Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Heat Wave in Wisconsin in May..Say What?

What is up with this weather?  I'm confused.  We are accustomed to wearing sweaters here in Wisconsin  at least until after Memorial  Day.  We have been having August like weather here and to keep from absolutely fainting from this heat I've had to turn on the central air.  I think I turned it on twice all last summer. It's driven me from my beloved gardens until almost dark in the evenings.  I am watering  all the newly planted things to keep them from croaking.  The only thing that seems to be enjoying this wicked heat spell is.............

perennial garden blue lupin
......the resident garden alligator!   He is a might out of place in these parts but has resided along our stone path for the last few years in seemingly utmost content.  He over winters in a box in the basement.
perennial garden blue lupin
The garden angel is doing a good job at protecting my tender herbs and grasses in the herb garden.
perennial garden blue lupin
The newly planted lavender is coming along with the red hens and chicks I transplanted from another rock garden. Yes, that is  a bowling ball.  Anything that can withstand Wisconsin weather and comes at a cheap price is fair game for garden decoration around here.  It finds a new use as a planter or garden art.

perennial garden blue lupin

perennial garden blue lupin

perennial garden blue lupin
The Blue Lupin has started to bloom.  What a fascinating plant. It blossoms from the bottom up. I love the foilage.  It has taken a couple of years to get established but is well worth the wait.
perennial garden blue lupin

perennial garden blue lupin
I need to pick the rhubarb and make something delicious.  The ancient bridal wreath is in full bloom along the fence.  Hey!  I heard some thunder in the distance!  We are supposed to get some storms rolling through this afternoon and evening.  I always worry about the gardens and all the tender plants if we should get hail.  Well garden angel......... do your work!


  1. I had to turn my air on, too. It would be alright with me if this was our heat wave for the summer. It rained here this morning, now it is muggy again.
    Love your gardens.

  2. I love all of your garden pets! Yes, it's hot here too...more like August....but the next few days they are calling for more rain...maybe that will cool things off a bit...just turned on our AC last night as well. Love the lupines!

  3. Hi Cathy

    My gosh, we are cold in Newfoundland and even had to have a small fire in the woodstove!

    Love the lupins are they are a real east coast flower. I don't have any in my garden as they spread all over but do love to see they grow wild all over the province.

  4. Your Garden is sooo lovely!!! And what a nice little white table!

    OH NO! Not the heat wave already!!! Your weather is always a few days ahaad of ours, so I guess you're sending it my way. I do love the thunderstorms!

  5. More fab garden pics. I love your lupine. Ours are not out yet. The 16 mile drive to my cottage is full of roadside lupines. I can't wait to take pics of them. Hundreds of them together. So pretty.

  6. Nice pics Cathy, the quality of your camera really shows. I'm still enjoying my tulips my gardens seem to be behind the others of the area quite a shaded lot.

  7. Well, that heat wave seems to be everywhere - we are well into the 90 degree range here in Northern Ontario. I am looking at your garden and feeling very guilty about how badly I am neglecting mine. Too much work and hooking work are keeping me inside. Guess I had better come up with a 1-hour challenge for the garden. I used to just get lost there - need to find that again.

    Your garden truly reflects your personality (or what I see in our chats).


  8. Love your garden, Cathy...Everything is growing so well for you. Most of mine are just beginning...I still have daffodils in full bloom and some tulips now....Not too hot around here in Newfoundland, as Julie says..

  9. It was blistering here in New York yesterday, too. We had wild thunderstorms in the middle of the night and it cooled things down.

    Love your yard, especially the lupine!


  10. Cathy ~
    Your gardens are lovely. You must spend a lot of time tending them and it shows.
    Please keep sharing as the blooms change.
    Pug hugs :)


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