Monday, May 31, 2010

An Old Flame

It was time to break out the old candle chandelier and put a soft glow on the deck and backyard this evening.  An illuminating end to a perfect day here in northern Wisconsin. 

candleabra at dusk on deck 2

candleabra at dusk on deck

candleabra A frame background


  1. What a lovely way to end the day, sitting on the deck in the candlelight! All that hard work weeding had certainly made your yard into a paradise.
    Summer nights are so magical! We just noticed our first fireflies this past week.

  2. What a warm, and inviting garden. I love the flicker of lights in the garden also.

    Pat is right; paradise, right in your own backyard!

  3. Love your chandelier on the deck.
    What a perfect relaxing end to a great day.
    Your yard looks lovely and I love the A frame.

  4. Ahhh looks perfectly relaxing!

  5. Lovely ambience! Your garden pix are great ~ it looks beautiful where you are!!

  6. How beautiful. Isn't it amazing the things we get to enjoy this time of year? Makes having seasons totally worthwhile.



  7. Your garden and lights are just beautiful. Makes us all envy you and the beauty surrounding you.
    Moments in Time

  8. I love it. That chandelier is so funky and whimsical. You certainly have created a special area for relaxing. If I had a spot like that outside, I would never leave!


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