Sunday, March 28, 2010


This post will be a menagerie. Mainly because I can't seem to get my brain back in order after this past week of happenings. Mom had her cataract surgery and is doing fine. It was a rather difficult surgery to remove a really thick cataract resulting from the staph infection that infected her eye as well as damaged her heart valve. We have been waiting for months for this surgery. A lot rides on whether she can ever see out of that eye again. When the bandage came off the next day in the Dr's. office I thought the worst had happened. She wasn't seeing the biggest letter up on the wall. Then after a few minutes she could see the big letter E on a card held about four feet in front of her. Okay Mom! That is a good sign! We have another appointment this week to see if things have progressed. It's been a long haul since last May when she got sick. I have learned a great deal about myself. I've learned patience the hard way. I'm afraid that I'm still on that page in the lesson book of life!

Back to the home front. We have a new project going here this Spring. Our front deck entrance was in bad need of replacement. Dave has started to attack it and by next post I hope to show you some progress. We are fixing up this old ranch style house a little each year and on a very limited budget.
Oh I almost forgot to tell you about the photo of the rug at the beginning of the post. The rug is an antique rug I bought from my friend Sue. I've had it a number of years intending to repair it. It is going to be a big job because the edges are really falling apart. It was hooked on burlap and has an extra piece of burlap sewn on the back for protection. It's a pretty rug with vibrant colors. I think maybe it was hooked sometime in the 1930's or 40's. Not sure when I can embark on the job of repairing it. Maybe not in this lifetime due to the menagerie I've got going presently!


  1. Such good news about your Mother. I'm sure you just about threw confetti in the air when she saw the big letter E. I love your comment about learning patience. Its definately a work in progress for me.
    I guess we need to enjoy the little victories - like a letter E!

  2. Hi Cathy,
    It's so good to hear from you!
    I'm relieved to hear that some of your Mom's eyesight has returned. We'll be praying for further progress!

    Poor Duke! Ooooowww! I bet that hurt! Glad he is recovering.

    Dave gets a gold medal for tackling the deck job! What a guy!!! The home repair thing is never ending it seems.

    Hope your upcoming week is a little more relaxing than this past one!

  3. The colors in the rug are great~I hope you can fix the edges and bring it back to life!!! Good luck! And the mom thing has to be tough ~ don't you just love the lessons that are set before us??!!

  4. I think you and your sister have lovely hair. I always wanted mine to turn, white,silver, or gray.
    The old rug is so pretty and the colors are still bright. Good luck on the restoration, I don't know to much about such things.
    Good to hear your mom is coming along, hope her eye sight gets even better.
    Gail's poor dog so good to hear he is doing OK. I know the little boy who did it must feel so bad. Accidents happen.
    Nice that you have someone who can do repairs around the house. Your front deck will be lovely when done.

  5. And I thought I was busy and distracted. So glad about your mother and getting her sight back.

    About the rug repair? That's a beautiful rug and well worth repairing. One of the girls in the rug hooking group brought a similar one in and damaged on the border.

    Just in time, I saw a great post on Gene Sheppard's blog on exactly how to repair such damage. I might try it out. Have a look, and I think it was Monday last week's entry.

    bye for now
    dear friend

  6. Hi Cathy

    Thanks for your kind words and you know, that although, we are thousands of miles apart, I feel like you are a dear friend.

  7. Cathy,
    I hope you are doing ok..


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