Friday, April 9, 2010

Where Have All The Larges Gone?

This afternoon I drove down to our little main street. You may remember a couple of posts back I told you I had won a door prize from a new shop that opened called Lillian's. I popped in there this afternoon hoping to find something cute to buy and pick up my door prize. I thought it would be nice for a change to buy something fashionable to update my wardrobe. I am not a slave to fashion. Yet don't get me wrong, I am totally in LOVE with fashion! I adore looking at and wishing I could squeeze my fat waistline and sagging boobs into every last cute and fun style I see on the racks!

Like this hot little number! I adored it. Really not my color though. Then I tried on a cute little (little is the key word here) top with ribbons sewn all over the front in long and flowing tails. Cute, cute, cute. Then, realizing the medium wasn't going to quite do it I looked for the large size. Yep, you guessed right, the large was already gone! If you live in a small town you probably know this drill. The shops usually carry two smalls , two mediums, and ONE large in each style. I'm sure that ONE large flew out the door the second the store opened! So I went home with my door prize, vowing to come back next time she opens and camp on her doorstep so I can have a chance at one of those larges. Oh yes, I could lose some weight and that might get me into a medium again. La de da da...... which will it be ladies? I wonder if I'd get arrested for sleeping in my car in front of her store? Well, like I said. I'm really not a slave to fashion.
That's Jenique the darling shop owner in the above photos.....
(Oh, I almost forgot to tell you what I won. It was one of those cute key holders that clip over the side of your purse to hold your keys from slipping down into the bottom)  Always wanted one of those so that worked out great!
I'm hard at work dyeing more wool and the deck is coming along too. Monday the roofers are coming to start on our new roof! My Mom is doing great and got the Dr.'s okay to start going back to Cardio. Rehab. again. So I'll be back to the regular grind!  April has just started but why do I have the feeling that it's going to be gone in a flash!! Hope you are enjoying your Spring days!!


  1. Neat looking little shop. Happy you won something.
    I understand about the weight , I am having low back and knee pain and I'm thinking 40 less pounds would make it a lot easier on them. So Arthur Agatston's south beach diet might just be in order.
    Have a great day, happy your mom is doing good.

  2. That little shop looks great. I could do alot of damage in there! Don't worry about what the label on the shirt says....its whats inside that counts!
    My closet has 3 sections - clothes, fat clothes, and fatter clothes. LOL

  3. Oh, I so hear you on this one! In my head, I'm wearing cute little leggings and and a ruffly dress like your shop owner--in reality, it seems to be jeans and T shirts/T shirts and jeans!

  4. I think we can all relate to your clothing story, I complain that the local stores only buy clothing for the 'normal' body types.

    never a inch taller.

  5. Hi Cathy,
    Those boots are just too cool!
    What a great shop!!! We'd have to go to a city to find anything that nice around here.
    Here in PA we have lots of well-fed people! Our stores do have larger sizes. (Otherwise they wouldn't have any customers!)
    We're just not very fashionable.


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