Thursday, April 29, 2010

I'm Out Weeding But Please Come In!

Herb Garden Rock
If you've been knocking at my door here lately and no answer, it's because I've been out back weeding. All the weeds in my herb gardens were spared last year when Mom got sick on Mother's Day. They grew blissfully and arrogantly choked some of the poor little herbs that couldn't quite figure out what was going on. This year it's different. The chives, thyme, sage, and other's that I've forgotten their names are smiling and sneering at the pile of weeds along side their bed. The weeding still isn't done. Oh goodness no. Is it ever?
planter Box Cat/mug rugs
I took a little time to plant a window box on the new front deck with some perennials dug from the garden. The geometric sunflower mug rugs are all hooked and waiting for the binding. Most things manage to get done around here. If not this year, then maybe the next.
I have a little exciting news to share. May 7th I will be participating in a local Art Show at the Dog Dance Art Studio and Gallery. I think I am the only fiber artist but not sure. I'll be posting about this soon! Please keep knocking!

hooked mug rugs,geometric rug hooking pattern

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Picking Up The Hook

hooked wool coaster

hooked wool rug

I could stand it no longer. Had to have a project on the frame. That wool I dyed a couple of days ago was calling so loudly to be hooked. A quick little geometric design for a set of coasters was drawn up on linen. I am calling the design Geometric Sunflowers. I'm using the spot dyes and am lovin' the effect.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I find it amazing that when things are happening around here that create dynamic energy it flows through the house and through me! The past couple of days the roofers have arrived at 7:00 AM. There are sounds of generators, nail guns, gigantic boom trucks and then soft footsteps on my roof. For roofers these guys are amazingly quiet! It took the dogs a couple of hours to realize someone was on the roof tearing it apart. The only time they bark is when they see the guys in the yard walking around the house. Go figure. I guess a robber could enter through the roof and they wouldn't notice until he got inside.
All this excitement of shingles and nails flying and young whipper snappers up on the roof has got the energy flowing here inside my studio. I have been dyeing wool like a mad woman! Spot dyeing, point dyeing, marbleizing, experimenting. There's wool dyeing in my oven, on the stove top and drying in the dryer! It is exhausting! When all is quiet at the days end I stand in my studio and look at all the amazing colors. I have been sleeping like a baby at night. A satisfied mad woman or should I say artist who has found her soul fulfilled for the time being in creativity inspired through dynamic energy!

Hand Dyed Wool

hand Dyed Wool

Hand dyed Wool

hand dyed wool

Friday, April 9, 2010

Where Have All The Larges Gone?

This afternoon I drove down to our little main street. You may remember a couple of posts back I told you I had won a door prize from a new shop that opened called Lillian's. I popped in there this afternoon hoping to find something cute to buy and pick up my door prize. I thought it would be nice for a change to buy something fashionable to update my wardrobe. I am not a slave to fashion. Yet don't get me wrong, I am totally in LOVE with fashion! I adore looking at and wishing I could squeeze my fat waistline and sagging boobs into every last cute and fun style I see on the racks!

Like this hot little number! I adored it. Really not my color though. Then I tried on a cute little (little is the key word here) top with ribbons sewn all over the front in long and flowing tails. Cute, cute, cute. Then, realizing the medium wasn't going to quite do it I looked for the large size. Yep, you guessed right, the large was already gone! If you live in a small town you probably know this drill. The shops usually carry two smalls , two mediums, and ONE large in each style. I'm sure that ONE large flew out the door the second the store opened! So I went home with my door prize, vowing to come back next time she opens and camp on her doorstep so I can have a chance at one of those larges. Oh yes, I could lose some weight and that might get me into a medium again. La de da da...... which will it be ladies? I wonder if I'd get arrested for sleeping in my car in front of her store? Well, like I said. I'm really not a slave to fashion.
That's Jenique the darling shop owner in the above photos.....
(Oh, I almost forgot to tell you what I won. It was one of those cute key holders that clip over the side of your purse to hold your keys from slipping down into the bottom)  Always wanted one of those so that worked out great!
I'm hard at work dyeing more wool and the deck is coming along too. Monday the roofers are coming to start on our new roof! My Mom is doing great and got the Dr.'s okay to start going back to Cardio. Rehab. again. So I'll be back to the regular grind!  April has just started but why do I have the feeling that it's going to be gone in a flash!! Hope you are enjoying your Spring days!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dizzy For Chartreuse!

There's no mistake that Spring has officially arrived here in northern Wisconsin. The ice "went out" as they say here on the lakes a few days ago. We've had sun shine filled days but the air is still cold......which is why I think my sinuses have been really acting up. So much so that a little lightness and dizzyness in my head caused me to miss a step going down into our breezeway last week. To make a long story short I had a close encounter with the floor. Fortunately nothing broke ( including my bones). I was hoping it would help to knock my sinuses for a loop but they persist even after using the Nettie Pot and some medication. So yesterday I decided to get out the dye pots and fill the house with some nice steamy vinegar and wool.

The tulips I bought for Easter are getting near their end. They were just beautiful for the two weeks they sat on the dining room table. Their chartreuse leaves and yellow-orange blossoms were my inspiration for the wool I dyed yesterday. Using the casserole method I dyed one batch using chartreuse alone for a good dose of it! Then using the same water I dyed another pan using Cushing's Wood Rose and another cupful of Chartruese on top of that. I put the vinegar right in with the dye and got this beautiful mottling which I was after.

I am getting more adventurous in my wool dyeing after seeing all the wool dyeing on everyone's blogs! Using found wools from garments and yardage found at thrift stores I feel like I can afford to experiment without destroying a good piece of wool off the bolt that cost's a small fortune.

Dave is doing a great job on the deck so far too. This afternoon his buddy Dann is coming over to help with the railings. They were careful to make the steps nice and wide and not too steep. know both of our mother's are getting up in years.....and as of late the lady in this household has had a little trouble staying on her feet. So guys, better make the railings nice and sturdy too. I can't wait to hang my newest pieces of hand dyed wool out to dry.