crazy trying to figure out what I was going to do. Pen to paper and paper to waste can seemed to be all I could come up with. Then one late afternoon I took the dogs for a walk on a wooded trail near here.  The ideas started coming fast and furious as I stopped and took  nature in from the level of a dogs nose. I finally came up with a design.  The only thing I can tell you it's nothing like what the dogs noses were sniffing that day. I have the design drawn and almost transfered onto the linen.  I really hate keeping secrets but this one will be under wraps until the July 30th deadline when we reveal our rugs to the challenge members and to the world.  Now I have to go dye some wool for the background and I will show you that!  I think that is allowed!


  1. Hi Cathy...
    Just Loving ALL your beautiful flowers and plants...
    Your yard looks fantastic with so much Beauty...
    Royale Geraniums are one of my favorites, but I really don't have enough sunlight to support their Beauty. I've learned to settle for a lot of Spring Perennials & mostly shade loving plants with cool foliage.

    Good Luck with your new endeavor of the Rug Hooking Challenge...

    Always My Best~Marilyn

  2. Great photos. Your gardens look so pretty.
    I can't wait to see your Garden Secrets Rug!! You have intrigued me.

  3. Oh the suspense!! I guess there is nothing to do but wait. huh.
    I know it will be wonderful.
    Your garden and flowers photo's are just wonderful.
    Have a nice Sunday.

  4. Your garden is lovely. ;I also have black iris that are just coming into bloom. What wonderful flowers they are. I wish I could visit your yard!!!!
    (Moments in Time)

  5. I love everything about your garden and I am "green" with envy. Here in the east coast, we are having a much slower start to summer. My oak trees still haven't budded out yet and the tulips are just flowering.

    Can't wait to see your secret project!!

  6. I love the black iris when they are in the bud stage too....soo mysterious looking don't you think?
    I'm also in the secret design is still in my head...need to get it down on paper at least...the hardest part is KEEPING the secret....I'm not good at NOT sharing until it's finished...that will be HARD!

  7. Ho, I'm sooo glad others haven't started their Forest Secrets piece yet either!!! Mine's on the backing but I haven't pulled a loop yet. For some reason it is really intimidating me!!! I think because I have this vision of what I want, and if it doesn't happen like it should it's gonna be a big fizzle!

    Cathy, your yard and garden is just stunning!!! Love the mysterious Black Iris! Since I don't have such floral lovliness (just lots of grass and trees!) I so enjoy looking at yours!
    I was wondering what the metal frame is that holds the pot and then in the next sentence you supplied the answer! Too cool!

    Hope you and Dave and the doggies (Mom's, too!) are doing well.


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