Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ugly Post Guy on Ebay! Doodling Around

I thought you might like to bid farewell to the Ugly Post Guy I had in my basement. My gosh, its got bids! Turns out he was an old hitching post from years ago.......maybe has a little bit of value! Click here to watch the auction.

Have been trying to ditch this headache all day long. Sometimes it helps to go out in my studio and pick up a cinnamon scented pencil and start doodling. The sketch above is something I sketched today for the fun of it.

Those scented pencils are wonderful! Have you ever used them for your sketching? They come in all kinds of flavors......chocolate, watermelon, rootbeer, bubble gum.
They're made from recycled newspapers. They are called smencils. Just a fun thing I thought I'd pass along. I've been doing some sketching for rug patterns also. Very taxing on my poor little old brain. I'll let you know if I come up with anything good. Enjoy your evening!


  1. Good Lord! I can't stop giggling! I will be watching this auction with great delight. I hope you are going to warn the winner that we suspect he roams around at night. Wouldn't it be hilarious if some "clown" purchased him? (couldn't resist)

  2. Oh my heck! At rug hooking yesterday, Marliss let us experience those scented pencils for the first time ever, and they smell delicious enough to EAT! How funny that you mentioned them the same day!

  3. Okay--the fact that the Ugly Post Guy has over $50.00 dollars in bids.......I'm speechless.....but it's making me think I should take up wood carving as a retirement hobby to suplement my income!

  4. Woww...I think you can sell anything on eBay! About the pencils, when I am watching my weight (which is always it seems), I avoid anything that smells good enough to those pencils. They would drive me crazy!

  5. HOLY COW! I just checked Ugly on ebay again. OVER $100.........I'm blown away!!


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