Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I find it amazing that when things are happening around here that create dynamic energy it flows through the house and through me! The past couple of days the roofers have arrived at 7:00 AM. There are sounds of generators, nail guns, gigantic boom trucks and then soft footsteps on my roof. For roofers these guys are amazingly quiet! It took the dogs a couple of hours to realize someone was on the roof tearing it apart. The only time they bark is when they see the guys in the yard walking around the house. Go figure. I guess a robber could enter through the roof and they wouldn't notice until he got inside.
All this excitement of shingles and nails flying and young whipper snappers up on the roof has got the energy flowing here inside my studio. I have been dyeing wool like a mad woman! Spot dyeing, point dyeing, marbleizing, experimenting. There's wool dyeing in my oven, on the stove top and drying in the dryer! It is exhausting! When all is quiet at the days end I stand in my studio and look at all the amazing colors. I have been sleeping like a baby at night. A satisfied mad woman or should I say artist who has found her soul fulfilled for the time being in creativity inspired through dynamic energy!

Hand Dyed Wool

hand Dyed Wool

Hand dyed Wool

hand dyed wool


  1. Hi Cathy

    We had the roof done last year when we added a cover/roof over the front deck. The noise drove me crazy but loved the results.

    Hope all is well with you and how is your Mom doing?

  2. Yup, there's nothing like renoovations to stir things up. The results of your dyeing binge are AWESOME. So if I am reading your post correctly....I could sneak into your studio through the roof - grab some of that fab wool completely undetected. LOL Too bad my passport has expired!

  3. I love the bright colors!! I am a beginner wool dyer! I was playing in the dye pots last night and I love bright colors( oh i already said that...didn't I???)!! I wanted to post them today but I got lazy!! I wish I had your energy today!!

  4. Beautiful wool! What is point dyeing? Never heard of that one!!

  5. Ohh! I Love all your beautiful hand dyed wool...what great colors!
    And so glad I found your much inspiration!


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