Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dizzy For Chartreuse!

There's no mistake that Spring has officially arrived here in northern Wisconsin. The ice "went out" as they say here on the lakes a few days ago. We've had sun shine filled days but the air is still cold......which is why I think my sinuses have been really acting up. So much so that a little lightness and dizzyness in my head caused me to miss a step going down into our breezeway last week. To make a long story short I had a close encounter with the floor. Fortunately nothing broke ( including my bones). I was hoping it would help to knock my sinuses for a loop but they persist even after using the Nettie Pot and some medication. So yesterday I decided to get out the dye pots and fill the house with some nice steamy vinegar and wool.

The tulips I bought for Easter are getting near their end. They were just beautiful for the two weeks they sat on the dining room table. Their chartreuse leaves and yellow-orange blossoms were my inspiration for the wool I dyed yesterday. Using the casserole method I dyed one batch using chartreuse alone for a good dose of it! Then using the same water I dyed another pan using Cushing's Wood Rose and another cupful of Chartruese on top of that. I put the vinegar right in with the dye and got this beautiful mottling which I was after.

I am getting more adventurous in my wool dyeing after seeing all the wool dyeing on everyone's blogs! Using found wools from garments and yardage found at thrift stores I feel like I can afford to experiment without destroying a good piece of wool off the bolt that cost's a small fortune.

Dave is doing a great job on the deck so far too. This afternoon his buddy Dann is coming over to help with the railings. They were careful to make the steps nice and wide and not too steep. know both of our mother's are getting up in years.....and as of late the lady in this household has had a little trouble staying on her feet. So guys, better make the railings nice and sturdy too. I can't wait to hang my newest pieces of hand dyed wool out to dry.


  1. Honey!
    Why when you dye does it look so picturesque?
    When I dye it things look like a cross between a mad scientist and and a biology class gone wrong?

  2. Your wool is gorgeous. You are getting to be a pro! Sorry to hear you had a tumble but glad to hear that you bounced!
    Hugs, Kim

  3. Wow! We're so in sync.....I'm getting a new deck built on, hand have been dyeing wool! Your wool colors are gorgeous!

  4. Can I tell you how BEAUTIFUL your colors are?! My husband loves to come home to the aroma of wool and vinegar ~ always makes him glad it's not dinner!!!

  5. You ended up with some lovely colors! Isn't it fun to play in the dye pots? Hope your sinuses clear up for you - no fun being dizzy & lightheaded.

  6. Be careful, so happy you weren't hurt in your fall.
    The dyeing looks fabulous. Such great colors.
    Wow the deck and steps look wonderful.
    Enjoy your evening.,

  7. Glad to hear you didn't get hurt. I have the same problem with my sinuses and am a regular user of the nettie pot. It certainly does help! Love your wool colors!

  8. WOW Beautiful colours!Glad you were not hurt with your fall!

  9. Cathy,
    I'm sorry to hear about your fall! Glad nothing was broken!!! Even so, something like that really shakes you up.

    Your dyed wool is totally awesome! Absolutely beautiful colors! You are getting soooo good at this!
    Now, do you have a project in mind??? Something for Spring?

  10. Love those soft colors you dyed....thinking sunsets....gorgeous!
    New deck? How exciting!


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